War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry 2012 Parish Annual Council Meeting

May 2012


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Annual Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 16 May 2012

Those Attending: Cllr T Ryves, Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr R Bivon, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 9 Members of the Public and PCSO Sara Clipperton

Apologies: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr E Taylor and Borough Councillor C Sampson

Police Matters:

PCSO Clipperton reported there had been three crimes in the last month, two thefts from motor vehicles and one domestic. Diesel had been stolen from Anglian Water premises also from other properties, a spate vehicle number plates being stolen. There had not been any specific problems reported during the month, but Stoke Ferry is a priority area at the moment until the next SNAP meeting in July. Cllr Mr Clements queried an email just received from the Borough Council giving dates of SNAP meetings, one of which has already passed - it would be useful to receive the information before the event - PCSO Clipperton will look into this. There were no other questions/queries - PCSO Clipperton was thanked for attending and left the meeting.

Election of Chairman:

Cllr Ryves asked for nominations for the position of Chairman. Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens proposed Cllr T Ryves, seconded by Cllr R Bivon. Cllr Ryves agreed to continue as Chairman.

Election of Vice-Chairman:

Cllr Ryves asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman. Cllr R Bivon proposed Cllrs Mrs J Buckley-Stevens, seconded by Cllr T Ryves. Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens agreed to continue as Vice-Chairman.

Minutes of the last Meeting:

Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens proposed acceptance of the minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs D Clements

Matters Arising:

a) Planning Application - The Old Toll House - Cllr R Bivon queried what the outcome was for this application. The Clerk advised the meeting she had received a letter from the BC stating they had received further information - it was agreed that this application should again be Rejected by the Parish Council.

b) Telephone Box - Cllr Mrs Clements queried the latest position regarding the telephone box. The Clerk advised it was not on the agenda for this meeting because of the amount of business to be dealt with. It was agreed that it should be placed on the next Agenda.

c) Planning Report - Cllr Ryves asked if the promised planning report had been received from Cllr Nicholas-Letch - asking for a reminder to be sent.

Internal Audit:

The Clerk reported that Mr John Cross had carried out the Internal Audit last week and was happy with everything, he had also written to the Chairman stating he had found the necessary records and documentation to be very well kept and easy to follow and everything was in order. The Clerk informed the meeting that Mr Cross does not charge for carrying out this work but the PC always give him a cheque to cover his expenses, which had been the same for the past seven years or so.

Cllr Mrs M Leamon proposed that the sum be increased to £20.00 seconded by Cllr R Bivon. Unanimously agreed

Adoption of Financial Regulations:

The Clerk asked if everyone had read the Financial Regulations and if they were in agreement with them.

Cllr Mrs D Clements proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr R Bivon. Agreed

Adoption of Risk Assessment and Management:

The Clerk asked if everyone was in agreement with the Risk Assessment and Management Document.

Cllr Mrs M Leamon proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Mrs D Clements. Agreed

Adoption of Annual Governance Statement Section 2:

The Clerk asked if everyone was happy with the Annual Governance Statement Section 2.

Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr R Bivon. Agreed

Adoption of Annual Accounts:

The Clerk asked if everyone was happy with the End of Year Accounts she had prepared and distributed to all members - they had been inspected by the Internal Auditor.

Cllr Mrs M Leamon proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr R Bivon. Agreed

Representatives on Committees:

Planning - it was felt that a planning committee was not required as when an application is received a meeting to be held for all councillors to attend and discuss any application.

Cemetery - will be Cllrs Mrs Leamon, Mrs Buckley-Stevens, E Taylor, Mrs D Clements - plus the Clerk

Personnel - will be Cllrs T Ryves, Mrs Leamon, Mrs Clements and Mrs Buckley-Stevens

Allotments - will be Cllrs T Ryves, E Taylor, R Bivon - plus the Clerk

Village Liason Committee - Cllrs Mrs Clements and E Taylor

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Meeting:

The Chairman read the minutes of the last Jubilee Committee Meeting to keep members of the public informed, the next and hopefully final meeting will be held on Monday 21 May.

Road Gritting:

The Clerk had received an email from Highways stating that they had no problem with the parish council arranging for roads to be gritted, they would not finance this, also any gritting would have to be carried out at the same times as the Highways Department gritted the main routes in the village, so there is conformity, also pointing out the costs of grit per tonne ie £40 currently. Considerable discussion took place, it was pointed out the costs involved would be very high and no allowance is in the budget to allow for such expenditure this year. The Chairman suggested that only some roads would be gritted, but it was felt this could not take place it would have to be all or none at all. It was agreed that the Clerk obtain costings for perhaps one road to give an idea of what expenditure is likely to be.

