Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Coucnil meeting

September 2010

Draft Minutes of the August meeting of Stoke

Fferry Parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 11 August 2010

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-chair), Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr D Summers, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), and 7 members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Markwell and the Police

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon.

Matters Arising:

a) Police Matters - The Chairman informed the meeting that although it had been agreed to forward a letter of complaint to the Police at the last meeting, neither she or the Clerk had had time to get this prepared, it will hopefully be done by the next meeting.

b) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - The Clerk had been informed by Planning that the agent acting for the owner of the site has yet to receive instructions from him with regard to his intentions. CC White to be chased up with regard to the fence possibly being place in the incorrect position.

c) Buckenham Drive/Parking - the Clerk had been unable to make contact with the Housing Officer at Freebridge despite phone calls and emails. She will continue to chase this matter up.

d) Footpath School Lane towards Wretton - this has been cut.

e) Limehouse Drove Bridleway at end of School Lane - The footpaths officer had informed the PC that this is recorded as a Restricted Byeway. CC White to be asked for his comments on this.

f) Concrete Posts end of Common near River Bank - no additional post has been erected, the Clerk is continuing to chase up this matter.

g) Potholes - Furlong Road/Drove, Wretton Road, Buckenham Drive - the Pothole outside The Hall has now been repaired. The Clerk to enquire when further potholes around the village will be repaired.

h) The Cemetery - The Clerk has still not received a date/time for the remaining painting to be completed by the Probation Service. She will continue to chase this up.

i) Wretton PC - Sharing Costs for The Common - Wretton PC have informed Stoke Ferry that they are not prepared to share any costs involved.

j) Buckenham Drive Footpath - the Clerk has now been informed that an order has been placed for this work to be carried out.

k) Post Office School Pick Up Point - the school had agreed to write to parents - the situation will be monitored when the school re-opens in September

l) New Lights Bradfield Place - the residents affected by these new lights have been visited by a representative of NCC Lighting Department, and been informed the lights will go ahead.

m) Hedge Bridge Road - this has apparently been cut back.

n) Village Liaison Meetings - As requested at the last meeting a letter had been forwarded to Environmental Health and Housing regarding non attendance at meetings. A response had been received today stating that a representative would attend the meetings when someone was available to do so, they will still continue the monitoring for dust levels and relevant information will be supplied. It was also suggested that maybe BC Sampson would be prepared to attend and chair the meetings. BC Sampson agreed to consider this if he were invited to the meetings.

o) Overgrown Tree - The Cottage Lynn Road - a letter had been sent to the occupiers but no response had been received.

p) Field/Footpath - Lynn Road to Buckenham Drive - Vion have been asked to cut this field - they have informed the Chairman that they will spray this section with weed killer. To be monitored

q) Overgrown Hedges - Fairfield Road - these have all been cut back

r) Grit Boxes - the Clerk had looked at prices for these but did point out it would be difficult to place these on two roads only. Costings for these would have to be included in the budget for 2011/12. If it is available obtain a gritting plan from Highways for the next meeting.

s) Glass Bank - the Clerk had looked into how frequently the glass bank is emptied, she has been informed it is on a two weekly basis. The operatives did suggest having an overflow bank - this is now in place. The Chairman queried whether there was any financial recompense for having a glass bank, BC Sampson suggested speaking to Cllr Mrs Markwell about this. Cllr Summers reported that the lorries are driving through the village too fast.

Proposed Waste Incinerator at Saddlebow:

The Chairman and Cllr Precey attended meetings held by Dr Van Steenis and NCC relating to the proposed Waste Incinerator, concern was raised in relation to the fine particles as there is no requirement for the fine and more hazardous particles to be monitored. After some discussion it was agreed that not much could be done until further information and consultation documents are available. The Chairman felt everyone should be aware of this and therefore make their own investigations.

Village Emergency Plan:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch passed the Clerk an updated copy of the Village Emergency Plan. He went through the plan as there had not been many people attend the meeting on 1 July. He also pointed out that a Co-ordinator and Deputy Co-ordinator were required to work in conjunction with the representative from the Borough Council. It was agreed that a notice be placed in The Pump asking if any local person(s) would like to take on these roles. This will be considered at the next meeting.

Standing Orders:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch has been working on this document and will organise a meeting with members of the Standing Orders Working Party in the next week or so.

Youth Club Project - (Your Council Your Decision):

Cllr Leamon reported that the committee are awaiting further documents from the bank in order that they may get an account opened. Hopefully this will take place very soon.

The Chairman also informed the meeting of the forthcoming Fete being held on Sunday 29 August in the Playing Fields - organised by the School, Little Oaks, Youth Club and Football Club.

