Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish council

October 2009

Minutes of the September meeting of Wereham Parish Council

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 8th September 2009 in The Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: P. Markwell - Chairman, C. Humphries, P. Norris, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Everitt and M/s Norris.

Apologies; None

1. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2009 be signed as a correct record - proposed by P. Norris seconded C. Humphries.

2. Matters Arising: The extra Reflectors are still awaited for the A134 crossing. Mycortex has been applied each side of the sick Willow tree in a effort to prevent the infection spreading. The Chairman volunteered to back the Dog No Fouling signs. Village Sign - Mrs. Eastgate replied that at present she is unable to repaint the Sign but Mrs Heaven has agreed to paint it. The post is to be renovated when the top sign has been removed. A reply is still awaited from the N.C.C. reference 'B' road verges. Gas Compound - this was strimmed the morning after the meeting as the Contractors had arrived on site without their key so they returned next morning. Village Hall - W.N.V.C.A. representative visited the Village Hall meeting and Mr. Brain from Calvert Brain & Fraulo is going to attend the October meeting and present the Committee with sketch plans of the proposed new Village Hall. The pot holes in the verge/access to Gravel Pit bungalow have been filled. A reply was received from W.N. V.C.A explaining what the organisation is all about. Land to the rear of the Village Hall needs to be registered as does the Village Hall and this was proposed by P. Norris and seconded by M/s Norris. It was proposed by P. Markwell & seconded by Mrs. Newell that the clerk be authorised to spend a maximum of £100.00 for the land registry fees and the Affidavit fee. Greenlands Solicitors of Attleborough are now carrying out a very intensive look for the original Conveyance of the Village Hall - that is the Firm which carried out the original Conveyance.

3. Planning: None

4. Payments: Wicksteed Leisure - £51. 75 proposed P. Norris & seconded M/s Norris.

5. Correspondence: Norfolk Link - handed to M/s Norris as requested. Ministry of Justice - Memorial Safety Questionnaire - clerk completed. Norfolk Lowland Search & Rescue request for donation - none granted. W.N.B.C. Planning adjacent to Chequers has been withdrawn. East of England Regional Association meeting 17/9/09. W.N.B.C. Site Specific Allocations & Policies development Plan.

6. Any Other Business: Cavenham Road Street Light is on all the time. The green area opposite the Village Hall grass needs cutting - 2 meters around the perimeter should be left so that the N.C.C. are still responsible from the safety aspect. M/s Norris proposed and P. Norris seconded that J. Eastgate be approached by M/s Norris to ascertain what can be legally done to tidy the Green and keep it in good order. Parish Plan - P. Norris proposes a steering group of volunteers be organised to promote the Parish Plan. The road verge outside No. 1 The Row is breaking up. A quote is to be obtained for a new Sluice gate for the Pond and one for pollarding the Willow trees around the Pond.

The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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