River Wissey Lovell Fuller


January 2011




Present: Mrs R Crisp, Mrs V Lynch, Mr M Peake, Mrs T Waller, Mr D George, Miss A Muir, Mr M Roberts, Mr M Wells.

1. Apologies for absence

Mr J Norris, Mrs S Leet.

2. No Declarations of Interest were made.

3. The minutes of the meeting held on 05/10/10 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising from previous meetings

* Concern was raised regarding the need to undertake a risk assessment of the tress at Whittington Playing Field.

* Interest has been shown in hiring the vacant Garden Allotment plot and the Clerk is to meet one potential tenant and hopefully an agreement will be signed and the plot will begin to be worked. It is possible the plot may be split and hired to two tenants.

* The Council is investigating the treatment of reported Chafer bugs at Northwold Playing Field. A quote is to be sought and a decision will need to be made regarding whether the cost of treatment will need to be added to the 2011 precept request. The Council has been informed that for treatment to be effective it will need to be undertaken in the spring/early summer of 2011.

5. Reports

5.1 Chairman's Report

* 'Community Action Northwold' has been established as a group to put forward projects to benefit the parish. A meeting is to be held on November 29th.

* Councillors were invited to attend Northwold Youth Club AGM to be held on November 17th.

* The Parish Council has received a complaint that a grave stone has been chipped in Northwold cemetery. Photographs sent to the Parish Council will be passed to the grass cutting contractors.

* Concern has been raised that the post box has been removed from Didlington (the post box was removed in Little London some time ago and has not been reinstated).

5.2 The Clerk's Report

* The Parish Council notice board in Little London is in need of replacement. One door is now detached.

* Enquiries are being made regarding the cost of a tree risk assessment to be undertaken on trees which the Parish Council are responsible for.

5.3 Manor House Update

Mr M Peake reported that the Borough Council now has the Manor House noted as a high priority for action and possible compulsory purchase.

5.4 A134 Crossroads Update - no further report


(no members of the public present)

6. The following payments were agreed:

MHB Services (street lighting maintenance) £50.14

E.on Energy (street light electric) £146.98

Village Hall Committee £5.00

Country Grounds Maintenance £290.00

Angliawater - cemetery £15.07

Clerk Salary £97.20

6.1/6.2 and 6.3 - considered together as part of the 2011 Precept request

* Councillors were presented with a copy of the financial internal statement to date. The current bank balance stands at £11175.93.

* It was agreed that salt bins would be provided by the telephone box along Methwold Road, by Methwold cross roads and at Church Lane, Whittington. The bin by the Village Hall will also be replaced.

Permission will be sought from Highways to site the bins before ordering.

* Some discussion took place regarding the need to trim trees in the Old Cemetery and at Whittington Playing Field. It was suggested the Borough Council Tree Warden should be approached for advice.

It was suggested the precept request for 2011 should remain the same as 2010. This will be decided at the December meeting of the Parish Council.

7. Correspondence

7.1 Playing Field Newsletter.

7.2 Land Registry - Registering your Council's property

7.3 Sports Development Update Autumn 2010

7.4 Elections 2011 - NALC course (Clerk to attend)

7.5 Affordable Housing booklet passed to Mr. George

7.6 Minerals and Waste Core Strategy planning documents

8. Planning

Mr. M Peake took no part in discussion relating to agenda item 8.

8.1 Proposed permanent residential caravan at Didlington Site, Little London Road, Northwold 10/01746/F

No comment

Notice of Decision

Permission is granted for the proposed single storey link from existing dwelling and conversion of garage to form annexe at Derwent House, Old Methwold Road, Whittington 10/01472/F

9. Lack of burial space at Whittington Churchyard.

An extraordinary meeting of Whittington P.C.C has been held to discuss the remaining available spaces for burials at Whittington Churchyard. There are only two spaces left and the churchyard will then be closed for burials.

The P.C.C has contacted Northwold Parish Council to request that consideration be given to a burial space being created in part of Whittington Playing Field. The P.C.C will be asked to formally write to the Parish Council with their request and this matter will be agenda item again for the next Parish Council meeting.

10. Further reports/items for the next agenda

10.1 It was noted that phone boxes in the parish are in need of cleaning. This is BT' s responsibility.

10.2 It was noted that the fence has still not been repaired at the Old Chalk Pit.

A resolution to exclude the public was agreed to discuss the agreement between Northwold Sports & Social Club and Northwold Parish Council.

Discussion took place regarding who should be responsible for payment of the water bills for the Playing Field.

It was agreed the Sports & Social Club should be asked to sign the agreement relating to use of the Sports & Social Club as was passed to them previously with the addition of two clauses that were present on the 2003 agreement but which had been omitted from the first draft new agreement.

Parish Clerk

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