Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

April 2010

Minutes of the February meeting of Stoke Ferry PC


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 February 2010

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-chair), Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, BC C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 4 members of the public

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs J Markwell and CC Tony White

Minutes of the last Meeting: Councillor Mrs Leamon proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Roger Partridge, Sports Development Manager and Kate Davies Rural Community Sports Coach who showed a brief DVD of an Intervillage Sports event, the aim being for Stoke Ferry to become involved in the forthcoming event in June. It was hoped people in the village would be willing to organise teams to be entered covering a wide range of sports/activities and age ranges. Entries should be submitted by the end of May. The Chairman thanked Roger and Kate for attending the meeting.

Matters Arising:

a) Great Mans Way - Gate Removal - The County Council had acknowledge receipt of the PC's letter. The new Public Footpath signs will be put in place when works are carried out to remove the four gates along the bridleway. The owner of the land has until the end of February to make contact with the PC, if no contact is made, arrangements will be made for these gates to be removed.

b) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - As nothing further had been received from Development Services it was agreed to write and enquire of the current position regarding a planning application.

c) Anglian Water - Currently no problems with unpleasant odours - will be monitored.

d) Fire on By-Pass - The Chairman had spoken to the Environment Agency who informed her there was no problem of spontaneous combustion at this site. A copy of the letter which had been sent to other departments was being sent to them for comment.

e) Buckenham Drive - Cllr Leamon has now taken photos of standing water and these will be forwarded to Highways.

Freebridge have advised there may be some funding available to provide some hardstand parking. They will keep the PC informed.

f) Lamp Post Bradfield Place (Reflective Strip) - Cllr Leamon had been unable so far to make contact with the person who asked for this to be carried out. It was agreed to wait until they contact the PC again.

g) Nettles/Brambles Round Bench on Common - Cllr Nicholas-Letch will cut these back as soon as possible.

h) Overgrown Footpath School Lane towards Wretton - this will be monitored over coming weeks

i) Personnel Committee - a meeting to be arranged as soon as possible.

j) Fly Tipping The Common - this clearance will take place once the weather improves.

k) Action Group - a meeting had been held on 1 February to discuss the way forward for this Group. It was agreed that most of the issues being discussed were duplications of the parish council involvement or were adequately covered. It was therefore agreed to disband this Group. When the meeting was called it was pointed out that any member who did not attend the meeting or make contact, it would be assumed they were not interested in the group continuing. Notes of the meeting were distributed to councillors.

l) Overgrown Shrubs on Furlong Drove - residents have cut these back, the situation will be monitored when the shrubs are in leaf.

m) Dog Fouling Wretton Road - the situation is still bad. The Chairman advised that the Dog Waste Bin on The Common was used. It was put to the meeting that a new dog waste bin be purchased, it was proposed that it be placed on the grassed area opposite the fish shop Buckenham Drive.

It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Lansdell-Williams that a Dog Waste Bin be purchased. Unanimously agreed.

n) Proposed Change to Planning Scheme of Delegation - no response had been received to letter objecting to the changes.

o) Manor Road 106 Agreement - a planning application for this site should be received in the near future

p) Rubbish Little Mans Way Wood - to investigate who owns this land or whether Charity Land

q) Gate Little Mans Way Wood - Cllr Precey informed the meeting that a suggestion had been made for a style to be erected so that the gate in question need not be used by the public.

A meeting to be arranged to discuss these items (p) and (q)

r) Track at end of School Lane - the Chairman has spoken to the owner of this land asking that the tenant clean the mud off the roadway, remove the blue pipe which goes across the road, reinstate the verges and also reinstate the footpath along Lime House Drove. She asked that this work be completed within the next week and a half. In a subsequent phone call the Chairman was advised that the tenant was relocating. A letter to be sent confirming this conversation.

s) Furlong Road Wall - a temporary chestnut paling fence has been placed along the wall until works can commence to repair the wall to its former condition.

t) Great Mans Way/Bridleway Gates - a letter had been received relating to the gates but those referred to in the letter are not the ones in question.

u) Bus Shelter - these repairs will be carried out as soon as the weather improves

v) Lynn Road Shingle - Highways advise that they will sweep the road and remove the chippings - remedial works will take place in the spring.