Greatmans Way

Following the last meeting it was felt that before holding a public open meeting it would be more beneficial to arrange a meeting with the various officials involved in this matter to discuss a way forward. BC Sampson had emailed the various people and is waiting a response as to a suitable date. The issues do not only relate to the Public Footpath but to vehicle access/horse riding etc. The Chairman asked if Mr Philpot would be prepared to help by liaising with those people who have written to the PC, he agreed to do this. In the meantime BC Sampson will endeavour to organise a meeting prior to the next parish council meeting.

Remembrance Sunday (14 November):

The Chairman suggested writing to Mr Kit Hesketh-Harvey to ask, if he is available, he would ring the Church Bells at 11.00am, as he did last year. If anyone has any ideas for the short service to get in touch with either the Chairman or Clerk. It was suggested the school be asked if they would like to join the PC, maybe the children would like to sing a hymn, also ask Mrs Nicholas-Letch if she would be available at that time. The Chairman also said it would be nice if the gentleman who asked if he could lay a wreath last year could also join in.

Purchase of Bulbs for The Cemetery:

A suggestion has been made that the PC purchase some spring bulbs to be planted around the permiter of the Cemetery, possibly asking the school if some of the children would like to help plant them. The Clerk informed the meeting that there was £185 remaining from the sum budgeted for works in the Cemetery. It was agreed that some bulbs be ordered.

The Common - Parking:

A representative from the Environment Agency was intending to get to the meeting in time for this matter to be discussed and to explain the situation. Unfortunately it appears he has not been able to get here.

At the last meeting it was reported that the Fisheries Recreation and Biodiversity Technical Officer of the Environment Agency had requested consideration be given to parking at the end of School Lane for fishermen. A letter was sent to Mr Sanders, owner of this land asking for his comments. In his reply he states he is not entirely happy with parking taking place on this part of The Common, he feels parking of the odd car would not be a problem but if there was a significant use of the area for parking then there might be problems. After some discussion it was felt that should this be allowed it would create a precedent for further vehicles being parked.

The Chairman proposed a letter be sent to the Environment Agency refusing this request.

Agreed by a vote of 6 - 1.


Application Received following publication of the Agenda

Supported by Parish

Removal of pantiles and erection of scaffolding to prevent collapse of roof at Canterbury House 7 Wretton Road.

Listed Building Consent - Forming two new openings and building in two new ground floor windows in north elevation at Pineapple Coach House High Street

Accounts for Approval

CGM - £146.34 - Grounds Maintenance for July

James Bradfield School - £26.28 - Hire of Hall - July

Mrs C Hardy - £282.77 - Salary and Expenses for July

BCKLWN - £33.61 - Collection of Dog Waste - January - March 2010

E-on - DD - £39.40 - Lighting - July

Statement of Account as at 11 August 2010 - Balance in Bank as at 12 July - Community Account £2137.79, Business Saver Account £14168.41. £4625.00 is allocated for the Youth Club Project.

Cllr Precey proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon

A complaint had been received regarding the strimming not being carried out in the Playing Fields - the Clerk to write to CGM advising future accounts will not be paid unless works done properly.


HM Revenue & Customs - advising the Tax Affairs of the Clerk are being dealt with correctly

NALC - Advising of Annual General Meeting on 11 September 2010

NALC - EDP in the West & Fens will have a special supplement especially for community news.

Norfolk Constabulary - Advising of Bogus Callers saying they are from Anglian Water

NALC - Local Referendums to veto excessive council tax increases - any comments required by 10 September

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Leamon - Footpath from Wretton Road to Buckenham Drive covered in weeds.

Cllr Mrs Leamon - caravan parked in front of bungalow in Boughton Road - the Clerk to query this with Planning.

Car been dumped on land in Buckenham Drive

Cllr Mrs Mann - the Dog Waste Bin and Rubbish Bin on the Common are surrounded by nettles. Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams agreed to cut these down.

Cllr Mrs Mann - a considerable amount of vandalism has been caused to the changing rooms in the Playing Fields - if anyone knows who is responsible please give names to police.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked when Furlong Road/Drove was going to be resurfaced - the Clerk to enquire

Public Other Business

The Police Information Unit at the Post Office has been withdrawn also the Mobile Police Office has been withdrawn

A suggestion that Vion sponsor the grit bins

The Limehouse Drove and River Drove footpaths have changed to Restricted Byeways

All maps seem to contradict all NCC maps also the flood plane seems to have been moved

CGM lawnmowers speeding round Buckenham Drive

The post has been erected in The Cemetery for the water containers, it is just waiting for the hooks to be put in place.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 8 September commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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