War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - April

April 2013


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 April 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr T Ryves, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr M Hand, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), Mrs J Scarrott Norfolk Association of Local Councils, 6 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: Cllr Mrs S Lintern, PCSO Sara Clipperton

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 13 March

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Hand  Carried Unanimously

4. Matters Arising:

b) Item 9 Minutes dated 13 March - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised quotes were awaited for the replacement of the hedge along the front boundary of the Cemetery, also investigation will take place to see if it is possible to salvage the current hedge, this will take place possibly next week.

7.35pm Cllr Ryves arrived

a) Item 14 - Cllr Nicholas-Letch explained why the council tax for Stoke Ferry had risen by 28% for the current financial year.

b) The Black Bin in the Cemetery had now been changed to the larger sized bin.

5. Declaration of Interest:No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that the meeting be closed for public input seconded by Cllr Hand. Agreed

A question was raised who increased the budget for this new financial year. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised this was not an Agenda item and should not be discussed. The Clerk explained her recommendation was for a lower figure but councillors did not take her advice and raised the figure.

Lighting in the Village - a request was made for additional lighting where certain parts of the village are particularly dark.

The meeting closed for public input

8. To Consider Lighting in the Village:This item brought forward

Cllr Ryves asked why are all the lights in the village are not being changed, it was pointed out that the Parish Council is only responsible for certain lights, the remainder are maintained by Norfolk County Council, also over the last couple of years they had been updating their lighting. A survey of the Parish Council lights would take place with a representative of Westcotec, also discussion regarding extra lights. It was pointed out that a bid has to be with Norfolk County Council by the 30 April, therefore as time is short an extension of time would be requested.

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed that the Parish Council put in a bid to NCC for the replacement of lights in the village plus possibly some extra lights, seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements. Unanimously agreed

7. To Consider Neighbourhood Planning: Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that Neighbourhood Planning had come about as a result of the Localism Act. It is recommended that all parishes etc should have a neighbourhood plan, this would give an opportunity to have a say in how to shape the village, what the community would like, have more say where development takes place. There is grant money available to help Parishes in the preparation of their plans. There is the possibility of getting neighbouring parishes to join together.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that the matter is taken further and request further advice to get started seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Unanimously agreed

9. To Consider a Village Survey It appears that the village is becoming very untidy with rubbish being thrown around all over the place. As mentioned previously a Litter Pick will be organised to cover the Common and most of the village. Hopefully many villagers will help with this when a date has been agreed. It was also agreed that a further survey should take place with a representative from Highways to discuss the number of potholes and other highway issues such as footpaths with a view to obtaining a grant towards repairs.

Our newly appointed councillor Michael Hand very kindly offered to periodically have a tidy up around the village.

10. To Consider Registration for Data Protection:This was discussed in relation to the data held by the Parish Council, under the Code of Conduct, Members Disclosable Pecuniary Interests etc. Following some discussion it was felt the Parish Council should register.

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed that the Parish Council Register for Data Protection seconded by Cllr Hand. 5 Votes for 1 Abstention - Carried

11. To Consider a Proposed Website: Cllr Nicholas-Letch presented a short report on setting up a new Website for the Parish Council which could be set up, using webspace free from NALC and would be tailor made for parish council use. He highlighted the fact that over 130 Parish Councils are already using the system. A good way to get involved, a mutual way of sharing common interests.

Cllr Ryves felt nothing should be done at the moment until (Mr Bivon the Ex Chairman) had discussions with the current operator of the Village Website.

The Chairman did not understand how Mr Bivon became involved.

The consensus of councillors in attendance was that a site should be set up and run by the Parish Council. It was agreed that this item will be adjourned to the next meeting when the way forward will be agreed.

12. Appointment of Internal Auditor: The Clerk informed the meeting that Mr John Cross should be appointed as Internal Auditor.

Cllr Hand proposed that Mr Cross be appointed as Internal Auditor seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Agreed

13. Planning Applications:There were no planning applications

14. Approval of Payments:

Anglian Water - DD - £14.91 - Cemetery Water Rates Nov-Mar

HMRC - £211.80 - PAYE Income Tax - Jan-Mar

SLCC - £64.40 - 4 Copies of Parish Councillors Guide

Norfolk Association of Local Councils - £190.79 - Annual Subscription

NPTP - £120.00 - Training for Parish Councillors

Mrs C Hardy - £334.93 - Salary/Expenses - March

Mrs C Hardy - £150.00 - Depreciation Allowance for Use of Own Equipment

E-on - DD - £47.52 - Lighting - March

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - April

BCKLWN - £37.44 - Collection of Dog Waste - Jan-Mar

Statement of Account as at 31 March - Balance in Bank - Community Account £538.37, Business Saver Account £8,867.25 - a total of £9,405.62

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull

15. Correspondence:

H Brett & Son - Request for additional inscription on memorial - Peggy Payne - Agreed

Email - PCSO Sara Clipperton - advising of burglaries and theft from motor vehicle

BCKLWN Planning Department relating to land in Furlong Road

16. To Receive Further Information/Items for Next Agenda:

Bollard near Vion entrance in Furlong Drove not been replaced - Clerk will report to Highways again

Playing Fields Committee to give presentation to future meeting - it was suggested the Annual Parish Meeting on 15 May

Neighbourhood Plan what if community is split in their wishes for the village. Would be sorted out during discussions which would be held.

Surveys would need to be held at different times.

Cllr Mrs Clements asked - Are there any issues to be raised at the next Village Liaison Meeting - none forthcoming

Cllr Mrs Clements reported the gate has been lying on the ground at the Old Wood Yard in Bridge Road for some time

Cllr Ryves asked why an item was not on the agenda that he asked for - Cllr Nicholas-Letch stated this matter could not be discussed in public and would be discussed following the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Light out near 35 Buckenham Drive

Light out in Furlong Road

A query was raised relating to asbestos at the site in Furlong Road - Borough Councillor Sampson said there was no problem all works had been carried out to the satisfaction of all departments and all rules.

Potholes in various places in Little Lane

Fly Tipping in ditch along Furlong Drove

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.40pm

19. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 15 May 2013 at 7.00pm followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.



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