Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton News

June 2011

Update on Bought activities

THE B&B.B Bucket Challenge 2011.

Boughton has now got 27 entries, the best uptake of our annual challenge yet - well done Boughton. We hope that Barton Bendish are rising to the challenge also, please contact Linda or Mhari your two lovely Church Wardens to get your Buckets.

Peter Agate has very kindly offered to make an appropriate trophy for the village that presents the best Bucket.

So it is up to you- enter the Boughton Challenge Hall of Fame, get your village name engraved on this prestigious trophy.

Presentation day :- Saturday 13th August. In All Saints Church & Churchyard. Time to be confirmed. Independent Judges to be nominated in the near future.

Geoff & I will be making surprise visits to monitor progress, and ensure that the rules of the Challenge are being strictly complied with, the perpetrators of any infringements, however minor, will be sin-binned at the presentation. The BASBO luminous coats are to hand and will be presented to the perpetrators of the most heinous infringement.

There are already some very interesting Bucket ideas coming forward, and a couple have already been planted up.

So good luck, we will see you on our surveillance visits in the near future.

Frank & Geoff ( AKA Ali & Baba, Dodgy & Bogus )

Come and visit our beautiful village!

Boughton Village Gardens open

Sunday June 12th

12 - 5 pm

£3.50 per adult

Ploughmans' lunches, teas, plants, tombola

Contact P. Wakeling 01 366 500429

Pam Wakling

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