West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council

December 2012




Present:  Mrs Claire Cann – Chairman, Mrs Pam Bullas, Mr Mark Dawson, Ms Paula Kellingray, Mrs Ruth Marsters, Mrs Pam Walker.

7 members of the public

Papers presented to Councillors: Budget update, expenditure spreadsheet, Glazewing Report, training dates.

1.    Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Tom Foy who is about to be deployed toAfghanistan.

2.    No Declarations of Interest made.

3. Approval of the Minutes.

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on06/09/12were agreed as a true record of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from previous meetings.

  • At its September meeting the Parish Council considered two professional quotes for mapping the Cemetery. Since that time Claire Cann, Tom Foy and the Clerk have met with a volunteer who would be willing to undertake the job for expenses only.  Ann Howarth, who has said she would be willing to map and record the Cemetery in the spring, is felt to offer an extremely good service. The Chairman, Clerk and Tom Foy who met with Ann Howarth have seen the amazing cross referenced booklet she has compiled forNorthwoldCemetery. It was agreed by all that Ann Howarth will be asked to undertake the mapping ofWestDerehamCemeteryand she will be re-imbursed for expenses incurred. It is envisaged that mapping will take about six weeks to complete and will begin in spring next year.
  • Although requested at the September meeting when representatives of Glazewing were present, no information regarding Glazewing vehicle movement during unsocial hours has been received. The Parish Council asked to see records from tacographs of Glazewing vehicles which could show the movement of vehicles alongStation Road. This request will be made to Glazewing again.
  • Glazewing is still awaiting approval of the planting scheme for the northern boundary of the site which was submitted to Norfolk County Council in April 2012. The planting scheme was required under a condition of planning permission C/2/2011/2024. Norfolk County Council will be asked for a copy of the planting scheme.
  • It was noted that Glazewing still refers to a carbon dioxide recovery rate on the monthly report submitted to the Parish Council. This is not a recovery rate but rather an avoidance of carbon dioxide production.
  • It was noted a scheme to recycle and resurface the existing carriageway to improve the surface texture, overall strength and road profile on Station Road, WestDereham will take place from the 10th November 2012 over a period of 3 consecutive weekends. It will require 24 hour road closure during the operations. A diversion will be put in place alongBasil Road. The Parish Council had asked to be consulted regarding the proposed works and the necessary road closure and diversion. This has not happened and a letter will be sent to Norfolk County Council to say the diversion route is unsuitable. It will be asked what action Glazewing will be taking to minimise traffic during the duration of any works.
  • Jane Edwards, Police Community Support Officer attached toWest Dereham, will be asked if a request has been made for the Police Traffic Team to visitWest Derehamas was discussed at the September meeting of the Parish Council. The team will be asked to visit the parish to tackle vehicles thought to be speeding through the village.
  • Hayley Kurt, Officer of the Borough Council of King’sLynnandWest Norfolkwas booked to attend the October meeting of the Parish Council to explain changes to the refuse collection inWest Norfolk. However her visit was cancelled by the Borough Council which has now decided not to offer such a visit to all parishes but instead is to hold group meetings in various locations. More details are awaited.
  • A date has yet to be arranged for a meeting between members of the Parish Council, allotment holders and the tenant farmer of the allotment land to discuss matters relating to the allotments following the over spraying incident.

5. Reports

5.1 Chairman’s Report:

  • Plans for the extension ofWestDerehamCemeteryare gaining pace as the field adjacent to the present Cemetery has now been cleared of its crop. The fencing contractor will now fence the extension area. Country Grounds Maintenance will then undertake planting of grass seed, 2000 daffodil bulbs and poppy seeds. Suitable hedging is being considered.
    • The Chairman has been given a verbal assurance that land alongside the village hall will be offered for sale to the Parish Council to provide central Village Green. The size of the area to be made available is not yet known and therefore the precise cost cannot be ascertained.

5.2 Clerk’s Report

  • A Village Handyman is about to be employed by the Parish Council. It is hoped one of his first jobs will be to hang new gates at the allotments. New gates will be ordered as agreed at the September meeting of the Parish Council once measurements for hanging the gates have been taken.
  • Richard French has advised the Council that Barry Coleman has given up his allotment. The allotment will be offered to the person currently named on the waiting list.

