War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting August

September 2013

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in

The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 14 August 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr Mrs D Clements (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr M Hand, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Cllr T Ryves, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 6 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Borough Councillor C Sampson

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 10 July 2013

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. 6 votes for 1 abstention - Carried

4. Matters Arising:

e) Item 9 Minutes dated 12 June - Village Survey - the Clerk advised that a report will be sent to Highways in due course. It was also noted that some of the repairs required have now been carried out.

13 Black Bin in Cemetery - The Clerk advised that this will only be emptied every other week, she had also enquired whether the Parish Council could have a Brown Bin to cope with the overflow, but was informed that these are only for domestic use.

Village Hall Weeds in Car Park Area - CGM have said they would be interested in carrying out this work, their details have been passed to Wells Homes. Cllr Hand was thanked for cutting back the weeds overgrowing the footpath in this area.

Playing Fields - The works have now been carried out at the top of the field to the satisfaction of the Playing Fields Committee. The concrete block has still to be reinstated and the spraying of the car park carried out.

Garage Door Fairfield Road - Freebridge have permanently closed the garage door in question. It was reported that the garage door opposite is now open - to be reported to Freebridge.

5. Declaration of Interest: No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Hand. The meeting closed for public issues.

There were no issues raised

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed closing the meeting to the public seconded by Cllr Hand. Agreed.

7. To Approve the Cemetery/Open Space/Allotments Committee Meeting Minutes:

Item 5 - The Clerk informed the meeting that the request for Free Trees from the Woodland Trust had been submitted and we should know by the autumn if successful.

Item 10 - Cllr Hand advised so far he had not had any success in his enquiries into land suitable for allotments.

Item 11 - The Clerk advised the meeting a letter had been received relating to the ownership of The Common. Further investigation needs to take place.

Addition to the Minutes Item 12 - Cllr Mrs Lintern and Cllr Hand agreed to carry out a survey of the garden in Lynn Road to ascertain what was required to improve the area and report back to the next parish council meeting.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the minutes with the aforementioned amendment seconded by Cllr Hand. Unanimously agreed

Cllr Hand and Cllr Mrs Lintern advised the meeting they had surveyed the garden and taken photos, the railings require painting, plants would be obtained from Derby Nursery at a reduced rate, some plants may be donated. The works would be carried out without cost to the parish council, Cllr Hand would not state who would be carrying out the work.. It was thought the paint and plants would cost in the region of £210. Cllr Mrs Lintern proposed a sum of £250 be allocated for this work seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Unanimously agreed

8. To Approve the Administration/Finance/Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes:

The Chairman asked if everyone was happy with the minutes. Cllr Ryves asked for an elaboration of Item 7 - the Chairman responded that Mrs Scarrott of Norfolk ALC would be the independent representative and Cllr Mrs Joyce Hull would represent the parish council. It will take place during the first or second week of September.

Cllr Mrs Clements referred to Item 6 the Complaints Document. The Clerk asked that everyone placed a copy in their Information Manual, also keeping a supply of the complaint forms to be handed out to anyone making a complaint.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed that the minutes be approved as read seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern. Unanimously agreed.

PCSO Sophie Watson joined the meeting at 8pm. Cllr Mrs Clements proposed the meeting be closed to allow PCSO Watson to speak seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. The meeting closed.

PCSO Watson advised there had been 37 calls since the last meeting including 8 suspicious occurrences, 1 road incident, 4 domestic, 1 burglary, 5 thefts, number plates stolen, 5 anti social behaviour, plus various others. The Chairman asked if the public had any questions - continual problems in Buckenham Drive. All residents who witness or are inconvenienced by any problems should immediately report them to the police on 101 or 999 if an emergency. If possible attend the SNAP Meetings for the Watlington Area which are held bimonthly to report problems. The next SNAP Meeting is on Wednesday 18 September in Middleton Village Hall commencing at 7.pm. The following meeting will be in Stoke Ferry Village Hall on the 20 November.

Cllr Mrs Clements asked if the police were visiting people known to them during the school holidays as proposed at the last SNAP Meeting. PCSO Watson confirmed this.

What time should pub Karaoke’s finish - it would depend on the licensing hours for the particular premises but an acceptable time would be 11pm. Check with the Environmental Health Department and Licensing Department.

The Chairman advised the parish council will do all they can to help in this matter. There being no further questions he thanked PCSO Sophie Watson and she left the meeting.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed the meeting revert back to private session seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull.

9. Verbal Report on SNAP Meeting

Cllr Mrs Clements advised there was the possibility of new fixed fines for dog fouling. She had some new posters if anyone would like some, they must not be placed on public lamp posts or telephone poles only on private property with permission of the owners. Also as mentioned above the police will be visiting known persons during the school holidays.

10. Verbal Report of Village Liaison Meeting:

Cllr Mrs Clements reported that on occasions the pollution levels in the village have been slightly up, there is a proposal for a new monitor to be placed on Self’s Field for about a year. It will take approximately two years to analyse the data.

11. To Consider a Letter for the Playing Fields Committee

The Playing Fields Committee have requested a letter of recommendation from the parish council for use when applying for funding or grant money. Cllr Mrs Lintern advised they were actively trying to raise funds towards forthcoming expenditure. The Chairman requested to know the names of the members of the Playing Fields Committee together with the Trustees, this information had been requested on several occasions. The Chairman asked to whom the letter should be addressed - Cllr Mrs Lintern advised “The Playing Field Committee”

Cllr Hand proposed a letter be formulated for the Playing Field Committee advising of the work they are carrying out seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Unanimously agreed

12. Replacement Lighting in Village:

The Chairman advised the meeting that a grant from Norfolk County Council for the replacement of 30 lights and two new lights, the parish council contribution would be £2980.13p. The cost of replacing the remaining 9 Lights would be £2864.35. The Chairman also circulated a spreadsheet showing the current financial state of the parish council.

Considerable discussion took place it was suggested that a loan be sought from the Public Works Loan Board to fund the remaining 9 lights and part of the NCC figure. Cllr Mrs Lintern asked how the loan would be repaid, the Clerk advised payment are made at six monthly intervals.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that the SPFC contribution be reduced by £1000 and increase the loan to £3864.35, seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern. 3 votes in favour, 2 votes against, 2 abstentions - carried.

13. To Consider a Parish Council Website/Newsletter/SFPC Email Address

This item to be deferred to the next meeting in September

14. To Consider the Comments made by the Internal Auditor/Completion of Annual Audit

This item to be referred to the Appraisal Review

15. To Consider Planning Applications

Variation or Removal of Conditions 2,5,6 and 8 attached to Planning Permission 11/01379/F - demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of new dwelling and garage at The Shambles Greatmans Way - comments deferred further information required

16. To Approve Payments to be Made;

E-on - DD - £47.52 - Lighting - July

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - July

James Bradfield School - £92.64 - Hire of Hall June and July

CGM Ltd - £298.90 - Grounds Maintenance - June and July

Thomas B Bonnett - £16.72 - Replacement Plastic Jugs for Cemetery

Mazars - £120.00 - External Audit

Mrs C Hardy - £367.68 - Salary/Expenses for July

In view of the discussions above under Replacement Lighting the Clerk queried the cheque for NCC - Cllr Mrs Clements proposed the cheque should be signed seconded by Cllrs Mrs Lintern - Agreed.

Norfolk County Council £2980.13 - SFPC Contribution towards replacement lights in the village

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Hand. Agreed

18. To Receive Further Information or Suggested Items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

No comments or proposals

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

19. Date and Time of Next Meeting - Wednesday 11 September 2013 at 7.00pm


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