War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes

May 2011


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 April 2011

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann, Cllr Mrs M Leamon,, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs J Markwell, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 10 members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Borough Cllr C Sampson and PCSO Sara Green

Because of the resignation of Mr Debroy Summers following the last meeting the Clerk asked for nominations for a Chairperson for this meeting. Cllr Precey proposed Cllr Mrs Mann seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza - agreed. Cllr Mrs Mann took the chair.

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza

Matters Arising:

a) Bridge Road Breaking Up/Sinking - Cllr Mrs Mendoza advised the meeting that there seemed to have been some filling in on the footpath. The situation will be monitored.

b) Buckenham Drive Pothole near Vion Entrance - this was apparently filled in but the filling has now come out, the Clerk will again report to Highways.

c) Tree Roots on Footpath Buckenham Drive - Highways advised that this work has been done, but apparently the roots are again coming through the tarmac. The Clerk will again contact Highways.

d) Village Liaison Meeting - Vion advised they have placed the Dukes Head, Millers Arms, Millers Arms Field and cottage on the market, but they do not intend to sell their part of the village hall building. Cllr Mrs Mann advised that things were looking brighter on the new village hall front.

e) PC Representative on School Governors - the Clerk had received a letter from the Chairman of Governors asking that Cllr Mrs Leamon who was put forward for a position on the Governors should submit a 100 word letter to be considered with other applicants. Cllr Mrs Leamon will not be submitting such letter. Cllr Mrs Mann and other councillors were surprised at this particularly as the Headmaster Mr Beeson was keen to have a close liaison with the village and parish council.

f) Gritting Routes 2011/2012 Wretton Road - nothing further heard to date.

g) Bottle Bank Sign - Cllr Precey had painted out the obsolete wording - many thanks for this

h) The Willows Recycling Centre - a letter had been received from the Leader of the Norfolk County Council advising there are still to be two statutory consultations to come and through them it will be seen all the actual details and facts regarding what is proposed, including the necessary impact regarding health and the environment.

i) PAYE - the Clerk informed the meeting that she had attended the training session, the Parish Council was now registered with HMRC and she was awaiting the pack from HMRC to implement the PAYE.

j) Cemetery Gates - these have now been repaired, many thanks to Bonnett's for carrying out this work

k) Number of Councillors - following the question asked at the last meeting, following the elections on 5 May Stoke Ferry will only have 3 councillors instead of 9. There will just be a Quorum.

l) Boughton Surgery Car Park - a letter had been received from the Practice Manager advising that the car park/repairs are not the responsibility of the Surgery but Norfolk County Council. Repairs are expected to be carried out in the next few weeks.

Resignation of Parish Councillor

The resignation of Mr Debroy Summers was dealt with at the commencement of the meeting.

Review of Rental - Allotment Land Furlong Drove

The five year review of the rental for this land is due - following considerable discussion Cllr Mrs Mann recommended that an increase should be made, there is an administration cost to the council, there has been no increase since 2001. Cllr Mrs Mann recommended an increase to

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