War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

March 2011

Minutes of the February Meeting of Stoke Ferry PC


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.3Opm on Wednesday 9 February 2011

Those Attending: Cllr D Summers, (Chairman) Cllr Mrs T Mann, Cllr Mrs M Leamon,, Cllr Mrs R

Mendoza, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr M Precey, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk)

and 6 members of the public. PCSO Sophie Watson was also present.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Markwell, and Cllr J Nicholas-Letch

1. Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Precey.

Police Matters: The Chairman welcomed PCSO Watson. She informed the meeting that 22 calls had been received which included road related problems, violence, RTC, domestic, burglary, drugs, vehicle nuisance on The Common but no trace of anyone there when police arrived. Cur Mrs Mann asked how long following the call did police arrive - one hour following one call and about 15 minutes following another call, police were in the vicinity. Member of the public had not received any communication from police regarding dogs, which had been promised. BC Sampson asked what is happening about this matter and asked for it to be sorted out. There being no further issues the Chairman thanked PCSO Watson and she left the meeting.

2. Matters Arising

a) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - it would appear there is nothing further to discuss on this matter until a planning application is received.

b) The Cemetery - it does not appear that the paint will be returned by the Probation Service, this matter to be removed from the minutes.

c) Bridge Road Breaking Up/Sinking - the Clerk reported that Highways and the Bridge Team had inspected the area and will monitor it. It was suggested that perhaps the Chairman could meet a member of the Highways Team to discuss this matter.

d) Hedge Bridge Road - Cllr Summers has not been able to cut this back but did informed the meeting the hedge appeared to have been cut.

e) Buckenham Drive Potholes near Vion - Highways have advised they will carry out a chip patching repair.

Spigot Mortar Mountings - Cur Precey reported he had received a few responses to his note in The Pump, there is also a third one near The Old Bull.

g) Proposed Power & Recycling Centre at King's Lynn - A Ballot Paper will be received by everyone on the 14 February - everyone to make their own decision and vote accordingly.

h) Boulders on Verge in Bradfield Place - have not been seen recently but situation will be monitored

i) Mud on Roads - Cllr Mrs Mendoza advised this had been reported to the recent SNAP Meeting, the police advised it was a Highways issue not a police matter, there was a Highways Environmental Officer at the meeting who advised he would deal with the matter. The pigs at the end of School Lane had now been removed and the area being cleaned up.

j) Tree Roots on Footpath Buckenham Drive - this had been reported to Highways but they had not responded to this issue, the Clerk to chase it up.

k) Wretton Road Potholes - these appear to have been filled in.

Village Liaison Meeting Update:

In the absence of Cur Mrs Markwell the Clerk asked the Chairman if he would give an update, he was unable to do so apart from advising that the Millers Arms and Dukes Head buildings would be placed on the market shortly. The minutes of the meeting should be available by the next Council Meeting.

Proposed Parish Council Representative on School Governors

The Clerk had spoken to the Headmaster of James Bradfield School who had informed her, the PC can nominate

a councillor for this committee, but the final decision regarding an appointment is down to the County Council.

Cllr Mrs Mann proposed Cllr Mrs Leamon, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza - Agreed by all present.

Gritting Routes 2011/12:

When the gritting routes were issued for 2010/2011 it was noted that Wretton Road had not been included, Highways informed the PC to broach this subject again in February 2011. It was agreed that representation be made to Highways for this road to be added to the schedule, pointing out there is a School, Community Centre, School Buses, Public Transport, Doctors Surgery also a very busy road.

Replacement Printer:

It was reported to the meeting that the personal printer used by the Clerk was no longer useable and she had queried about a replacement, Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams advised that if the PC purchased a printer it would be the property of the PC, she also advised that when the Clerk had been appointed an agreement should have been entered into to make a depreciation allowance for the equipment used by the Clerk, this had never been carried out. The Clerk informed the meeting she would rather purchase the printer herself rather than be left without a printer when she eventually resigns her post. Cllr Lansdell-Williams agreed to look into the Clerks Contract and discuss a suitable depreciation allowance. It was also pointed out that on any new appointment this matter must be looked into.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams, seconded by Cur Precey that she undertake to look at the Clerk's Contract to bring it up to date. Agreed by all present

Bottle Bank:

The Parish Council had been advised by the Borough Council that they were removing the Bottle Banks provided by Berryman's and would be putting their own in place with effect from week commencing 31 January 2011. There have been problems with the new bin in that it is nowhere large enough and the lid opens completely, this being an area for vandalism this is not suitable. The Clerk had been in contact with the Borough Council and has been informed that two bins will be put in place with lockable lids with a smaller aperture to prevent glass etc, being removed. The bins will be emptied on a weekly basis. The situation will be monitored.

The sign erected by the PC will need to be amended; the telephone number displayed is no longer relevant because of this change. It was agreed to try and black out this part of the sign.

3. Planning:

Application Land at Oxborough Road -- Construction of one dwelling following demolition of existing garage and adjusting parking and turning area to serve new dwelling and The Old Brewery is going to Appeal. The Clerk asked if any councillor wished to amend/change their original comments on this application - no one wished to, therefore no further action would take place.

Supported by Parish Council - Amendment of 5 No affordable dwellings with associated parking and landscaping (amendment to application 10/00080/FM) land at Manor Road

4. Accounts for Approval

B-on - Direct Debit -

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