War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry parish Council Minutes

March 2010

Minutes of the January meeting of Stoke Ferry Parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 January 2010

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-chair), Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Ms J Markwell, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), PCSO Sara Clipperton, Sgt Hemerti and 6 members of the public

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr J Nicholas-Letch

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Markwell to her first meeting.

The Chairman then welcomed the Police to the meeting, asking if anyone had any issues to raise. Cllr Precey asked if there were any specific regulations with regard to organising a community transport scheme in particular CRB checks and insurance. The advice of the police was to contact Social Services. The Chairman advised that the PC had not to date heard of any incidents in Great Mans Way since the last meeting.

PC Clipperton advised the meeting that since December they had received 16 calls, all of which were isolated incidences, 3 isolated crimes.

Cllr Precey asked if they would keep an eye open for cars which are continually being parked on footpaths throughout the village.

The Chairman thanked the police for attending the meeting.

1. Minutes of the last Meeting: Councillor Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza.

2. Matters Arising:

a) Great Mans Way - The Chairman advised that a new Public Footpath Sign will be erected to replace the one that had been removed. The Dog Warden had spoken to and given advice to the owners of the dogs.

A draft letter had been prepared requesting NCC to take the appropriate action relating to the gate at the commencement of the public footpath. Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed, seconded by Cllr Summers that the letter should be sent. Unanimously agreed.

b) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - As Development Services are awaiting a planning application from the owner of this land early this year, it was agreed to review this matter in February.

c) Anglian Water - The Clerk informed the meeting that Anglian Water reported they could not find any specific problems which would cause the unpleasant odours. The situation to be monitored.

d) Community Transport - Following the advice from the police (as earlier minute) it was agreed that a letter should be prepared and forwarded to Social Services advising them what the PC were considering.

e) Fire on By-Pass - Still awaiting a response from Planning and Health and Safety. To be considered at February meeting as to what action, if any, to take.

f) Brambles near Garages in Fairfield Road - Now cut back.

g) Buckenham Drive - Cllr Leamon advised she will be taking photos of excess standing water shortly.

The parking problems at 1-4 and the Hammerhead - still nothing to report from Freebridge.

h) Lamp Post Bradfield Place (Reflective Strip) - it was agreed that the resident who asked for this to be done to be contacted asking if they would be prepared to pay half the cost of having this work carried out. It was felt the work should be carried out by the Lighting Maintenance Company. Cllr Leamon undertook to speak to the person concerned and will report back to the next meeting.

j) Nettles Round Bench on Common - In the absence of Cllr Nicholas-Letch this was deferred until the next meeting

k) Overgrown Footpath School Lane towards Wretton - now appears to be cut back.

l) Personnel Committee - to arrange a meeting to discuss the Clerks contract and report back to next meeting.

m) Fly Tipping The Common - this clearance will take place once the weather improves.

n) Action Group - it was reported that the Chairperson of the Group is to resign, a decision on the group to be made at the next meeting.

o) Overgrown Shrubs on Furlong Drove - residents have cut these back, the situation will be monitored again when the shrubs are in leaf.

p) Dog Fouling Wretton Road - the situation does not appear to be any better. The Chairman suggested that maybe it would be more prudent to move the Dog Waste Bin from the Common into the village. It was agreed the bin at the Common will be checked to see if it is being used - to be discussed more fully at next meeting. The Dog Warden advised that if anyone witnesses an offence and knows the offending person and are prepared to make a statement this would be sufficient for a prosecution to take place.

q) Light Outside Post Office - MHB advised that they have changed the photocell on this light, it should now be working properly.

r) Proposed Changes to the Planning Scheme of Delegation - at the last meeting Cllr Nicholas-Letch agreed to produce a letter stating the objections of the PC. As this letter was not forthcoming the Chairman advised the Clerk of the content to meet the deadline for comments.

s) Manor Road 106 Agreement - no information to date should be more by next meeting.

