West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council - February

May 2014




PRESENT (6 Councillors):- Pam Bullas (PB), Claire Cann (CC) – Chairman, Lorraine Hunt (LH), Paula Kellingray (PK),

Claire Page (CP), Pam Walker (PW)

Clerk: - Sarah Thorpe

County Councillor: - Brian Long (BL)

Village Handyman: - Benjamin Peach (BP)

PCSO Sara Clipperton

5 members of the public were in attendance

Papers presented to Councillors:  (i) Financial Management Report (spread sheet); (ii) expenditure (for approval);

(iii) Glazewing Report

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.

  1. Apologies for Absence.  Apologies were received and accepted from Tom Foy as he had been detained at work.

  1. Declarations of Interest. CC declared an interest in item 12.1 as this application related to her residence.

  1. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 5 December 2013. The Chairman confirmed all Councillors had seen the minutes of the last Parish Council (PC) meeting held 5 December 2013. These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4.            Reports.

4.1          Chairman’s Report.

4.1.1      Welcome. The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk and said every household in the village had received details of her appointment and how to contact her.

4.1.2      Open Day at Abbey Farm. A letter has been received from Andrew Dear, Agricultural Business Manager at Wissington Beet Factory advising of a British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO) Open Day at Abbey Farm, West Dereham on Tuesday 13th May 2014. Although this event could attract up to 500 people, and associated traffic, they expect the disruption to the village to be minimal as traffic will be directed via College Road. It was agreed to ask if vehicles would be parked on Abbey Farm land and for more information on the plans for the day.

4.1.3      Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) Spring Conference. Details have been announced for this event that takes place on Friday 14th March 2014 at Scratby. The Chairman advised that she thought it was important that the PC sent a representative as these events are often the source of useful information. The Clerk was asked if she was willing to attend and she confirmed that she was available. She agreed to ask the other PC’s that she handles if they were willing to help cover the cost of the event and travelling expenses.

4.2          Clerk’s Report.

4.2.1.     Footpaths – Willow Lane. Telephone conversation with local farmer. He asked if the Parish Council could suggest two or three dates and times for the proposed meeting and then he would advise which one suited him. He is not available until the week commencing 10th February and would prefer a daytime meeting if possible. Dates to be agreed at the end of the meeting. A further letter has been received by CC from Ros Hickling of Highways at Norfolk County Council (NCC) asking for progress on the matter. Clerk to issue response.

4.2.2.     Planning – Woodstore at CGM Ltd. Telephone conversation with Ralph Cox from Planning at NCC regarding CGM’s planning application that was made with the Borough Council (BC). He said that NCC have told CGM that they need to make a new planning application with them and have given them pre-application advice but that no application has been received. They will be visiting the site within the next couple of weeks and then decide on the next course of action. He said he would keep the PC informed but the Clerk advised that she would chase up the matter in a couple of weeks.

4.2.3.     Grange Farm. An email has been received from Melvyn Stone at NPS Property Consultants Ltd. following a telephone conversation. The Clerk read out the email. In summary, they will not be taking any action on the contents of what has been deposited in the pit unless the Environment Agency feel that any laws have been broken. They believe that the area will soon green over again. The PC and members of the public expressed extreme concern at the state of the grass verges along Lime Kiln Road – they were now grassless mud piles indented with large tyre tracks. Lime Kiln Road was permanently muddy and almost the whole length of the verges on both sides of the road were now being used as passing places. This has only occurred since the tractors and trailers had dumped the Grange Farm waste at the lime pit. NPS is wanting to work together with the PC and the Heritage Group to move forward with constructive ideas for how the County Farms Estate could benefit the community. It was agreed that a meeting between the PC and Melvyn Stone should be arranged when the concerns of the PC can be expressed along with his request for ideas. Dates when the PC are available to be agreed at the end of the meeting and the Clerk to send a reply after consultation with CC. BL asked to receive a copy of the reply and said that he would attend the meeting if he was available.

4.2.4      Contractors working on the verge on Ryston Road. Clerk advised that she had spoken to Highways about this and they have no knowledge of this work. They said that whoever did the work should have obtained permission from them but they did not. They suggest that if this happens again the PC should ask the contractors what they are doing and report the matter to Highways.

4.2.5      Planning Decisions from the BC. A new system for updating all PC’s on planning decisions has been put in place. In future a weekly list will be produced, similar to the one currently received regarding Planning Applications and then the full decision can be downloaded from the BC website. It was agreed that this would provide problems for the PC due to the lack of Broadband service in the village and to ask the BC what measures it would put in place for this situation.

