Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham parish Council

August 2010

Minutes of the July meeting of Wereham Parish Council

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council meeting held

on Tuesday 13th July 2010 in The Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: P. Markwell - Chairman, C, Humphries, D. Pickston. Mrs. Everitt, M/s Norris, P. Norris together with 2 Police Support Officers and a member of the public

Apologies: None

1. Minutes: It was proposed by P. Norris & seconded by Mrs. Newell that the Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 11th May 2010 be signed as a correct record.

It was proposed by P. Norris & seconded by M/s Norris - subject to the penultimate sentence being amended to read 'new Notice Boards requested, one to replace the existing one at the pond and one to be positioned at the entrance to Queens Close - that the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th May 2010 be signed as a correct record.

2. Matters Arising: County Council matters regarding missing or broken sign posts and footpaths are still outstanding. The 40 m.p.h Flashing sign is now working and a communication has been received regarding the trees and grass area between the A134 and the Village Hall. M/s Norris requested a copy of the communication and P. Norris commented that it was a very comprehensive reply to the original question. A copy of the Model Standing Orders was handed to each Parish Councillor. Special Expenses - the Clerk had obtained a quotation for carrying out this work and a decision is going to be made at the September meeting as to whether the Parish Council wish to take over this responsibility.

Police Report: The Officers reported that during the last 2 months they had received 24 calls from the Village. These were mainly traffic related but others included stolen 'phone, stolen vehicle, dangerous driving, rowdy nuisance and the culprits have been apprehended and prosecuted. It was reported to the Officers that it appears somebody has been on the roof of the Manor House probably trying to steal the lead and the Police were asked if they would keep 'an eye' on the premises each time they pass particularly in the evenings.

3. Planning: Two Storey ext. at Mulberry Cottage Back Lane, Wereham Single Story ext. at Cawtafford Cottage, Back Lane, Wereham - both recommended for approval.

4. Payments: C.G.M. Ltd £678. 09 : Haward Horological Ltd £205.62 : Pearce and Kemp Ltd £418.24 : Malcolm Mycock £225.00 - Proposed by MIs Norris & seconded by Mrs. Newell pass for payment - unanimously agreed.

5. Correspondence: Signpost: Link : The Playing Field: W.N.B.C. notification properties in No Where Lane now officially been recognised as No Where Lane and not Flegg Green: Norfolk Accident Rescue Service : Victim Support - donation requested - all noted. Norfolk R.C.C. - details of benefits of being members - noted. Wicksteeds - Annual Safety Inspection notification - clerk to organise. N.R.C.C. - Where can I get to? Copy handed to each Councillor. Norfolk Association Local Councils - clerk to book 3 places for the ~ August 2010 meeting at Fincham Village Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Preston - letter reference trees/hedging in the Cemetery - clerk to reply stating hedge has been cut back far enough for proposed fence to be erected.

6. Any Other Business: Fence on north end of play area has been vandalised, Copy of all payments made each meeting to be prepared and sent o P. Norris after each meeting. Street Light over the War Memorial is constantly alight - clerk to check with Pearce & Kemp if there is anything which can be done to eliminate this problem. Parking is being carried out in Bens Lane beyond the sign which reads 'No Parking beyond this sign' - clerk to write and ask the car owners to refrain from this practice. Another Willow tree around the pond appears to be dying or in need of some attention - clerk to obtain a free professional opinion.

The meeting closed at 8.35p.m.

Parish Clerk

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