War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council _ June Meeting

July 2013

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 12 June 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr Mrs D Clements (Vice-Chair), Cllr T Ryves, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr M Hand, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 7 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Borough Councillor C Sampson and County Councillor M Storey

Police Matters:

The Chairman welcomed PC Jane Edwards - there had been three calls since the last meeting, several incidents had taken place including behaviour, domestics, burglary, RTC, assault on the police, harassment. PC Edwards advised that the next SNAP Meeting will be on 17 July at West Dereham Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm. The chairman asked if in general crime etc had dropped, PC Edwards responded yes it had in particular anti social behaviour. There being no further issues PC Edwards was thanked for attending and left the meeting.

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 15 May 2013

The chairman wished to add a sentence to the minutes under Item 8 Internal Audit - “He found the necessary records, documentation and safeguards very well kept and easy to follow”

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the Minutes with the additional sentence inserted seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern. Unanimously Agreed

4. Matters Arising:

a) Item 6a Minutes dated 15 May - The Clerk reported that the Information Commissioners Office had confirmed our Registration.

b) Item 6c Minutes dated 15 May - The Clerk informed the meeting that the Agents for the owners of the Old Wood Yard in Bridge Road has passed on the request for the gate to be replaced. The Clerk will monitor this.

c) Item 13 Minutes 15 May - Lighting - The Clerk informed the meeting that she had today heard from NCC that the bid for replacement lighting had been approved in part. Further information is awaited.

d) Item 19 Minutes 15 May - Various issues:

Rubbish Bins - The Clerk informed the meeting that there had been a problem with these being emptied, but this should now be resolved - she will monitor the situation. The Borough Council had requested that the nettles and weeds be cut back from around the Rubbish Bin/Dog Waste Bin on The Common - the Chairman and Cllr Hand will carry out this work.

No response received as yet regarding the stile at the bottom of Furlong Drove

The occupier of The Dell has cut back the overhanging shrubs in Boughton Road

5. Declaration of Interest:

No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Hand. The meeting closed

No items requested - the meeting therefore re-opened.

7. To Consider the Parish Council Website/Newsletter:

Discussion took place as to whether there should be a Parish Council Website or the introduction of a Newsletter. It was agreed that not everyone had a computer or access to the internet, therefore a Newsletter would be better. It was felt it would possibly be 2-3 sheets of A4 paper folded, the question of funding was raised, perhaps sponsorship from a local organisation could be sought. Initially it would be published once a quarter and delivered free to all properties in the village. It would consist of parish council news, items of interest to the community. Cllrs Mrs Lintern and Nicholas-Letch agreed to undertake printing, half each. It was agreed that the first issue be prepared in time for the July Meeting. Unanimously Agreed

8. To Consider Recycling Credits:

The Clerk informed the meeting that she and two councillors had attended a meeting held by NCC to discuss Recycling Credits. She outlined the system, the types of banks available, how to participate, the amount of credit available is not possible to state at this time it would depend on the tonnage collected. The Borough Council are also in consultations regarding having further kerbside collections for glass, tetra packs and other items. It was felt no action would be taken at the current time until more information is available.

9. To Consider Village Survey:

For some time the Chairman has been trying to organise a Village Survey, in particular to highlight problem areas ie potholes, overgrown shrubs, road signs that need replacing etc. It was agreed that all councillors should take note of any issues in their areas and report these to the Clerk by the 24 June following which the Chairman, Cllr Hand and the Clerk will survey the village and report the findings to Highways.

10. To Consider Process for Planning Applications:

In general the current procedure is working well but on occasions an application is received immediately following a planning meeting, the application may only be for a small extension/conservatory etc, where it would not be cost effective to hire a hall for five or ten minutes. It was agreed that the present procedure would continue asking for an extension of time as and when necessary. Cllr Hand proposed that the current procedure continue seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Unanimously Agreed

11. To Consider Complaints Policy Document/Data Protection Document:

The Chairman advised that these documents were in progress and would be discussed at a Committee Meeting then brought to the full council.

12. Notice of Audit:

The Clerk informed the meeting that the Notice of Audit had been placed on the Parish Council Notice Board.

13. Planning Applications:

Supported by the Parish

To Install a new brick and upvc conservatory at 66 Wretton Road

Planning Inspectorate Decision

Site at Former Toll House, Oxborough Road - the Inspector has approved this development.

14. Approval of Payments:

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - May

Stoke Ferry Village Hall - £24.50 - Hire of Hall - May

CGM Ltd - £1848.00 - Works in Cemetery

James Bradfield School - £30.88 - Hire of Hall Mar/Apr

Mrs C Hardy - £367.18 - Salary/Expenses - May

E-on - DD - £47.52 - Lighting - May

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - June

Statement of Account as at 31 May - Balance in Bank - Community Account £401.91, Business Saver Account £21,769.75 - a total of £22,171.66

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull

15. Correspondence:

West Norfolk Sports Council - Annual Meeting 20 June

West Norfolk Sports Council - Free 4 week Rural Festival of Sport during 3-31 May 2014

BC Sampson forwarding BCKLWN - News Release relating to new car parking pay machines

NALC - Coffee and Chat Meetings at Horning and Watton

Email Dominique Petchey Electoral Services re two vacancies on parish council

Mr J Cross - Acknowledging with thanks cheque

16. To Receive Further Information/Items for Next Agenda:

The meeting was adjourned to receive further information from councillors and public. Proposed by Cllr Hand, seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull - Unanimously agreed

Cllr Mrs Clements reported on the Rural Development Strategy for Norfolk Consultation event she and Cllr Mrs Hull attended. The purpose of the session was to receive suggestions for making Norfolk a better place. There are local action groups, funding is also available, further information is to come. Cllrs Mrs Hull and Mrs Clements thanked the Clerk for providing them with a full set of papers for the meeting.

The meeting then closed and opened to the public

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported the grass cutting/strimming in the playing fields had not been carried out satisfactorily. The Chairman and Clerk will arrange to meet CGM to discuss the matter

The seat in the playing fields has still not been repaired

The meeting was advised that more than Bingo takes place in the Village Hall, there are many functions held there including Yoga, Line Dancing, Parties, Meetings etc.

Potholes in Buckenham Drive still not repaired, also road around drain near Vion entrance needs repair

Potholes along length of High Street

Thank you to the PC for suggesting a 106 Agreement on the proposed new development

Cllr Mrs Clements reported a group of individuals on top of the cabins in the playing fields - should be reported to the police (anti social behaviour)

Garage Door in Fairfield Road forced open.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.06pm

17. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10 July 2013 at 7.30pm


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