4.2.6.     New website for NALC.  They are developing a new website which can display more information on PC’s and have asked to be informed of the information that the PC would like them to show. It was agreed that a decision would be made at the next meeting of the PC in March 2014.

4.3          Handyman’s Report. BP reported that his first project for the PC was to fit new gates for the allotments. The gate post is now installed and the gates are to be hung on 7th February 2014 and will be welded to prevent removal. He has also weeded and prepared the planters on Church Road. He reported that expenditure incurred so far was £65.00 for the gate post, £15.00 for the zinc spray and £13.98 for the post hole concrete. A total of £93.98 including VAT. Receipts for this would be provided with his first bill which would be issued in time for payment at the next PC meeting. Future projects were discussed for him to undertake and it was agreed that the next matters would be treating the wooden planters, repainting street name signs, where the black lettering has worn off, and checking the PC Cemetery for unstable headstones and hazards. He advised that he would remove fly tipping and do a general litter pick if he had any spare time at the end of projects. Treatment of PC benches to be considered in the future. He confirmed that he would store the old Allotment gate until the PC decided what to do with it.

Re-painting of bridge railings at Stock Bridge, Church Road/Hilgay Road junction to be referred to Highways Rangers by the Clerk for their attention.

4.4          **Police report.**PCSO Sara Clipperton reported that there had been no recorded crimes in the village for the last four weeks and asked if the PC had any matters of concern to mention. A parishioner commented that wood had been stolen from a yard on Ryston Road about three weeks ago but this had obviously not been reported to the Police. Matters of concern reported were as follows:

i.             A motorbike driving up and down Station Road, without an exhaust, late at night.

ii.            A van parked on and obstructing the pavement on Ryston Road.

PCSO Clipperton advised that the Police would look into these matters.

4.5          Village Hall Report. PK reported that the Village Hall was doing well and that there had been a lot of activities over the Christmas period. Coffee mornings were now arranged for every 3rd Saturday in the month. Keep Fit classes were doing well with numbers steady. Future events are published on the Village notice boards and in the household leaflet drop. CC requested the use of a notice board at the Village Hall to publicise items of interest to the village in light of the recent UK Power Networks Stakeholder Engagement Newsletter. It was agreed that this would be brought up at the next meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee.

4.6          Broadband Report. PW advised that she had been informed that there was no further update to the information she received on 6th December 2013. Work should be carried out between April and June 2014 to provide Broadband. BL advised that he had asked if areas where Broadband was very poor, and had quoted West Dereham as an example, could be implemented first but had been told that the proposed plan of implementation must be completed in the order already agreed to work effectively.

4.7          Glazewing report. Glazewing had issued their February report by email covering the period from 27 November to date. There had been no reported incidents. No planning applications had been submitted during this period. Incidents of HGV’s regularly leaving the Glazewing area at 1am-2am on weekday mornings, and regular activity occurring between 3am-4am, with a number of vehicles, were reported to the PC. It was also mentioned that at the PC meeting in March 2013 Glazewing agreed to consider putting large numbers on the side of their vehicles, so that they could be identified more easily in the event of a complaint, and that no further information had been received on this matter. Clerk to raise these items with Glazewing and a log is to be kept of future incidents during the early hours of the morning. Another outstanding issue is the screening of the long row of skips that are clearly visible at their end of the village as was agreed at the April 2011 meeting with Elizabeth Truss MP.

5.            Finance.

5.1          Accounts.  Accounts for approval and the monthly financial management report were submitted by the Clerk. She advised that as she had only been in post for a couple of weeks she had not been able to fully review the accounts at this stage, and that she would be able to provide a more detailed report next month.


Cheque No





NALC (Autumn Seminar)






State Securities plc.  (Annual Reports)






HM Revenue and Customs  (PAYE Charges)






Anglian Water (Cemetery Charges)






CGM Ltd (Grounds Maintenance Oct 2013)






CGM Ltd (Grounds Maintenance Dec 2013)






CGM Ltd (Grounds Maintenance Jan 2014)






West Dereham Village Hall  (Hire for mtgs)






CGM Ltd (Spraying for Village Hall)






CGM Ltd  (Operatives to attend Village Hall)






Claire Cann  (Refreshments for meetings)






Sarah Thorpe (Salary & admin claim for Jan)












All the above payments were considered and approved.  Cheques to be signed at the end of the meeting.

