Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry PC Minutes

April 2010

Minutes of the March meeting of Stoke Ferry parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 March 2010

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-chair), Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr Mrs J Markwell, Cllr D Summers, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 9 members of the public. PCSO Sophie Watson

Apologies: Apologies were received from CC T White and BC C Sampson

Minutes of the last Meeting: Councillor Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Fiedler.

Police Matters:

It was reported that 8 calls had been received since our last meeting in February, including vehicle nuisance, assault on member of public and police, highway obstruction, people being moved off land. One crime is being investigated. The Chairman asked why there was no record of a call being made by a resident relating to dogs running loose, this is not the first time. Why is it emergency vehicles do not go to the correct roads in the village, instead of Border Road they end up in Buckenham Drive. Any complaints should be made to the relevant Emergency Service. When reporting any incident on the 0845 456 4567 number always ask for an Incident Number which should include the date plus 3 digits.

The chairman thanked PCSO Watson for attending the meeting.

Matters Arising:

a) Great Mans Way - The County Council footpaths representative is to make contact with residents in Great Mans Way before the removal of any of the gates along the Bridleway.

With regard to the problem of dogs running loose along the public footpath, this matter is being investigated by the various authorities. It was reported that the gate was locked, this will be investigated.

b) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - The Planning Department have advised it is taking longer than expected for the planning application to be submitted to them. They will keep the PC informed.

c) Fire on By-Pass - The Environment Agency advised they have not received a copy of the letter recently sent to them. This will be re-sent.

d) Buckenham Drive - Photographs of the puddles have been sent to Highways, who have informed the PC because of their workload this was not considered a high priority.

Still no information from Freebridge regarding hardstand parking.

e) Nettles/Brambles Round Bench on Common - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he will visit The Common on Friday to do this work.

f) Overgrown Footpath School Lane towards Wretton - this will be monitored over coming weeks

g) Fly Tipping The Common - this clearance will take place once the weather improves. It was reported there is even more rubbish there now.

h) Dog Fouling Wretton Road - The Clerk informed the meeting that a new dog waste bin had been received, it will be put in place once the Borough Council have received a licence from the County Council for this to be placed on the highway.

i) Rubbish Little Mans Way Wood - it has been established that this land belongs to the Jane Forby Charity, who have been asked to clear the rubbish

j) Gate Little Mans Way Wood - Again this land is not the responsibility of the Parish Council it is Charity land

k) Track at end of School Lane - as no response/reinstatement had taken place this matter has been put in the hands of Highways who will be carrying out repairs then charging the owner of the land for the works carried out.

Limehouse Drove the Countryside Access Officer has been advised of the condition of this area, asking for action to be taken to reinstate this track/bridleway.

l) Bus Shelter - repairs have been carried out. The PC thanks Mr Challis for carrying out this work free of charge

m) Lynn Road Shingle - the loose chippings have been cleared, remedial works will take place in the new financial year, after April.

n) Telephone Box - this is now in working order, please use it so that we do not lose it.

o) Footpaths - Cllr Fiedler along with Mr Philpott had inspected various footpaths and made contact with the Countryside Access Officer, the Clerk to write to confirm their conversations. The chairman thanked Mr Philpott for his input in this matter.

p) Concrete Posts end of Common near River Bank - the Environment Agency had been informed of the wires being removed from these posts, but to date no response from them.

q) Chapman's Field Footpath - a letter had been sent to the owner of this footpath by the Countryside Access Warden.

r) Potholes - Furlong Road/Drove, Wretton Road, Buckenham Drive have all been reported to Highways and programmed to be repaired.

The Common:

A letter had been received from the owner of The Common advising that he was prepared to pass the land to the Parish Council as a gift. As there had been problems with the transfer in the past investigations to take place before any decisions are made. A meeting of the Land Working Party will possibly be arranged. The Chairman asked whether the PC felt that Wretton PC should be involved in the costs involved in keeping the Common tidy etc, it is not only Stoke Ferry residents who have the benefit of this area.

Street Lighting Policy - Introduction of Part Night Lighting -NCC

Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he had spoken to the Street Lighting Manager for NCC regarding the adoption of these lights by the PC, he had been informed that this was not possible, but a meeting to be arranged for sometime after April to discuss this issue further. The Clerk to arrange a mutually suitable date and time for the meeting.

War Memorials:

Cllr Mrs Markwell had been unable to attend the recent meeting but had passed to the Clerk relevant paperwork which will be circulated and discussed at the next meeting.


Cllr Precey informed the meeting that the date stated in the last minutes for the meeting at the Village Hall was incorrect, it should have stated Saturday 13 March. He will be attending this meeting and will report back to the meeting in April. It was suggested that compulsory purchase should be considered as to date no land had been found, this will also be discussed further at a later date.

