War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council meeting

August 2011

DRAFT Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 August 2011

Those Attending: Cllr T Ryves (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr E Taylor, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr B Seymour, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, BC C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 3 Members of the Public

Apologies: Cllr R Bivon and PCSO Sara Wilson

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens

Matters Arising: a) Laurel Bushes overhanging footpath from bungalows near playing field - Cllr Mrs Leamon reported that one overhanging bush had been cut back but one still remains to be cut. The overgrown bushes near the Garages in Fairfield Road have still not been cut back. The Clerk will chase this up once again.

Village Emergency Plan: The Clerk asked Cllr Nicholas-Letch to give a brief outline to new Members as to why this document was instigated. The Plan was approved in August 2010. Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked whether the newly formed parish council wished to continue with this plan. All agreed that it should be in place should any emergency occur in the village. The Chairman suggested that Cllr Nicholas-Letch continue to deal with this plan (ie be the Co-ordinator), particularly as he had worked on it from it’s inception. Cllr Taylor proposed that Cllr Nicholas-Letch be the Emergency Co-ordinator for the Plan, seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements. Unanimously agreed.

The Chairman asked whether this document could be on the website to save money on hard copies/postage etc. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that he was considering setting up a village website. The Clerk to enquire the current position regarding a website that currently exists for the village. Cllr Taylor felt that hard copies should also be available. BC Sampson advised that Cllr Nicholas-Letch should seek advice and guidance from NALC in the setting up of a website. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised there would be no cost to the parish council and would look into this by the next meeting.

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012: The Chairman asked whether the parish council feel it would be a good idea to apply to have a Beacon in the village to celebrate this Diamond Jubilee. It was felt in general it would be a good idea, but further details need to be obtained, in particular whether or not the Borough Council would be participating/have any information, also the fire brigade should be approached relating to any advice they may have. Also consideration must be given to finding a suitable venue for this to be held. Any information to be collated for the next meeting.

Village Liaison Committee - Deputy Representative: The Clerk advised the meeting that Vion felt a deputy representative on the Village Liaison Committee would be sufficient, should Cllr Mrs Clements be unable to attend at any time, rather than two members. Cllr Mrs Clements proposed Cllr Taylor as the Deputy Representative on the Village Liaison Committee, seconded by Cllr Ryves. All Agreed.

Drs Surgery : The Clerk informed the meeting that a response had not yet been received from the NHS PCCT, although a report of a recent meeting of the Practice Patient Participation Group had been received and had been circulated. Cllr Nicholas-Letch commented that the village was rapidly expanding, by possibly 20-25%, in the very near future. There is also the problem of transport for residents to get to the surgery in Boughton. It was felt that the village needs a reliable 2 days a week surgery. The Chairman advised he will try and prepare a working paper for the next meeting. It was agreed that until a response is received from the PCCT further discussion could not take place.

Greater Spending Power: The Chairman reported he had seen an article relating to greater spending power for parish councils. BC Sampson advised this was part of the big society trying to get local councils to take on further tasks but there would not be further money available to cover such extra work/projects

Planning: Grant of Planning Permission Amendment of 5 No affordable dwellings with associated parking and landscaping and materials across the site (amendment to application 10/00080/FM) at land adjacent to Manor Road

Received Following Publication of the Agenda Proposed construction of a bungalow and garage (revised scheme) at land west of Jafrene 72 Wretton Road To be discussed at the end of this meeting by the Planning Committee

Accounts for Approval MHB Services Ltd -

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