War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

June 2011


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 May 2011

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr T Ryves, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 16 members of the public.

Apologies: No apologies

Election of Chairman

The Clerk advised the meeting that it would be in order for a Chairman to be elected for this meeting until there were further members of the parish council.

Cllr Ryves proposed Cllr Nicholas-Letch seconded by Cllr Mr Leamon. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he would be Chairman for this meeting and up until the next meeting of the Parish Council. Cllr Nicholas-Letch took the chair.

1. Minutes of the last Meeting:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked for an amendment to the item - Review of Rental - Allotment Land Furlong Drove - "Cllr Nicholas-Letch agreed on the basis that the parish council was not aware of any statutory obligation of what they can charge".

Subject to this amendment Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Ryves

2. Matters Arising:

a) Grit Bins - Cllr Mrs Leamon asked whether the Clerk still had the grit bins in her possession - she advised the meeting that they had been collected by Bonnett's to make ready for installation in the positions agreed.

Internal Audit

The Clerk informed the meeting that the Internal Audit had taken place - everything was in order. The Internal Auditor did raise a couple of points - that the Clerk's Salary should be discussed and minuted annually even if there was no change. He also asked whether Standing Orders relevant to the parish council had yet been agreed. Cllr Nicholas-Letch has a draft copy which he will give to all members for discussion at the next meeting.

Adoption of Financial Regulations

The Clerk asked if the Financial Regulations had been read and if they were in agreement with them.

Cllr Mrs Mann proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Ryves. Approved.

Adoption of Risk Assessment and Management

The Clerk asked if everyone was in agreement with the Risk Assessment and Management Document.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Ryves. Agreed.

Adoption of Annual Governance Statement Section 2

The Clerk asked if everyone was happy with the Annual Governance Statement Section 2.

Cllr Ryves proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Agreed

Adoption of Annual Accounts

The Clerk asked if everyone was happy with the End of Year Accounts she had prepared - they had been inspected by the Internal Auditor.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Ryves. Agreed

Signatory for Current Account

The Clerk advised the meeting that a further signatory was required for the current account to make the three required. Cllr Ryves agreed to be the third signatory. The Clertk will make arrangements for this with Barclays Bank. She also advised the meeting that Cllr Nicholas-Letch had been approved as a signatory by Barclays Bank.

Future Meetings

Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting that meetings were at one time held every six weeks then changed to once a month, but he did not feel that monthly meetings worked. As from the beginning of this financial year they were again put back to six weekly. He felt that they should be held every other month. BC Sampson advised he did not think this was a very good idea, having meetings this far apart would make it very difficult to deal with the business matters the parish council has. He would suggest monthly meetings would be far more appropriate. This matter will be discussed at the next meeting when everyone had had time to think about it.

Co-option of Parish Councillor(s)

The Clerk informed the meeting that five requests to become parish councillors had been received from Mrs Janice Buckley-Stevens, Mr Brian Seymour, Mrs Daphne Clements, Mr Edward Taylor and Mr Roy Bivon. The Clerk and three councillors left the meeting to discuss these applications. After some discussion the Clerk asked for a vote. Two councillors voted for all five to be co-opted, one councillor voted for four to be co-opted. The vote was carried by three to two for all five to be co-opted. The Clerk and councillors returned to the meeting to advise the applicants they had all been co-opted.

Carried by 2 votes to 1.

The new councillors were then asked to sign the Acceptance of Office Forms. BC Sampson said thanks for coming forward it's hard work. Cllr Nicholas-Letch welcomed them all on board.

Parish Council Representative on Village Liaison Committee

The Clerk advised the meeting that two parish council representatives are required on this Committee - meetings are held four times a year at Vion's Office on a Wednesday afternoon, asking if anyone would be interested. Cllr Mrs Clements was proposed by Cllr Mrs Leamon seconded by Cllr Ryves. Mrs Clements agreed to be a member of this committee - the Clerk will inform Vion. Cllr Nicholas-Letch queried whether two representatives are required, the Clerk will enquire of Vion and report back to the next meeting.

3. Planning:

Supported by the Parish Council - Full and Listed Building Application - single storey rear extension and internal and external alterations at Canterbury House 7 Wretton Road

4. Accounts for Approval

E-on - Direct Debit -

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