Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council Meeting

February 2011

Minutes of the meeting of Wereham Parish Council

held on Tuesday 11th January 2011 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Present: P. Markwell - Chairman, D. Pickston P. Norris, Mrs. Everitt and Mrs. Newel!.

Apologies: C. Humphries and M/s Norris

1. Minutes: It was proposed by P. Norris and seconded by D. Pickston that the minutes of the meeting held on 9thi November 2010 be signed as a correct record.

2 Matters Arising: The road sign at the junction of Cavenham and Gibbet Lane is still minus the finger sign directing the way to Fincham and the road sign at the junction of Gibbet Lane and Fincham Road is missing altogether. The clerk is to check when the work on the Willow Trees is to commence and also to chase Pearce and Kemp reference the malfunctioning Street Lights.

3.Planning Application: H. Greenard - const of replacement dwelling at Lyndale, Lynn Road, Wereham - recommend approval.

4,Planning Decisions: Mr. & Mrs. Fisher - single storey extension, Back Lane -Mr. & Mrs. Pickwell, Warren Cottage, Cavenham Road - both approved.

5. Payments: C.G.M. Ltd £678. 09 : Royal British Legion £16.50. Proposed P. Norris and seconded P. Markwell - pass for payment

6. Village Hall: Following a discussion it was proposed by Mrs. Newell and seconded by Mrs. Everitt that a donation of £250. 00 be paid during this financial year a further donation of at least £250. 00 be paid in the next financial year - unanimously agreed.

7. Clerks Salary: A discussion took place and it was agreed that the salary for 2011/2012 be increased by £252. 50 and should be reviewed next year after the Councillors have had an opportunity to check the official pay for part time clerks - all as proposed by P. Norris and seconded by Mrs. Everitt.

8 Precept: After a discussion it was proposed by P. Markwell and seconded by P. Norris that the precept for 201 1/2012 be set at £5994. 00 - unanimously agreed.

9.Correspondence: Norfolk Link: Signpost : N.C.C. Gritting Routes : N.C.C. proposed Incinerator: 1A Drain Service and Construction Ltd with offer of any insurance work the Parish Council might have need of - all noted.

10. Any Other Business: P. Norris raised the matter of a vacancy on the Parish Council and it was confirmed that at present there are no vacancies - the clerk confirmed that in any case there will only be one more meeting before the election. P. Norris asked how and when further information would become available regarding the election & the clerk confirmed that as soon as the necessary and various papers were available they would be handed to all present Parish Councillors and any other interested persons. P. Norris informed the Councillors that he was still gathering details and information for the preparation of the Village Plan and he will send a list to all Councillors when completed. He further confirmed that he felt the next Parish Council should be proactive and attention should be paid to the age and gender of the Councillors.

The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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