5.2          Appointment of Responsible Finance Officer. It was agreed by all to appoint the Clerk to this role.

5.3          Simple Servicing Authority on the Bank Accounts. The Clerk provided completed forms for signing to amend the correspondence address for the bank and provide her with authority to speak to the bank on the PC’s behalf. It was agreed by all to sign these forms at the end of the meeting.

Thanks were expressed to Nick Cann for all his help with the accounts over the past few months while the PC was without a Clerk.

6.            Clerk’s Contract. The contract had been prepared prior to the meeting and a copy had been given to the Clerk. The terms were agreed by all and that this should be signed at the end of the meeting by the Chairman and the Clerk.

7.            Travel and Expenses Policy. This had been copied to all Councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all to accept this policy.

  1. Grievance and Disciplinary Policy. This had been copied to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The Chairman suggested several amendments to the wording of the document to cover the fact that there would not be a “work colleague” and instead using the term “agreed companion” and replacing “staffing committee” with “Council.” Other small amendments were made. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact NALC to establish if it was acceptable to quote them as being the point of reference regarding appointing an Investigator at item 6. Also to seek their advice on how the PC could comply with the requirements at item 20 to have a panel of three Councillors who had not been involved in the case, with so small numbers of Councillors. Subject to the above points it was agreed by all to accept this policy.

9.            Health and Safety Policy. This had been copied to all Councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all to accept this policy.

10.          Equal Opportunities Policy. This had been copied to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The Chairman suggested a few minor amendments, which were made, and then it was agreed by all to accept this policy.

11.          Appraisal Document. This had been copied to all Councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all to accept this document. However it was felt that something simpler would be used for the quarterly reviews.

12.          Planning Applications.

The Chairman left the room at this point.

12.1.      14/00121/F Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/00452/F at The Old Rectory. Lime Kiln Road, West Dereham – The application was discussed and it was agreed to SUPPORT this application.

The Chairman returned to the room at this point.

12.2        14/00158/F Single storey side extension to cottage at 2 Abbey Cottage, Station Road, West Dereham – The application was discussed and it was agreed to SUPPORT this application.

12.3        Breach of Planning Condition at Frimstone. The Chairman advised that a letter has been received from NCC informing of a Breach of Condition Notice that has been served on Frimstone Limited, Ashcroft Farm, Main Road, Crimplesham. The breach refers to Condition 24: prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted the approved wheel cleaning facilities referred to in condition 23 shall be provided to the written satisfaction of the County Planning Authority.

  1. Correspondence.

13.1.      Request for donation from Magpas. The Clerk read out a letter that had been received. The PC’s precept makes no provision for donations; however it was agreed that the Clerk should reply advising them of the situation but suggesting that they could consider raising funds by an event at the Village Hall in aid of their charity. Clerk to speak to PK for details prior to replying.

13.2.      Parish Council Representative for Lovells Dole Charity. A letter has been received suggesting that the previous PC representative be put forward by the PC to continue to be the PC representative. It was agreed that when this person had been put forward in the past he was a member of the PC and that although the PC appreciated the comments made in the letter, “that he had made a substantial contribution with his lifelong local knowledge,” it was felt that as a member of the current PC was willing to be the representative it seemed more appropriate to put forward PB. Clerk to issue letter to advise of the situation.

13.3.      Application from Abbey Memorials, Rayleigh, Essex for two headstones. Two applications have been received for permits to erect headstones on the graves of Francis McBride and Ethel McBride. The applications comply with the PC regulations for headstones other than the concrete base must be below the ground so permission was granted as long as this requirement is met. Clerk to advise and return both cheques for £170 as the cost is only £95 each.

14.          Other Business – Any Additional Reports and Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda.

14.1        PB said Standing Orders, Media Relations Policy and Review of Cemetery Fees were to be discussed in March. Reports on the Allotment Inspection and the Village Assets Inspection would also be given. Dates for Councillors to carry out these Inspections to be agreed at the end of the meeting.

The Chairman expressed her thanks for all the hard work done by all of the Councillors during the period that they were without a Clerk. She said they had done much more than was required.

The official meeting concluded at 9.20pm and was opened to the floor for general comment.

Open Forum.

No matters were raised.

Closure. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and final closure of the meeting was at 9.20 pm.

Chairman’s signature ……………………………………             Date ……………………………

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