Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council June

July 2013


Present: Mr. D Liewellyn (Chairman of the Parish Council), six members of the Parish Council, Borough Councillor Mr. C Sampson and six members of the public.

1. The Chairman welcomed those present and explained that the meeting was an opportunity for residents to raise matters.

2. The minutes of the 2012 Annual Parish Meeting were signed as a true record. The minutes have been posted on the Parish Council website for some time and copies were available at the meeting.

3. Matters arising from the 2012 meeting:

•  Parking continues to be a problem along Church Road but has been alleviated slightly as vehicles are parking at the rear of the properties more than in the past. The Police have been made aware of the situation but no action has been taken by them.

•  Clarification has been received that Lime House Drove is a restricted byway.

• The provision of street lighting in the parish has been a topic for discussion and present thought appears to be that the level of parish lighting should remain as it is. The Parish Council is not however responsible for the lights in Jane Forby Close where Norfolk County Council is to reduce the time lanterns are lit.

4. Chairman’s Report:

4 Councillors introduced themselves to the members of the public present and the Chairman informed those present that the Council meets every other month and as necessary additional meetings may be held to consider planning applications as received. Agendas for meetings are posted on the village notice boards and minutes are posted on the Parish Council website.

A bench was sited onA Wretton Green in 2012 to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Thanks were expressed to Ivan Kenny who did not charge any labour costs for making the bench and to John Wyett for siting the bench. The Chairman also noted that a Jubilee celebration which was held on Wretton Green had been successfully arranged by “Friends of WHO”.

The Parish Council has undertaken maintenance work on the4 footpaths around the parish during 2012 as Norfolk County Council continues to curtail work it undertakes (especially cutting of footpaths). Thanks were expressed to Martyn Cann and Mick Peake for trimming footpaths.

The Parish Council will continue to monitor the footpaths in the parish and to report any possible encroachment of Rights of Way.

• It was noted Norfolk County Council has erected footpath marker signs as requested by the Parish Council.

• Thanks were expressed to John Wyett, Mick and Mandy Peake for undertaking maintenance work on the bus shelter.

• Norfolk County Council finally addressed flooding concerns at Lime House Drove in November 2012. The Parish Council is still considering the provision of signs for Lime House Drove which would state that unauthorised vehicles are not permitted along a restricted byway.

• It was noted that after much campaigning by the Parish Council Freebridge Housing Association has removed the hedge at All Saints Place which was restricting passage along the path in front of the houses.

• Martyn Cann was appointed as a trustee of the Jane Forby Charity.

5. Financial Report

Copies of income and expenditure and a sheet showing the Parish Council bank balance as of 31/03/13 were available and are filed. Councillors are presented with account summaries at all Parish Council meetings. It was noted the precept has not been increased for 2013/14. The bank reconciliation on March 31st 2013 stood at £14174.92.

6. Other matters

A query was4 raised regarding whether horse should traverse footpaths. It is hoped riders would be considerate whenever they use public paths particularly so the ground is not made hazardous for other users.

It was noted that capital reserves.?, held by the Parish Council following sale of land some years ago must be spent on a capital project and cannot be used to support the precept.

The Parish.?. Council helps to support the Church by assisting with grounds maintenance in return for use of the Church to hold Parish Council meetings. The Parish Council is restricted with how it can financially support the Church but it is hoped that should the Church be seen as a community centre then the Parish Council will be able to assist. The Parish Council has investigated any way of4 better investing the money it holds in reserve. However, with the relatively small amount held there appears to be no alternative banking available.

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