5.3 Police Report:

  • Vigilance is recommended as oil thefts are on the increase in the area.
  • The Police have been undertaking roadside checks for vehicles which may be illegally using red diesel.
  • A report has been recorded of damage to a vehicle along Church Road, WestDereham on September 25th.

5.4 Village Hall Report:

  • All events held at the Village Hall have been well attended during the past month including the official opening of the hall held on September 29th.
  • A list of activities planned for the Village Hall has been distributed in the monthly village leaflet drop. This includes Tuesday evenings “games nights” when various card and board games can be played.

5.6 Broadband Update

  • BT has been approved as Norfolk County Council’s partner for the Better Broadband forNorfolkproject. It is expected that more than 50% of homes and businesses inNorfolkwill be able to access superfast broadband services by June 2015. Every property inNorfolkwill be able to access a basic broadband service (at least 2Mbps) by June 2015.

Given BT’s long standing negative attitude to extending broadband provision to West Dereham Karen O’Kane, Project Co-ordinator for the Better Broadband for Norfolk Initiative will be asked to visitWest Derehamagain to explain how the Better Broadband project will helpWest Derehamand whetherWest Derehamcan be a pilot for broadband provision.

6. Accounts

Financial position update:

The Parish Council bank balance will stand at £10357.84 once the following payments have been made.

6.1 Payments agreed in accordance with the budget:

Clerk’s salary (September)                                                                                    £260.30

Post Office - PAYE                                                                                                                    £165.78

EFSPrinting                                                                                                                                                                                £30.24

Mazars (External Auditor)                                                                                                                                                  £144.00

The External Audit for the year ending March 31st 2012 has been completed with no matters causing concern. The Council’s attention was drawn to Section 2, Box 9 where ‘Yes’ had been entered which needs to be changed to N/A as the Council does not act as sole managing trustee for any trust funds.

7.       Initial consideration of the 2013 precept request.

The Parish Council will continue considering the 2013 precept request at the November meeting and initial ideas for future projects were discussed. £3000 was included in the 2012 precept to pay for fencing and hedging for the proposed Cemetery extension. As it will not increase the 2013 precept from the 2012 precept, the Chairman suggested that the same amount should be included in the 2013 precept to be put towards purchase of land for a Village Green.

Money will also be needed if new gates are to be incorporated into the fencing of the Cemetery extension.

It was debated whether there should be any increase in the precept. A suggestion was made for an inflationary rise and this matter will be further considered at the next Parish Council meeting.

The meeting was briefly suspended to allow input from members of the public:

Comment was made that the Council should follow suit like other authorities and freeze the budget so no additional burden is put on residents in financially uncertain times.

A query was made regarding who arranges mowing of the Playing Field. The Parish Council employs Country Grounds Maintenance to cut the grass areas in the parish every twelve to fourteen days. It is believed the Borough Council may also cut areas of grass which it owns twice a year and this could include the Playing Field. The Borough Council will be asked to clarify this.

8.         Correspondence

8.1 Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NorfolkALC) – notification of dates for the Autumn Seminar (Nov. 7th) and AGM (Nov. 8th). NorfolkALC Annual Report.

8.2 Notification of establishment of a Youth Advisory Board (YAB) inWest Norfolk(passed to Pam Walker)

8.3 Norfolk County Council Active Norfolk Golf Tournament (poster for notice board)

8.4NorfolkPlaying Fields Association Newsletter

8.5 Norfolk Mineral Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document and Norfolk Waste Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document: Proposed Focused Changes: Invitation to make Representations. The focused changes are not relevant toWest Derehamand no representations will be made.

8.6 Norfolk Annual Emergency Preparedness Study Day event  - October 11th 2012

8.7 West Norfolk Home Watch Association meeting – Kings Lynn Police Station Tuesday 16 October @7pm.

8.8NorfolkRCC E-newsletter

8.9 Stoke Ferry Parish Council is organising a general training session to be held on Tuesday 11th December. Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk if they wished to attend.

9.         No planning applications received for consultation

10.     Further reports/items for the next agenda.

10.1 It was reported that verges were damaged and two roadside posts knocked down by a combine harvester travelling alongStation Road.

10.2 Footpath signs are missing at various locations throughout the parish. The Highway Department will be asked to provide replacement signs.

10.3 Discussion took place regarding the provision of a welcome pack for new residents which could include a map showing the footpaths in the village. The Heritage Group is considering producing a pack and consideration will be given as to what information should be included.


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