Training for Councillors and Clerks:

The Chairman had spoken to Cllr Mrs Markwell to see if she would be willing to assist councillors and the clerk on various issues for a smooth running of the parish council. She kindly agreed to this and will gather relevant information, a meeting will be arranged in the near future.

Community Transport:

Cllr Precey informed the meeting he had received one response to his notice in The Pump asking for volunteer drivers, and one request for transport to the surgery in Boughton. It was agreed he would arrange for notices to be placed in the Post Office, Village Shop, Bonnett's and the PC Notice Board to see what response is received. Cllr Precey had spoken to Cllr Nicholas-Letch who had agreed to back up the scheme if required.

Personnel Committee

Cllr Lansdell-Williams had prepared a draft Job Description for the Clerk and passed it to members of the Personnel Committee. It was agreed she would arrange a meeting for this to be discussed in more detail and report back to the next meeting in April.

The Cemetery - Quotation For Extra Works/Probation Service:

The work to cut out the lower branches of the conifer which had encroached over two graves and the removal of ivy from three yew trees had been carried out.

The notice board is now in place and ready to use.

The Probation Service have advised the Clerk that they will possibly be in a position to commence works mid to late March. Their working agreement has to be signed and the PC has to organise a schedule of work for them. A meeting to be arranged to decide on priority of works.

The Chairman reported Mr Willett the Tree Surgeon informed her, to improve the aesthetic look of the yew trees, they could be banded and shaped, then only requiring trimming every couple of years. This is something the PC could consider doing at a later date.

A request had been received for a Headstone and Kerbs on a grave, which had not been considered when the PC were updating their charges and regulations recently. A decision needs to be made as to whether the PC will entertain this just for the remainder of the current consecrated section only or for the newly consecrated area when it comes into use.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Leamon seconded by Cllr Summers that a Headstone and Kerbs should be allowed in all parts of The Cemetery. Unanimously Approved

It was proposed by Cllr Precet seconded by Cllr Mrs Markwell that a charge of £100 for both Headstone and Kerbs be made. This proposal was amended to the following proposal.

It was proposed by Cllr Nicholas-Letch seconded by Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams that the PC charges should be amended to the following:

£70.00 for a Headstone only, £70 for Kerbs only and £120 for a Headstone and Kerbs

5 councillors agreed to this amendment. 4 no votes. Motion carried.

Community Emergency Plans:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch had arranged to meet the Emergency Planning Officer BCKLWN to discuss this document which should be completed by the end of next week.

Your Council Your Decision (Youth Club Project)

The PC had been awarded £4625 for a Youth Club Project for the village by the Norfolk Association of Local Councils. The Clerk has not received the cheque yet but will make contact with the organisers once this is to hand and instruction on how it is to be administered, are received.

Lark Road Development:

The meeting was opened for public comments

Traffic/safety was a concern of the residents in Lark Road

There is currently no footpath, when one is created this will reduce the width of the road considerably

It is estimated there would be 200 vehicle movements per day many of which related to the Care Home

The Care Home has only been allocated 13 parking spaces - no more for visitors, they will presumably be parking on Lark Road

Development not in keeping with village

Letters of objection will be sent to Planning Department

The current doctors will not cope with the extra number of residents

A query relating to flooding on this site was raised

The accompanying documents state following an initial meeting with the PC, the PC approved the development. This is not correct it was not a full council meeting just a preliminary view of the proposed development. No approval or refusal could be made at such a meeting.

Meeting Closed for public comment

Opened for Councillors comment

The mix of development is not good

No amenity land for Care Home or residents

Suggested area for allotments - contaminated land

For development of this size the gain for the village is not sufficient

Some sort of facility for medical provision should be included

Complete over development of site

Would development be purely for the residents of SF - No

Who would run the Care Home - The Care Home will be run as a business

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Markwell seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon that this application be Refused on the following grounds - Overdevelopment of Site, Mix of housing - affordable, private, senior citizens, care home not appropriate, No Amenity Land for Site, Access Road not suitable for large amount of traffic that would result in this development. Allotment land offered is contaminated land.

