War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes July 2013

August 2013

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 July 2013

1.            Those Attending:             Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr Mrs D Clements (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs M Leamon,  Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr M Hand, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, County Councillor M Storey, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 6 Members of the Public.   PCSO Sara Clipperton was present for part of the meeting.

1 The Chhairman welcomed County Councillor Martin Storey to the meeting.

2.            To Consider Apologies for Absence:       Apologies were received from Borough Councillor C Sampson and Cllr T Ryves

Police Matters:

The Chairman welcomed PCSO Sara Clipperton - there had been one incident in the last four weeks, hay bales fire in Bridge Road.   Cllr Lintern asked why it took so long for the police to arrive at the scene, the fire service were there quite quickly.  There being no further issues PCSO Clipperton was thanked for attending and left the meeting.

3.            To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 12 June 2013

Cllr Mrs Lintern proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Hand.    Unanimously Agreed

4.            Matters Arising:

a)            Item 4c Minutes dated 12 June - The Clerk reported she was still awaiting the letter from NCC regarding the replacement lighting in the village.

b)            Item 4d Minutes dated 12 June - The Chairman  reported that he and Cllr Hand had cleared the nettles and weeds around the Rubbish/Dog Waste Bins on The Common.  They have still to clear the nettles around the seat, this will be carried out in the next few days.  They were thanked for doing this work.

c)            Item 7 Minutes 12 June - Parish Council Website/Newsletter - the proposed Newsletter is being looked into in particular investigations are being made to see if it can be produced at nil cost to the parish council.  The reason for the newsletter is to promote the parish council to the village letting everyone know what we are trying to do.

d)            Item 8  Minutes 12 June - Recycling Credits - there is nothing further to report at the current time, as   soon as information is received from the Borough Council it will be passed on.

e)            Item 9 Minutes 12 June - Village Survey - Cllr Hand, the Chairman and Clerk carried out a 50% survey of the village on Tuesday afternoon.  The main problems appeared to be the number of potholes appearing in certain road, a couple of footpaths require attention. Shrubs growing over the bus stops.  A report will be forwarded to Highways for their attention.

f)             Item 11 Minutes 12 June - Policy Documents - these will be discussed at a Committee Meeting then referred to the next parish council meeting for final approval.

g)            Item 16 Minutes 12 June - Playing Fields Maintenance - the Chairman and Clerk met a representative from CGM to inspect and discuss items referred to by the Playing Field Committee.  There had been a problem with one of the crews, they had now been replaced and the strimming etc was being carried out to a good standard.  The issue relating to the bench will be rectified by CGM.  They have also agreed to spray the weeds near the entrance.

Highways have inspected the Stile at the bottom of Furlong Drove and made it safe.

Freebridge are looking into the garage door in Fairfield Road

The Old Wood Yard gate - the Clerk has written twice to the agents for the owners who has in turn        referred the matter to the owners of the land

5.            Declaration of Interest:

No declarations of interest given

6.            To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull.    The meeting closed for public issues

A query made about the agenda item Draft Minutes/publication in the Pump and Website - this will be discussed in detail under item 9

There being no further issues raised, Cllr Mrs Hull proposed the meeting be re-opened for council business seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon.  Agreed.    The meeting re-opened.

7.            Bank Mandate - Cheque Signatory:

The Clerk informed the meeting that it had been proposed the Clerk should be a signatory, but following attendance at a recent training day, it had been stated by the Norfolk Association of Local Councils that clerks should not be signatories, therefore a further signatory is required.   Cllr Mrs Clements proposed Cllr Mrs Hull, seconded by Cllr Hand.  It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Hull will be the third signatory.

8.            Application for Free Trees:

The Clerk informed the meeting that there is a possibility of applying for free trees under a scheme run by the Woodland Trust.  If successful these would be used for a quiet area near the Garden of Remembrance in the Cemetery, should there be any surplus they would be offered to the Playing Fields Committee.   This will be discussed in more detail at a forthcoming Committee Meeting.

9.            Draft Minutes:

For some time the Chairman has been considering the release of Draft Minutes into the public domain, this is not done by most parish or town councils.  This could cause problems if when minutes are presented to full council for approval a significant change should be requested. Following considerable discussion, the following was proposed.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that Draft Minutes should not be released into the public domain only minutes approved by full council at the following meeting, seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull.   4 Votes for 2 Votes against.    Carried

Some concern had been raised that the public would not see the minutes of the previous meeting prior to attending the current meeting.   A copy of Draft Minutes could be placed on chairs alongside the agenda for the meeting.  A suggestion was made that a synopsis of the minutes be placed in The Pump or on the Website. No decisions were made on these points.   The Chairman advised that public participation in meetings is not easy to deal with.

The Chairman asked the Clerk what the procedure was regarding passing minutes to Lynn News.  The Clerk advised that they are forwarded to the Lynn News at the same time as The Pump.   The Chairman asked if everyone was happy that minutes continue to be forwarded to the Lynn News.  All in agreement.

Cllr Mrs Clements asked whether minutes could be placed in the new Free Weekly paper which is now circulated.  The Chairman asked the Clerk to investigate and report back to the next meeting.

10.          Planning Applications:

Supported by the Borough

Grant of Planning Permission - First Floor extension, replacement main roof and external appearance alterations at Home Farm Wretton Road

Grant of Planning Permission - Removal of existing rear extensions and construction of a new single storey extension to dwelling at 4 Bridge Road

Grant of Planning Permission - To install a new brick and upvc conservatory at 66 Wretton Road

11.          Approval of Payments:

Anglian Water - £15.56 - Water Rates for Cemetery - Mar-June

JamesBradfieldSchool - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - May

Mrs C Hardy - £330.09 - Salary/Expenses - June

HMRC - £211.80 - PAYE Income Tax Apr-June

E-on - DD - £45.99 - Lighting - June

Statement of Account as at 30 June - Balance in Bank - Community Account £388.83, Business Saver Account £19,271.73 - a total of £19,660.56

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern

12.          Correspondence:

Borough Council - advising date for next Watlington SNAP Meeting

Borough Council  - advising Briefing Sessions relating to Plan consultations

Norfolk ALC- various forthcoming events

A F Holman requesting New Memorial for Stephen Michael Arnold

13.          To Receive Further Information/Items for Next Agenda:

The meeting was adjourned to receive further information from councillors and public.  Proposed by Cllr Mrs Clements, seconded by Cllr Hand  - Unanimously agreed

The meeting then closed and opened to the public

Cllr Mrs Clements queried the Black Bin in the Cemetery - the Clerk advised that this will now only be emptied once a fortnight in line with black bin collections.  It was queried whether the parish council could have a “Brown Bin” as well which would help with the problem of overflowing. The Clerk to investigate

Cllr Mrs Lintern advised the next meeting for 2Agriculture will be on the 24 June

Not happy with the new arrangements of minutes only being released following approval at next meeting.

Could the provision of Allotments be discussed again - this will be put on the Agenda for the Committee Meeting.

Village Hall/grounds around same have become overgrown again.  The Clerk will write to the owner of the land requesting it be cut back.

Playing Fields Committee still not happy with strimming in the playing fields - the Chairman and Clerk will again inspect.

CC Storey advised the meeting about funding that is available for various community projects.  Individual organisations apply for grants not the parish council.   The Chairman thanked CC Storey for attending the meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm

14.          Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 14 August 2013 at 7.30pm



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