t) Light Bridge Road - Cllr Summers advised this had been rectified

u) Rubbish Little Mans Way Wood - to investigate who owns this land, Cllr Precey to investigate

v) Gate Little Mans Way Wood - Cllr Precey to investigate owners in order to make gate safe

w) Track at end of School Lane - the farmer has agreed to clear the mud from the road, he is also waiting for Anglian Water to install a water supply and remove the pipe which is across the road. Cllr Lansdell-Williams advised that Limehouse Drove is badly churned up. To be investigated and report to February meeting.

x) Vion Night Time Noise - a Discharge Conveyor was causing the problem, this has now been repaired.

y) Furlong Road Wall - a letter had been received from the owner advising this is in the process of being repaired, but because of the inclement weather nothing can be done at present. It was agreed that a letter to be sent asking that in the meantime a temporary fence should be erected.

3. Budget 2010/2011

The Clerk reported she had amended the figures as discussed at the last meeting, she did not feel there was any need to amend the precept required because of the amendments.

Cllr Leamon proposed, seconded by Cllr Mendoza that the amended Budget together with a request for an £11,000 Precept be approved. Unanimously agreed

Borough Councillor Colin Sampson joined the meeting

4. The Common:

Cllr Lansdell-Williams had spoken to various bodies who advised it would be better for the Common Land in question to be transferred to the PC. She advised an approximate cost for the conveyancing of such a transfer would be in the region of £400/£500. Public Liability would have to be looked into. There are three other pockets of land in the same ownership, Northwold, the other side of the A134 and the end of Little Mans Way. Natural England has advised there are grants available for planting trees etc. As far as expenses incurred relating to clearance of rubbish etc, if the PC did own the land it would still be regarded as Private. The Chairman asked if the PC would like to take on this land, it was felt to be a good thing to do. It was agreed to contact Northwold PC to enquire if they would be interested in owning the parcel of land in their area and maybe share costs involved. The Chairman advised investigations will have to take place to find out whether the areas of land referred to are Charity Land.

5. Great Mans Way/Proposed Letter/Bridleway Gates

The matter of the letter to NCC was dealt with under any other business.

There are four stock proof gates along Bridleway 8 which do not close properly and do not seem to serve any purpose. It was agreed that a notice be placed in The Pump and notice boards to seek who owns this land before asking NCC to remove them. The proposed notice was read out and approved by those present.

6. The Cemetery - Quotation For Extra Works/Notice Board:

A quotation had been received from Thomas B Bonnett for the supplying of a metal notice board approximately 2'x2' to be placed in the Cemetery in the sum of £275 plus VAT, Fixing in Place £35 plus VAT. After discussion it was agreed to accept the quotation in principal but try to negotiate a lower price.

It was agreed that prior to accepting or otherwise the quotation from CGM a further quotation should be obtained for the extra works required. Cllr Markwell will pass to the Clerk the telephone number of a company used by Downham Market. It was also agreed to ask the Parish Clerk of Wretton for the name of a tree surgeon.

Arrangements must be made shortly to mark out the new area of the Cemetery. Once the weather improves this will be looked into. BC Sampson agreed to give advice.

7. War Memorials - Maintenance, Repair and Protection

A Conference is being held by the War Memorials Trust in March, Cllr Markwell will be attending - this matter will therefore be discussed in more detail at the March Meeting.

8. Street Lighting Policy - Introduction of Part Night Lighting -NCC

Letters have been received from Planning & Transportation NCC advising they are considering turning off lights maintained by themselves from approximately midnight to 5am or 1am to 6am. The areas affected by this would be Manor Road, Fairfield Road, Oak Road and Border Road. The PC views/comments are required by the 24 January. The general consensus was not all of these lights should be turned off, maybe every other one. It was agreed that a site meeting will take place on Monday 18 January at 7.00pm, meeting point the Clerk's house. A decision will be made as to how to approach this matter in order that the PC's views may be forwarded to NCC.

9. Telephone Box Equipment Removal

The Chairman advised the meeting that BT proposed to remove the telephone equipment from all the telephone boxes covering a very wide area, all the surrounding villages. The PC has already submitted their objections to this measure. The matter is being discussed at a DCB meeting on Monday 18 January; the Chairman has been booked in to make a speech against this proposal. This was agreed by all present.