Refusal - 8 Votes

Accept - 1 Vote Refusal agreed by majority vote

Manor Road Development:

Meeting Opened for public comment

Car parking area health and safety issue - oil tank next to fence

Maintenance of garages for 2 and 3 Border Road - access required to rear

Current properties will be overlooked

Properties will be devalued

Noise from cars in parking area day and night

Current walkway blocked

Fence already been vandalised

Why other residents in Border Road not received letters re development

Concerns re parking for lorries etc whilst development taking place

Footpath has been used for many years

Can current sewers cope with additional development, still experiencing bad smells

Meeting Closed for public comment

Opened for Councillors comment

Why could not parking be within boundary of each property rather than designated parking area

If footpath closed off would result in meeting place possibly creating area for crime and disorder

Bennetts 106 Agreement stated land was reserved for affordable housing

Access required to the rear of 2 and 3 Border Road for maintenance to the garages

Not happy with layout of current application

Outside development area

Change layout or less properties, car parking a problem

Look into the footpath situation, Broadland possibly do not know a footpath should be there

Refuse because of the footpath

It was proposed by Cllr Nicholas-Letch seconded by Cllr Precey that this application be Refused on the Grounds of the Right of Way of the Footpath from the Playing Fields to Fairfield Road - possible area for Crime and Disorder situation, also the Position of the Designated Parking Area.

Refusal - 5 votes

Approval - 4 votes Refusal agreed by majority vote


Withdrawl of Application

Alterations to existing cottages and construction of 3 No 2 storey dwellings at Church Cottage High Street

Approved by the Borough

Variation of Condition 6 of Planning Permission 09/00136/CU revising siting of acoustic fence at Stoke Ferry Timber Ltd Boughton Road

Conservation Area Application and Planning - Construction of one dwelling following removal of existing building North of Mill House Cottage High Street

Approved by Parish

Listed Building Application - Alterations to Moulsham House High Street

Refused by Parish

Residential development comprising 20 dwellings, retirement complex comprising 8 retirement cottages and a residential care home Lark Road

Erection of 12 No affordable dwellings with associated parking and landscaping land East of Manor Road

Received after Publication of Agenda

Two Storey Side Extension and Single Storey front extension at 2 River Drove School Lane

Non Material Amendment to Planning Consent 09/00313.F - construction of new dwelling and garage at land North West of Lavender Cottage Lynn Road

Accounts for Approval

MHB Services - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance February/March

Glasdon UK Ltd - £146.69 - Purchase of Dog Waste Bin

Mrs C Hardy - £261.76 - Salary for February

Mrs C Hardy - £84.55 - Expenses for February

D Summers - £9.80 - Petrol Expenses - January and February

B M Willett - £350.00 - Tree works in Cemetery

E-on - DD - £39.40 - Lighting - February

Statement of Account as at 13 February 2010 - Total Receipts - £12211.57, Less Payments to Date £7716.58, Plus un-presented cheques £484.74 - Balance in Bank as at 8 February (Bank Statement) Community Account £813.03, Business Reserve Account £4166.70.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza


W Emerson & Son - Request for New Memorial - Claire Donner Bull - approved

Norfolk Rural Community Council - annual membership - do not wish to join

Email from Peter Chapman Norfolk Police - Community Speed Watch - do not wish to take part

NALC - Gypsy and Traveller Conference 22 March 2010 - let Clerk know if you wish to attend

NALC - Coffee and Chat for Clerks and Councillors at WWT Welney Wetland Centre 23 March 2010

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Mann reported new Standing Orders had been published which replaced the Standing Orders and Chairmanship 2003 document. Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked if the PC had it's own Standing Orders - the Clerk replied not a present. It was agreed this will be looked into at a later date.

Cllr Mrs Mann reminded councillors of the forthcoming Annual Meetings in May asking them to consider who they would like to propose as Chairman for the coming year. Also reports will be required from the Playing Fields Association, Village Hall, School Governor etc and any other organisation wishing to submit a report.

Cllr Mrs Mann also reminded councillors of the CAG (Community Action Group) Meeting being held in the Village Hall on Thursday 18 March 2010 commencing at 7.00pm

Cllr Mendoza reported that the next LAG meeting will be on Friday and will probably be the last one in the current format. The CAG and LAG meetings are to be combined.

Cllr Mrs Mann pointed out that if members of the public have any complaints to report to the PC please make sure they do not approach parish councillors whilst they are at work, make sure it is at an appropriate time, preferably to the Chairman or Clerk.

Public Other Business

The Chairman and councillors spend many hours, unpaid, trying to get things done for the village with no support from the Borough Council or County Council from members of staff who are getting paid for doing their jobs.

Wretton Road only has a footpath on one side, with just a small length on the other side.

There appears to be more rubbish on The Common - this will be dealt with in due course.

Manhole cover in road near the Village Hall car park is loose and rattles every time a vehicle drives over it. The Clerk to report to Highways.

Moulsham House - the works are going through Conservation - the rendering and windows will be repaired/replaced.

Furlong Road - shrubs are still growing over the fence/wall of Furlong House, do not appear to have been cut back. The Clerk will write again.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 14 April 2010 commencing at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk

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