Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton Parish AGM 2012

June 2012

Boughton Parish Council.

Annual General Meeting. 4th May 2012**.** 7.00pm At All Saints Church.

Councillors are summoned to a meeting for the purposes of transacting the following business.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Election of officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman)
  3. Minutes ofAGM2010 – D Horkan
  4. Standard Forms Review
  • Risk assessment ( Processes & Pond)
  • Asset Register
  • Standing Orders Local
  • Financial Regs

5. Matters Arising

6. Committees

7. Financial Report and Adoption of Accounts D Horkan

  1. Authorised Bank Transaction Signatories.


The public are invited to this meeting.

Final Draft Minutes.

Date held: 4th May 2012 Venue: All Saints, Boughton


Frank Reid Chair

Dave Horkan (DHO) Clerk

Frank Reid (FRE) Councillor/Chairman

Geoff Proctor (GPR) Councillor

Mark Pogmore (MPO) Councillor

Tim Madgwick (TMA) Councillor

Peter Agate (PAG) Councillor

David Cooper (DCO) Councillor

Public Members 5

No Item Action by Action date

1. Apologies: None required

2. Election of Officers

TMA opened the meeting and moved the election of officers

TMA proposed Frank Reid (FRE) as Chairman, seconded by GPR and all agreed,

FRE elected as Boughton Parish Council Chairman 2012/13

PAG proposed GPR as vice Chairman, seconded by MPO, all agreed,

GPR elected as Vice Chairman.

3. Minutes of previous meeting

DHO presented the minute of the 2011/12AGM for approval and signature, approved and signed acceptance by FRE and seconded byTMA Note

4. Standard Forms Review

Standard forms compiled for general use and form of order following 11/12 audit, proposed and accepted for issue at next audit.

Asset register needs update following fen purchases MPO Audit

5. Matters Arising None

6. Committees

Proposed to retain Fen Committee, agreed and approved.

Additional councillor duties remain unchanged Note

7. Financial Report

The financial report of 2010/11 was presented by DHO and approved – detail included in following minutes Note

MPO discussed Fen Accs, these where then approved and agreement reached that fen accs will be audited as separate committee along withBPCaudit scheduled late May. Note

Probable locationFREresidence, DHO to organise. DHO 27/5

8. Authorised Bank Transaction Signatories Status quo agreed

Meeting Closed

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