10. Allotments

No news on any available land, hopefully more information will be available for the February Meeting.

11. Dog Bin(s) Location

This matter was discussed under any other business

12. Personnel Committee

This matter was discussed under any other business

13. Authorisation for Emergency Small Repairs

The Chairman asked that the Clerk be given authorisation to arrange for small emergency repairs rather than waiting until the next available meeting. It was suggested that repairs up to £200 should be agreed in liaison with the Chairman

Cllr Mendoza proposed seconded by Cllr Leamon that the Clerk be authorised to deal with emergency repairs up to a sum of £200. Unanimously agreed

14. Planning:

Approved by the Borough

Proposed first floor extension at The Cottage, Oxborough Road

Refused by Parish

Alterations to existing cottages and construction of 3 No 2 storey dwellings at Church Cottage High Street

Conservation Area Consent - Alterations to existing cottages and construction of 3 No 2 storey dwellings at Church Cottage High Street

Withdrawal of Application - Construction of New Highway Access land West of Lavender House Lynn Road - the Clerk to contact Planning regarding reinstatement of this grass verge.

15. Accounts for Approval

e-on - Direct Debit - £39.40 - Lighting December

MHB Services - £64.38 - Lighting Maintenance December/January

Mr D Summers - £4.90 - Petrol Expenses - November

Stoke Ferry Village Hall - £15.00 - Hire of Hall December

Mrs C Hardy - £261.76 - Salary for December

Mrs C Hardy - £33.78 - Expenses for December

Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009 - Total Receipts - £12126.57, Less Payments to Date £6812.62

Balance in Bank as at 31 December (Bank Statement) Community Account £347.25, Business Reserve Account £4966.70.

Cllr Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Precey

16. Correspondence:

D Brett & Son - request for additional memorial on the grave of Frederick Abbs - Ada Abbs in the Garden of Remembrance - approved

BCKLWN Development Services - Development Services Newsletter

NALC - PC Grit Bins - There is no liability on the PC if the CC have filled the bins, the PC have not designated an individual to spread the grit. The grit bin is located on The Hill

BCKLWN - Local Government Reorganisation - update and briefing

Norfolk Constabulary - Open Meeting to Discuss the Budget on 21 January

Mr B Harris requesting to be added to the Allotment Waiting List

BCKLWN Development Services - Notification of Property address - Thomas B Bonnett Lynn Road

Mr Pointer - phone call informing the PC that a memorial cross had disappeared from his mother's grave, Cllr Leamon confirmed it was missing. It was agreed that no further charge should be made for the placing of a replacement cross.

17. Councillors Other Business:

* The Chairman asked Cllr Mendoza how frequently are the School Governors Meetings held - she advised approximately at six monthly intervals. The Chairman asked if she could provide a small report.

* The Chairman asked Cllr Summers about the LAG meetings and was it still useful to attend. He advised there was a possibility of the LAG and CAG meetings being changed, but so far this has not happened. The next LAG meeting is on Friday 15 January

* The Chairman advised the meeting that Furlong Road/Drove had not been gritted because the gritting map was showing Oxborough Road as the main road into the village. Highways have advised that this has now been amended and Furlong will be gritted in future.

* Cllr Lansdell-Williams asked if she could have the NALC login password - the Clerk will provide this for her.

* Cllr Mendoza reported that the lead on the top of the Bus Shelter had moved again following high winds. The Clerk will chase up the repair of this.

* BC Sampson referred to the Inter-Village Games which will be discussed at the next meeting. The Chairman asked what Stoke Ferry gains from it. BC Sampson said the prestige of winning etc!

* BC Sampson informed the meeting that Highways are still intending to create a new footpath between Stoke Ferry and Wretton; this has been a serious issue during the bad weather with the road and footpath not being gritted.

* The Chairman reported that Highways will do a road sweep because of all the loose chippings on Lynn Road again. This will be carried out once the snow has cleared.

Public Other Business

* Lamp post in Bradfield Place - why is it in the position it is - Cllr Leamon advised it was apparently moved back from the footpath many years ago. It would cost far too much to have it moved again.

* In favour of no lights at all in the village

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10 February 2010 commencing at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk

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