War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

April 2011

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 9 March 2011


Those Attending: Cllr D Summers, (Chairman) Cllr Mrs T Mann, Cllr Mrs M Leamon,, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs J Markwell, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 7 members of the public. PCSO Sara Clipperton and Sgt S Hemeter were also present.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr J Nicholas-Letch

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza

The Chairman Declared an Interest in all discussions relating to Greatmans Way.

Police Matters: The Chairman welcomed PCSO Clipperton and Sgt S Hemeter to the meeting. PCSO Clipperton advised that nothing of note had occurred since the last meeting neither had there been any crimes reported. Discussions then went on to Greatmans Way - the Police Report on the ongoing situation had been passed to all councillors. Cllr Mrs Mann raised the point suggested by the police that a Bell be placed on the gate(s) to be used if the public wished to walk along the public footpath, or a mobile telephone number which could be used. How long would walkers have to wait before the dogs are taken in, if they are running loose at that particular time. It was felt this was not a suitable remedy, not everyone carries a mobile phone, the signal in the village is very poor. Sgt Hemeter advised that from the information gained there was not sufficient evidence for the police to take any action, he also pointed out that this matter should be the responsibility of the Highways Footpath Department representative, but it was pointed out that the PC were constantly told it was a police matter. The matter will be discussed at the SNAP meeting on Thursday 10 March. Sgt Hemeter and PCSO Clipperton were thanked for attending and left the meeting.

Matters Arising:

a) Bridge Road Breaking Up/Sinking - following the last meeting the Chairman agreed to arrange a meeting with the Highways Department to discuss this matter but to date he had not arranged a meeting.

b) Buckenham Drive Potholes near Vion Entrance - this does not seem to have been repaired. The Clerk will chase this up with Highways

c) Mud on Roads - nothing further to report.

d) Tree Roots on Footpath Buckenham Drive - nothing seems to have been done - the Clerk will chase up again

e) Village Liaison Meeting - Cllr Mrs Mann raised a question relating to Vion placing their buildings on the market for sale, in particular the section of the Village Hall in their ownership. There seems to be a query relating to the building of the new village hall, it was agreed a letter be sent to Vion asking if they would delay selling this until there is more definite information regarding the new hall.

f) PC Representative on School Governors - nothing to report the County Council will make their decision in due course.

g) Gritting Routes 2011/2012 Wretton Road - a letter had been received from Highways advising this matter will be considered when gritting routes are being discussed.

Resignation of Parish Councillor

A letter had been received from Mrs S Lansdell-Williams resigning as a Parish Councillor. The Clerk informed the meeting that as this resignation was less than six months prior to elections there was not sufficient time to try to co-opt anyone. Cllr Mrs Mann raised the matter of the various tasks that Mrs Lansdell-Williams was going to undertake. The Clerk advised that these should be put in abeyance until a new Parish Council is formed following the elections and the new committees are formed. The matter of depreciation allowance for the Clerk's own equipment should be backdated to when the matter was first raised, when any figures are agreed.

Greatmas Way

Following the earlier discussions Cllr Mrs Mendoza will be attending the SNAP Meeting and will report the views of the Parish Council to the meeting, she will then report back to the next PC Meeting in April. In the meantime it was agreed to write to Mr Joyce at Highways to make the appropriate representations relating to this matter. It was agreed that the public should use this footpath/walk and should they encounter any problems to report them to the various authorities, the Footpaths Department at NCC, the Police and the Parish Council.

Bottle Bank:

Since the installation of the new bottle bank by the Borough Council there had been numerous problems, the one bin was not large enough for the amount of glass, glass was being broken and thrown over the parking area. The bin constantly overflowing because of the fully opening lid. The Borough Council have now placed a further bin at the site and this will be monitored. BC Sampson had very kindly on our behalf been in touch with the BC who have advised him the bins will have lockable lids in future, also advising the broken glass would be cleared up. Unfortunately this had not been done, there is still broken glass over the car park.

Cllr Precey has kindly agreed to paint over the part of the sign which is not now applicable because of this change.


Supported by Parish Council - Rear lounge and lobby extension at Katanga Lynn Road

Grant of Planning Permission - Construction of 13 Social Houses including new Village Hall and 30 parking spaces and new access land adjacent to Furlong Road

Cllr Mrs Mann raised a query relating to fact that a new company has been appointed to build the village hall, a company that was only formed in October 2010, the Village Hall Committee are worried the building will not now take place. BC Sampson advised that the VH Solicitors should do diligent checks in relation to the grant of planning permission and the 106 Agreement, he will check with the planners.

Accounts for Approval

E-on - Direct Debit -

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