West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Coucnil

November 2010



Present: Mrs Claire Cann - Chairman, Ms A Richardson - Vice-Chairman, Mrs Doreen Berry, Mr Russell Drew, Mr Barry Glover, Mrs Ruth Marsters, Mr Paddy Murfitt.

5 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Mr Richard Rockcliffe - County Councillor

Mr Trevor Manley - Borough Councillor

2. Declarations of Interest made

Mr B Glover and Ms A Richardson both declared an interest in item 9.2.

3. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 02/09/10 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising from previous meetings

4.1Allotments and Farm Tenancy update

It was agreed discussion regarding the Farm Tenancy update would take place at the end of the meeting after a resolution to exclude the public.

The annual meeting at the Allotments took place before the September meeting of the Parish Council. It was agreed, if there is a waiting list for allotments, not to offer renewal of allotment tenancies on plots that are not being used or are untended. This will not apply until October 2011 and the annual allotment meeting will be held in March or April so that six months notice can be given to any allotment holders whose tenancies may not be renewed. All tenancies have been renewed this year and all payments have been received.

Allotment agreements will be reviewed and this will be an agenda item for the November Parish Council meeting.

4.2 Police Surgeries Update

Sgt. Rowe who was present at the meeting gave a report of incidents in the village since August 5th. In that time there have been 17 calls made to the Police from West Dereham. The majority of incidents reported concerned road related offences. Youths have been reported illegally riding motorbikes and quads and there have also been incidents of youngsters visiting houses at night. One reported theft was of a caravan stolen from a field.

Residents at the meeting were encouraged to report any concerns by phoning the Police 0845 456 4567 number to log events. The Police should still be contacted by phoning 999 for urgent matters. Sgt. Rowe assured residents that, before the next Parish Council meeting, he would target youths riding without helmets along Station Road.

4.3 Highways Rangers Service

This initiative is to begin in the very near future and a timetable when the Highways Rangers will visit the parish to undertake minor maintenance work will be published. Information can be found at www.norfolk.gov.uk under H in the A-Z.

4.4 Broadband Update

The current position is that site surveys have been carried out for a broadband transmitter at Hilgay and a receiver at West Dereham. BT has determined that trees block a direct line of sight between Hilgay and West Dereham. One solution to this could be to use a taller mast, but this would mean a 15 metre mast at Hilgay School and this would only be considered as a last resort. The required equipment is being installed at County Hall and Hilgay School to prove the public internet service can work. Work is required at Hilgay to enable anything to be accomplished at West Dereham. A taller mast (20m rather than the original 5m) may now be needed at West Dereham. Consideration may be given to locating a mast at the village hall and extending services to give broadband cover to more of the village. Residents could be offered a low-cost exterior aerial to enable more people in the 450m radius of any agreed mast a good service.

Much discussion took place as to whether the plans for the provision of broadband would serve enough people to be justifiable. Mr Andy Ambridge will be invited to the November Parish Council meeting to explain the plans.

5. Reports:

5.1 Chairman's Report:

* A copy of the Clerk's salary was given to Councillors. This will be reviewed at the November meeting of the Parish Council.

* Councillors were reminded to inform the Clerk if their Register of Interests changes.

* The Chairman has purchased plants for the village planters with money donated.

5.2 Clerk's Report:

* The drain at the Hilgay Road end of Basil Road has been reported to Highways as it appeared to be blocked. The Highway Engineer has said he will look at the problem. It was reported that the road floods by Beech House.

* The 2010 External Audit has been completed and notices advertising this have been posted in the village notice boards.

* The Clerk recently attended the Society of Local Council Clerks Annual Regional Conference. Stalls at the event were promoting software useful for local councils. Further research will be undertaken regarding the possible purchase of mapping and financial software.

5.3 Village Hall Report:

A quiz night and a Bingo have been run by the Fund Raising Sub-Committee during the last month giving together a profit of around £140.

The Lottery grant application, Reaching Communities - has been turned down for a second time but the Committee has been invited to resubmit and advised of the weak areas. This has been done with some outside advice and the application is ready to be sent again.

A grant submission has been made to "Comic Relief" for up to £10,000 and also "Awards for all" have been approached for kitchen equipment to the value of £10,000.

The Village Hall has been awarded a grant of £10,000 by the Borough Council.

There is now £25,000 in the kitty as well as money promised from the Village Trust.

5.4 Glazewing Report:

The monthly report from Glazewing was read out to the meeting and will be displayed on the village notice boards. Glazewing directors will be asked to the next Parish Council meeting as it is now nearly six months since they last attended.

