West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council

August 2010

Minutes of the July meeting of West Dereham Parish Council



Present: Mrs Claire Cann - Chairman, Mrs Doreen Berry, Mr. Russell Drew, Mr Barry Glover, Mrs Ruth Marsters, Mr. Paddy Murfitt, Ms Alison Richardson.

Mr Trevor Manley - Borough Councillor

21 members of the public

Elizabeth Truss MP had been invited to attend the Parish Council meeting to be made further aware of residents concerns regarding the Glazewing recycling centre at Station Road, West Dereham. Prior to the meeting Elizabeth Truss had visited the site and she was happy to listen to concerns raised.

Nigel Manning, Glazewing Managing Director, answered questions from Elizabeth Truss when she visited the site and he said that the Station Road site at West Dereham is in an ideal location for serving Norfolk. Glazewing employ 75 people at the 9 acre site which has been in operation for 50 years. The site has grown immensely in recent years and there is dispute as to how many and for how long skips have been stored next to the river. The company runs 18 lorries but Nigel Manning did not know the figures for daily movement in and out of the Station Road site. The site is open between 7am and 6pm but the HGV Operators Licence permits 24 hour operation from the former Station Goods Yard.

It was noted that the Certificate of Lawfulness (Applied for by Glazewing 18 months ago) regarding the location of skips adjacent to the river in West Dereham has still not been granted by Norfolk County Council.

Before the start of the Parish Council meeting Elizabeth Ms Truss summed up thoughts of her visit and answered questions posed.

She stated that she understands that the Glazewing site causes major concerns to residents of West Dereham and she will try to take issues forward with Norfolk County Council.

Generally Elizabeth Truss wants to see improvements made to the local infrastructure with the County gaining the road, rail and broadband links it needs. Ms Truss would also like to see more power given to Parish Councils.

A member of the public asked if it would be possible to extend sped limits through the village. Norfolk County Council is responsible for setting speed limits and Ms Truss would be supportive if residents were to raise a petition for the extension of the village 30mph speed limits. County Councillor Richard Rockcliffe should also be involved in such a request.

In response to a question concerning rural development, Elizabeth Truss replied that she would encourage more power at local level, ease bureaucracy and legislation for farmers and promote local produce. The East of England Development Agency is to be closed and a Norfolk focused agency will be established led by local businesses.

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Mr Richard Rockcliffe - County Councillor

2. No Declarations of Interest made.

3. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 03/06/10 were agreed as a true record with the request for the following comment to be included:

Alison Richardson said "we have been working together with Glazewing and we need to continue to do so. Every one of us produces waste products that need to be dealt with by such companies".

4. Matters arising from previous meetings

4.1 Revised Standing Orders were adopted as agreed at the June Parish Council meeting. Financial Regulations were reviewed and it was agreed to continue with Financial Regulations as previously adopted.

4.2 Discussion took place regarding land entitlements relating to the allotment land owned by the Parish Council. This land is being offered for tender as the current agreement is to end in September 2010. Two councillors present believe that there are no entitlements relating to the land. The clerk will investigate this further. Local famers have been sent tender forms and adverts have been placed for interested parties to contact the Clerk for information relating to hire of the land.

4.3 A specification of work needed on the village bus shelter has been compiled and will be sent to local builders.

4.4 An e-mail has been received from the Managing Director of Frimstone stating that no work can be carried out at the new mineral extraction site until the County Archaeologists have finished investigations (due to completed on June 30th). As soon as possible soil bunds will be constructed and agreed planting will be undertaken to mask the site.

4.5 Police surgeries have not been held in the village as expected. Comment was made that the police do not appear to have been committed to attending the surgeries which were arranged by them. Concern has been raised with the Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant. A suggestion was made that surgeries could be held monthly on the same evening as the Parish Council meetings and this will be relayed to the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

5. Footpaths

Footpath No. 10 from Station Road towards the Abbey was reported as nearly impassable due to overgrowth and the course of the path has been altered through use of electric fencing. This matter has been passed to the Rights of Way Officer and the landowners will also be contacted.

The footpath at the Abbey was diverted some time ago to go around paddocks rather than through them. This alternative has not been formally recognised but is considered acceptable.

6. St. Andrews Church progress report

A report forwarded from the architect in charge of restoration at the Church was read out by the secretary of the Parochial Church Council and is filed. Margaret Thirlwell also displayed photographs on the Village Hall notice boards of restoration progress inside the Church. Work is on schedule to be finished by August 20th and the Church offered a slide show of progress to interested parties.

