West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council

June 2011




Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr M Peake, Cllr S Briston, Cllr L Peake & 3 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence received:

Cllr A Box, Cllr B Glover, Cllr J Wyett

Borough Councillor C Sampson

2. No Declarations of Interest made.

3. The Minutes of the meeting held on 10/01/11 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising

* The Highway Department has been contacted regarding Lime House Drove. There appears to be local opposition to maintenance work being carried out in this area but Highways are looking into the Rights of Way and the highway rights for Lime House Drove. If they are able, Highways will sort out the ponding.

* Cllr Sampson was not at the Parish Council meeting as he was attending a meeting of the Borough Council to consider how to respond to Norfolk County Councils proposals to locate an incinerator at Kings Lynn. A local poll conducted by the Borough Council showed that 61% of those balloted do not support the construction of an incinerator at Saddlebow.

* After taking advice Cllr Wyett has trimmed branches of the Field maple trees planted on the green.

* Posts have been erected around the Green and it was agreed four more posts should be purchased and put in place to deter vehicles from parking on the grass.

5. Chairman's Report

The Chairman had no further reports to make as matters will be covered in other agenda items.

Clerk's Report

The Clerk had no further reports to make as matters will be covered in other agenda items.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

MHB Services x2 £33.20

SJ Scarrott (Jan./Feb.) £131.96

NRCC (2011 subs) £15.00

NPFA (2011 subs) £20.00

I.R £142.15

Finance - Feb. 28th 2011

Community Account Balance £890.00

Business Saver Account (1) £686.21

Business Saver Account (2) £12255.71

Business Saver Account (3) £0.36


6.1 Parish Council website

The Chairman presented Councillors with a suggested specification of what may be required for the proposed new website. The Parish Council wants to retain the current domain name and e-mail addresses and a service level agreement needs to be defined.

The Chairman will consult further with Cllr Box and will draft a letter of agreement for consideration at the next Parish Council meeting.

6.2 Replacement street light in Low Road

A street light in Low Road is in need of replacement. Consideration was given to the choice of part night lighting or/and a flat glass lantern to minimise light pollution. It was agreed to install a flat glass at an estimated cost of £280.00 but not to change to part night lighting.

6.3 Grounds maintenance contract for 2011 season

It was agreed to award the 2011 grounds maintenance contract to the present contractors.

7. Correspondence

1. Came and Company Parish Matters Magazine

2. Norfolk Link etc.

3. Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework - Core Strategy DPD - notification of submission to the Secretary of State.

4. NPFA Playing Field magazine

5. Norfolk Age UK - Campaign for Later Life in Norfolk.

6. BCKLWN - Council meetings agendas.

8. Planning

Proposal: Erection of 2 chicken sheds to replace existing, part rebuilding existing chicken shed and erection of tractor/implementation shed

Location: Wretton Farm, Farhill Drove, Wretton 11/00141/FM


9. Parish Council elections

It was noted that Parish Council elections are due to take place on May 5th 2011.

10. Other reports/items for the next agenda

* Shrubbery at All Saints has been trimmed but the footpath is still overgrown as the privet hedge still needs cutting back. Maintenance is down to Freebridge Housing.

* Trees along West Dereham Road have been cut back.

* Much discussion took place regarding the problems with cars parking along Church Road. The Parish Council will investigate the planning conditions set when development was undertaken along Church Road.

* The Parish Council would be willing to assist development of the interior of All Saints Church if permitted to do so. It is hoped that in time a kitchen and toilets may be installed at the Church.

* It was noted that the Queens Golden Jubilee will be celebrated in 2012. This matter will be an agenda item for a future Parish Council meeting.

Parish Clerk

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