The Common:

The Clerk informed the meeting that she had written on three occasions to the owner of the land requesting information as to how he would like this land transferred to the PC. To date no responses have been received. It was agreed that the Clerk write again regarding the financial issues involved in any transfer.

The Cemetery - Quotation For Extra Works/Probation Service:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch had organised a meeting with a representative from the Probation Service for Saturday 6 February to discuss works that could be carried out by them. Notes of the meeting had been passed to all councillors. It was pointed out that the PC would be required to provide toilet facilities costing £22.50 per week, provide all materials required for the works involved, fence panels and posts, gravel, native whips for the hedges etc, provide tea, coffee, hot water, also be responsible for removing any rubbish etc following such works. They would possibly work in blocks of 5 days at a time, maybe a week per month.

Cllr Man advised she had received requests to cut back and shape the large conifers growing over old graves rather than cut them down completely.

It was proposed by Cllr Nicholas-Letch seconded by Cllr Mann that this clump of conifers be pruned and trimmed rather than cut down completely. Unanimously Agreed

It was proposed by Cllr Nicholas-Letch that the Probation Service be used to cut back these conifers - seconded by Cllr Fiedler with the proviso that they are able to accommodate the height(s) involved, more than 2m high. Cllr Nicholas-Letch accepted the proviso. Not carried

Cllr Mann proposed the quotation received from Mr B Willett to cut back these trees and remove ivy from the yew trees at a cost of £350 be accepted, seconded by Cllr Lansdell-Williams. Approved by a majority vote. Carried. Cllr Nicholas-Letch against.

It was proposed by Cllr Lansdell-Williams seconded by Cllr Leamon that the Probation Service be used to carry out the tidy up and repair of older graves. Carried

The rubbish in the front corner to be removed prior to works commencing, if required.

Cllr Mann proposed arrangements be made for this clearance at a cost of no more than £50, seconded by Cllr Mendoza. Agreed Cllr Nicholas-Letch voted against this proposal

The Clerk had prepared a notice to be placed in various publications, notice boards etc advising of the tidy up and repair of older graves asking if anyone had any problems with this to contact her. This was approved by everyone.

The Chairman informed the meeting that after negotiations with Bonnetts their quotation for a new notice board was accepted at an all in price, no extra for fixing in place.

Telephone Box - Removal of Equipment:

Cllr Mann informed the meeting she had attended the DCB Meeting on Monday - the Borough Council had unanimously rejected BT's proposals to remove equipment from the telephone boxes. She also reported that the box had been out of order for a few days and had reported same, but asked that anyone using the phone and finds it not working please report it either to BT, The Chairman or the Clerk. She also advised that Phone Cards can be obtained from the Post Office, requesting everyone to use this service or we may lose it.

Street Lighting Policy - Introduction of Part Night Lighting -NCC

A letter had been received from Planning & Transportation NCC advising that the Cabinet had agreed to take forward the proposal to amend the lighting policy so that Part Night Lighting could be introduced in certain areas. Cllr Mann informed the meeting that the CC will be in touch before this takes place and the PC can appeal. The area affected in the village is Fairfield Road, Manor Road, Oak Road and Border Road (19 Lights). Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked if the PC could adopt street lights - he will find out before next meeting.


Cllr Precey advised that the owner of land in Boughton Road was not interested at the current time for this to be used as allotments. He also informed the meeting that Mr John Preston was organising an event in the Village Hall for Saturday 5 March for anyone interested in growing their own vegetables etc. Full details will be displayed in The Pump.

Training for Councillors and Clerks:

The initial training for Clerks and Councillors was discussed as to whether it would be beneficial for anyone to attend at a cost of £40 per person. It was agreed to discuss this with Cllr Markwell and report back to the next meeting, applications for attending need to be submitted by 19 March.