6. Preparation for 2011 Parish Council Elections

Correspondence has been received from the Borough Council that it is proposed that in future years the full cost of running Parish Council Elections and Parish Polls should be passed on to the Parish Council concerned. Comments are invited on this proposal and should be submitted to Ray Harding, Chief Executive of the Borough Council by November 1st. The Parish Council will need to include money (possibly £1000) in the 2011 precept request to cover any cost for the 2011 elections.

Councillors were unanimous in their opposition to the Borough Councils proposal believing that requiring parishes with limited resources to fund elections was tantamount to discouraging democracy. A letter will be sent to the Borough Council opposing the billing of parishes for costs incurred by Parish Council Elections.

7. Accounts: Financial position update

7.1 The Parish Council current account stood at £6972 on the 17th September with £1611 held in a reserve account.

Payment of the following accounts was agreed:

Tim Feetham (Bus shelter repairs) £350.00

Clerk's salary (September) £145.00

Inland Revenue £121.60

Anglianwater (cemetery) £12.18

Mazars (external audit) £141.00

C.G.M (grounds maintenance) £116.82

7.2 Computer Software

Financial software specific to parish councils is available and investigation will be made regarding sharing the cost of a package with other councils. There is also mapping software that will be considered. Money was allocated in the previous two years budget for a Parish Council computer and software. £284 of this remains following purchase of the computer and this could be used to finance software.

7.3 2011 Precept request

It was suggested seats, notice boards and the village sign may need maintenance and a specification of work needed will be compiled for quotes to be sought.

Some discussion took place regarding whether money should be allocated from future precepts towards the provision of a second bus shelter. A feasibility study was recommended before such a decision could be made.

The meeting was briefly suspended to ask members of the public present for their thoughts regarding any increase to the precept. It appeared that generally people are happy to see a small increase to keep up with inflation.

8. Correspondence

1. 2011 Census: Councillor Handbook

2. BCKLWN Special Council Meeting agenda 14/10/10 and Council meeting agenda 30/09/10

3. Watlington Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel - meeting dates (to display on notice boards)

4. Letter from NCC regarding reduced public spending. Norfolk County Council is facing a funding gap of £155m over the next three years.

5. Proposed Power and Recycling Centre at King's Lynn.

9. Planning applications:

9.1 Side extension to dwelling, change in roof design and loft conversion at Baretha, Basil Road, West Dereham 10/01626/F

No observations

9.2 Construction of detached hobby building at The Old Coach House, Ryston Road, West Dereham 10/01551/F

No observations

9.3 Extension for time for the implementation of a planning permission reference 07/02141/F: two storey extension and alterations to dwelling at Trident, Station Road, West Dereham 10/01572/EXF

No observations

10. It was agreed to adopt the procedure for dealing with notifications received from the Monitoring Officer that a complaint has been made against a member as recommended by the Standards Committee.

The Standards Committee has asked for advice upon the legality of the recording of Parish and Town Council meetings. If meetings are to be prevented from being recorded (photographs, film, video or other electronic recordings) the Council can adopt provisions in Standing Orders. This matter will be an agenda item for the November Parish Council meeting.

11. Further Reports/Items for the next agenda:

11.1 Enquiries have been made to the Borough Council regarding the issue of the tall hedge shading the allotments and what can be done to solve this problem. The high hedge legislation is confined to issues whereby only residential properties are adversely affected by the height of a hedge. As the issue in this case concerns shade being cast on allotment land then it is unlikely that the legislation can be used to resolve the matter. Legal advice concerning loss of Parish Council revenue from unviable allotments will be sought from the Norfolk Association of Local Councils.


* Footpaths No. 7 and 11 were reported as being overgrown and will be reported to the Rights of Way Officer.

* Roadside posts by the Hollies need reinstating. This has been reported to the Highway Engineer and will be again.

* Pot holes were reported along Station Road. Highways will be asked when pot holes were last repaired along Station Road.

* Comment was made that Station Road needs a 20mph speed limit. Elizabeth Truss, MP could be asked to support a campaign but it would need residents to get together to petition for this.

* Complaints were made that vehicles are driving to and from Glazewing at all times of the night and that residents of Station Road are losing sleep as a consequence. Residents should report matters to Glazewing.

A resolution was passed to exclude the public to discuss the Farm Business Tenancy Agreement for the allotment land.

The draft tenancy agreement has been amended to include half yearly rental payments to be made in advance and hedge cutting has been documented to be undertaken once a year.

It was agreed to proceed with the tenancy agreement and the document was duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

Parish Clerk

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