The Cemetery:

The Clerk informed the meeting that CGM had carried out the works in the Garden of Remembrance replacing the grass with shingle, the area which is full is still to be done. The Clerk also informed the meeting that following this work there was still a quantity of shingle left - she had arranged for this to be moved behind the fence to be used at a later date. A quotation had also been obtained from Thomas B Bonnett for Row Markers for the new area which will shortly be used, this was £15 per letter, which equates to £600. The Clerk advised there is not sufficient funds in the Cemetery Budget to cover this for the current year. It was agreed that a meeting of the Cemetery Committee should be arranged to discuss this and to obtain further quotes.

Dog Waste Bin:

Following a request at the last meeting, the Clerk provided costings for dog waste bins. Considerable discussion took place, the question was raised should one be provided would it be used considering the costs involved to provide one. The general consensus was that at this current time a further dog waste bin would not be provided.

Draft Welcome Letter:

This was discussed and agreed that with a few amendments/additions this should now be used to welcome newcomers to the village.

Progress on Sports Event for the Olympic Torch Day:

The Chairman reported that he was arranging an Archery session, Zumba dancing display, cricket/rounders and Sheridan School will be giving a Rugby Display - all on the James Bradfield School Playing Fields between 2.00-5.00pm.


Grant of Planning Permission

Alterations to existing dwelling at The Old Brewery Oxborough Road


Proposed Power and Recycling Centre King’s Lynn - additional information received

Accounts for Approval

MHB Services Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance April/May

Came & Company - £535.79 - Annual Insurance

Foolhardy Folk Circus - £280.00 - Jubilee Celebrations

CGM Ltd - £149.42 - Grounds Maintenance - April

Mrs C Hardy - £355.30 - Salary/Expenses April

Mrs C Hardy - £150.00 - Depreciation Allowance for 2012/2013

Mr S Green £20.00 - Moving Excess Shingle in Cemetery

Mr J Cross - £20.00 - Carrying out Internal Auditor

E-on - Direct Debit - £45.99 - Lighting - April

Mrs J Buckley-Stevens - £89.52 - Supplies for Jubilee Event

Statement of Account as at 30 April 2011 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £824.45 Business Saver Account £17861.00 A total of £18685.45

Cllr Mrs D Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mr R Bivon


Norfolk Community Foundation - notification of £200 grant towards Jubilee Celebrations

Stoke Ferry Playing Fields - acknowledgement and thanks for donation

Mrs Claire Smith - thanking the parish councils for donation towards Homewatch Signs

The Stoke Ferry Common Room - thanking the parish council for donation

BCKLWN - Notification of new property addresses - 1 and 2 Mill Houses Boughton Road

BCKLWN Development Services - Notification of Planning Session on 19 June

NALC - Initial Training for Clerks and Councillors

West Norfolk Sports Council - notification of Annual Meeting

Burgess Salmon - Re land in Furlong Drove

Email - Highways Rangers - Graffiti removed from Stoke Ferry Sign

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs M Leamon raised the question of why the grass around the village had not been cut. The Clerk advised that the Borough Council have taken this in-house with their own gangs, also ascertaining which areas belong to them and which belong to Highways.

The Playing Fields - why have CGM changed the type of mowers they use - not cutting properly. The Clerk to investigate. Also the grass footpath has not been strimmed.

Path between Wretton Road/Buckenham Drive - weeds need cutting back

Pothole in Wretton Road near junction with Buckenham Drive - the Clerk advised this had been reported to Highways but will remind them

Trees in field behind properties in Manor Road leaning on fences - the Clerk to contact the Borough Council

Cllr Mrs D Clements reported on the last Village Liaison Meeting - the problem with rats had been dealt with, no update on dust particulates, three complaints had been received, there had been offers on the Dukes Head, in future there will be less emissions from lorries.

Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens queried where the money was going from the S106 Agreements if the village hall was not being built. It was felt a letter should be sent to the Borough Council

Public Other Business

The Rubbish Bin on The Hill had not been emptied for two weeks. The Clerk will report this.

The Pothole in Bridge Road has still not been repaired. The Clerk will chase this up

Telephone Box - every effort should be made to keep the telephone box and not use it for anything else. There are still some people who do not have mobile phones and the reception in the village is bad.

The Playing Fields grass cutting not good also top end of the field has not been strimmed. The Clerk will arrange a meeting with CGM.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13 June 2012 commencing at 7.30pm

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