War Memorial Gary Trouton

Letter to The Editor

May 2011

Peter replies to Janet Stocking's letter in last month's edition

Dear Ray,

I should like to respond to Janet Stocking's letter from last month's 'Pump'.

Janet, Thank you for thinking I could perhaps be a positive asset to the P.C./village.

Sadly I cannot see myself stepping forward, for the issue of funding (or lack thereof) that I alluded to in my last note.

You simply cannot run a successful operation of any sort, by bringing it in under budget, and still provide the end products. (i.e. services for the parishioners.) In the past ten years, in my experience, the Stoke Ferry PC has been consistently under funded, and as a result appears to have produced a 'cut-price' ethos that does not sit easily in my mind.

I would never accept a paid position in a company where the cash flow was demonstrably below that which was required to operate the company, and I certainly could not, in all conscience, look at a public situation where the fiscal outlook was deliberately compromised.

If you need to see how to run a successful Parish Council, you could do worse than look through the records of the more successful neighbouring PCs...It ain't Rocket Science.

Peter Bodle

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