7. Minerals and Waste Core Strategy

The Chairman has studied the Core Strategy and Minerals and Waste Development Management Policies Development Plan Document 2010-2025 and summarised the issues for councillors and members of the public. Representations are requested on whether the documents findings are justified, effective and consistent with national policy. Councillors agreed that Cope Strategy Policies CS1 and CS2 raised questions, and the Parish Council will respond to the consultation accordingly. Representations will be forwarded both on the Norfolk County Council response form and via letter. The Parish Council will also respond to the site specific document when it is released.

8. Parish Council website

The Chairman proposed and all councillors agreed that the Village Hall Committee could have a dedicated web page on the Parish Council website rather than establish a second website independant with the associated costs.

9. Reports:

9.1 Chairman's Report:

* The Borough Council has been consulted as to whether the new government's pronouncements regarding regional plans for future development will have an effect on the emerging Local Development Framework. Members have taken the view that the Borough Council should continue with the Core Strategy and the Site Specific Documents being prepared.

* Trevor Manley has been informed that the outstanding planning applications submitted by Glazewing are likely to be permitted.

* The Chairman gave a report of the visit undertaken by Ms Truss to the Glazewing site in Station Road as noted previously in the minutes.

The meeting was closed briefly at 9.05pm to allow comment from a member of the public. It was queried how useful information from Glazewing's lorries sat. navs. may be as an average speed is calculated and therefore the speed lorries travel along Station road cannot be accurately determined. Complaints were again voiced regarding the noise of early morning traffic to and from the Station Road site.

9.2 Clerk's Report:

* The Highway Engineer has stated that where Lime Kiln Road crosses with the Row and Church Road it is too narrow to have a centre white line. He also confirmed that ditches are the responsibility of the owner who is considered to the person who owns the neighbouring land.

* The Clerk has attended a course relating to allotments and acknowledged that the Parish Council is extremely lucky to have a competent Allotment Liaison Officer.

* An update regarding Broadband provision for the village has been received. Site visits have been undertaken to survey the final site for the mast in West Dereham and to confirm installation charges. An application for planning permission for the West Dereham mast is to be submitted and should this be successful, once a project plan has been completed a timescale for implementation can be determined.

9.3 Village Hall Report:

* The Village Hall Development Committee is drawn from members of the Parish Council, the Village Trust and the Village Hall Management Committee. Having interviewed those builders shortlisted the Committee has now selected a builder to undertake the planned work at the Village Hall.

* The last bingos arranged by the Fundraising Committee have been poorly attended but this has been thought to be due to the time of year and the World Cup being televised.

* A grant application to supplement renovation and refurbishment costs has been submitted to WREN and other grant applications are also being completed.

* If the WREN grant application is successful in November work on the Village Hall could begin in the following month .

9.4 Glazewing Report:

The monthly report from Glazewing had previously been distributed to Councillors.

10. Accounts: Financial position update

10.1 Councillors were presented with an updated expenditure and income list. It is estimated the Parish Council current account will stand at £9177.31 once the following payments have been made:

Clerk's salary (June) £212.80

Inland Revenue £152.95

CGM (grass cutting) £116.82

Advert for Allotment tender £45.85

Anglianwater £14.65

The reserve account stands at £1610.85

11. Correspondence:

11.1 NRCC - a new website for alternative transport methods - www.wherecanigetto.org.uk

11.2 Norfolk fire Authority Safety Plan 20011/14 - Consultation

11.3 Norfolk Constabulary - Revised Structure for Local Delivery

11.4 BCKLWN Council meeting agenda 24/06/10

11.5 BCKLWN Standards Committee agenda 18/06/10

12. No planning applications received for consultation

13. Time of Parish Council meetings

Ruth Marsters proposed the Parish Council meetings should begin at 7.30pm as she was concerned that the later start time of 8.00pm discourages both Councillors and members of the public from attending meetings. Some felt that an earlier start time would prevent those who go out to work from becoming Councillors. After considerable discussion it was agreed future Parish Council meetings will begin at 7.30pm. This will reviewed after a trial period of six months.

14. Further Reports/items for the next agenda:

14.1 Planters are ready to be sited along Station Road.


* The Passing Place sign opposite Abbey Lodge in Station Road needs to be reinstated.

* Protector posts along Station Road need to be reinstated.

* Thanks were expressed to Brian Tilburn and members of the community who have previously organised Home Watch in the village. It is thought a new co-ordinator may have come forward so this service will continue.

* The Footpath by Onion Barn was reported as overgrown. The landowner will be contacted.

Parish Clerk

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