Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham News

August 2011

Details of events and activities in Wereham

BINGO every Wednesday evening at the Village Hall, starts 7.30 pm. Cash prizes.

KARAOKE at the George and Dragon on Friday, 19th August, starts 8.00 pm.

FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS every Friday from 2.00pm until 4.00pm, at the Village Hall. Tea and cakes available and activities include, dominoes, darts, scrabble, playing cards, cribbage, or just come for a chat.

FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT Friday 5th August at the Village Hall, 6.00 pm. £5.00 including food and soft drink. Sandra 01366 500421 or Louise 01366 501130.

ADVANCE INFORMATION - AUTUMN SAUSAGE SIZZLER on 28th October in the Village Hall. Proceeds going to St. Margaret's Church. More details to follow in next month's news.


We held our 9th Open Gardens on June 19th. Although the weather had been very unsettled we managed to keep dry for the day.

A total of 7 gardens were open this year - down a bit on previous years but despite this we managed to raise a record sum of £826.60 for Church funds with visitors coming from a wide area.

First of all a BIG thank you to all my gardeners who willingly opened their gardens. Open Gardens couldn't happen without you!

Thank you to all who gave plants to sell which, added to the magnificent plants that Ronnie had been growing for her stall, helped to make nearly £250.

Thank you to Christine and Jo for their superb catering and to Beth and Tammy for their waitressing. I mustn't forget Gary, William and Greg for putting up the marquee (with a bit of help from 2 ladies!)

Thanks to everyone who baked or provided lovely cakes for the teas which are always a success with visitors. Finally a big thanks to those who gave donations or helped in any way that I haven't included - it doesn't mean you are not appreciated.

The day finished with a Gardener's Songs of Praise.

Please think about opening your garden next year, which will be the 10th year. It is a lovely afternoon and visitors are always so friendly and interested in the gardens, whatever the size. Plus.... it is a great way to raise funds for the Church.


WEREHAM TOTS We're very busy bees at the moment with all the preparation of artwork, taking place in the Church for Festival Day. We have achieved some superb pieces from individuals and much larger ones from the whole group. Older siblings have joined in too.

We celebrated birthdays for Chloe who was 1 year old, Eliza, Nancy and Freddie who were all 2 yrs old.

Our thanks for McKayla for the wonderful poster she designed for our Tots Group. Angela


The following events are being held in aid of the fighting fund:

CAR BOOT SALE Sunday 18th September - 10.00 am onwards on the Playing Field. £5.00 per pitch.

Enquiries to: Janet 01366 500732

Doreen 01366 500218

Angela 01366 500115

Refreshments available - Tombola Raffle. Ice Cream van and Fish and Chips.

LOCAL ART EXHIBITION to be held in the Village Hall, plus stalls -

Watch this space for more details. There will be other attractions to be announced....

Viv Scott

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