Dog Bin

This was dealt with under Any Other Business

Community Transport:

A draft letter had been prepared to send to Social Services advising them what the PC intended doing. Cllr Precey advised that a register needed to be set up of those people who needed transport to and from the Doctors' Surgery in Boughton. Volunteer drivers would pay for petrol the passenger not paying anything. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he was already doing something along these lines. Cllr Mann asked that he and Cllr Precey discuss the matter after the meeting.

Planning Sub-Committee:

When Cllr Markwell joined the PC she advised she would like to be on the Planning Sub-Committee. Cllr Mann discussed this with Cllr Summers who was unable to attend this meeting and he felt he would like to stand down, it was therefore agreed that Cllr Markwell now be on this Committee.

Village Liaison Meeting:

Cllr Mann informed the meeting that one noise complaint had been received since the previous meeting, she had asked if a schedule of movements of lorries between the two sites could be implemented to prevent lorries meeting in Furlong Road, this was not possible. She advised that Furlong Road/Drove was now on the gritting schedule. Liaison minutes will no longer be published in The Pump as most points are referred to in the PC Minutes. No information on the dust monitoring programme had been received from the Borough Council, it was agreed they only be asked to attend if there was a major problem.

Planning Information - Update:

Cllrs Mann, Lansdell-Williams, Nicholas-Letch and Summers attended a meeting - an LDF update was given, it should be policy in a few months, due to current economic climate applicants for planning approval can ask for an extension of time if they have been unable to commence work within three years. Minor changes need not go through the planning process. Affordable housing allowance to be changed.

Personnel Committee

This matter was dealt with under any other business


Approved by the Borough

Retention of mobile classroom and continued use of existing outside play area at Little Oaks Pre-School Wretton Road

Approved by Parish

Conservation Area Application - Construction of one dwelling following removal of existing building at North of Mill House Cottage High Street

Received after Publication of Agenda

Listed Building Application - Alterations to dwelling at Moulsham House High Street

Accounts for Approval

James Bradfield School - £12.90 - Hire of Hall - January

MHB Services - £64.63 - Repair to Lamp post in Bradfield Place

MHB Services - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance January/February

Mrs C Hardy - £261.76 - Salary for January

Mrs C Hardy - £40.27 - Expenses for January

E-on - DD - £39.40 - Lighting - January

Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009 - Total Receipts - £12126.57, Less Payments to Date £7231.84

Balance in Bank as at 31 December (Bank Statement) Community Account £347.25, Business Reserve Account £4966.70.

Cllr Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Precey


BCKLWN - Announcement by Secretary of State re a Unitary Norfolk - no change for NCC/Borough Council

BCKLWN - Community Emergency Plans - updating emergency plans - Cllr Nicholas-Letch to look into

NALC - Your Parish Your Decision - re application for funding for Youth Club - Cllr Leaman to report to next meeting

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mann referred to a new booklet showing walks in the local area - copies to be delivered to the Clerk they will then be placed around the village.

Cllr Mendoza reported potholes along the length of Furlong Road/Drove - to be reported to Highways, also tyres dumped on the Wells Homes Land in Lynn Road - as this is private land the PC cannot do anything.

BC Sampson reported that Highways have a large amount of remedial/roadwork's to be dealt with. The BC will appeal against the Norwich Unitary.

Public Other Business

School Lane - again reported the condition of the road, verges and footpaths. As reported earlier this is in hand

Trees in Cemetery - cannot be cut back during the bird nesting season or whilst in full growth

Footpaths - Limehouse Drove/River Drove do not appear to be designated footpaths for Stoke Ferry, Cllr Fiedler and Mr Philpott to meet to discuss and report back to next meeting

Wire appears to have been cut away from concrete posts at end of the Common just prior to the river - cars reported on the river bank. This will be reported to the Environment Agency as this would be their responsibility.

Limehouse Drove footpath been ruined by farmers machinery - as stated before this is being dealt with. The Clerk to write to the owner of the land to confirm the conversation held with the Chairman.

Could Town Piece be used for allotments - the area floods and is also Charity Land.

Chapmans Field footpath needs to be reinstated - this will be reported

Potholes - Near The Oaks and The Hall, Wretton Road, Vion's entrance in Buckenham Drive - will be reported to Highways

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.00pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10 March 2010 commencing at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk

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