Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

August 2009

Minutes of the 24th June meeting of Stoke Ferry parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 24 June 2009

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr D Summers, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 7 Members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Borough Councillor C Sampson

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked whether his query regarding the PC's Assets had been minuted. The Chairman and Clerk confirmed that this was in the Minutes. Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Fiedler.

Matters Arising:

a) Parking Lynn Road - It was reported that at times the situation seemed to have improved, it will still be monitored.

b) Speed Limits Wretton Road - a response had been received from NCC stating there was not much likelihood of the speed limit being reduced along this road. However the use of children accessing the school has been raised with their travel plan officer. There is a bill going through Parliament to reduce speed limits outside schools to 20mph.

c) Lynn Road - Highways are still awaiting a date from the contractors to carry out remedial works on this stretch of road.

d) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - Planning are still awaiting a planning application to be submitted for these works. An email from David Mills states that he does not feel the public footpath has been encroached although it is considered the fence is quite tight to the path in places. The path can still be used but the bank has been cut away a bit in places but this largely affects the slope of the bank rather than the top. A request to be made for a public footpath or bridleway sign for this side of the road.

e) High Street Sign - waiting for the Borough Council to move the sign to a higher location. The Clerk will chase this up.

f) The Bottle Bank sign has now been received and placed on the wall near the bottle bank. The Chairman thanked Cllr Nicholas-Letch for collecting the sign and Cllr Precey for fixing it to the wall.

g) Cemetery Sub-Committee - The Chairman informed the meeting that a meeting had still to be arranged, hopefully before the next PC meeting. Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting that the Probation Service will be commencing work on the 5 July to trim hedges etc, the issue regarding toilet facilities has now been addressed.

h) Planning Sub-Committee - It was confirmed that Cllr Precey was happy to join this committee.

i) Parish Council Assets - this was raised at the last meeting but due to the number of other meetings taking place this will be an Agenda item for the next meeting.

j) Playing Field Grass Cutting - In the absence of Cllr Lansdell-Williams the Chairman reported that the strimming/cutting was now to the satisfaction of the Playing Field Committee.

k) Anglian Water - sewage smell in Oak Road/Border Road - Anglian Water confirmed that as of 19 June this should have been dealt with within 10 days. To be monitored

l) Community Transport - the Chairman informed the meeting that before any further action is taken the Action Plan Committee will endeavour to assess what the need is in the village for this kind of service. A note will be placed in The Pump

m) Furlong Road - still waiting for Highways to carry out works, this will be raised at the meeting with Highways on 1 July.

n) The Common - Camping - because this area is not owned by the PC or Borough the various departments will not clear up mess left by people. This is being discussed at the Land Sub-Committee meetings, trying to establish who actually owns the land.

o) New Village Hall - the Clerk had spoken to Russen & Turner, they have been asked to amend their drawings by the planning department and hoped to be in a position to arrange a meeting sometime in July.

p) Fire on By-Pass - The Chairman reported she had been in contact with the Planning Enforcement Officer who informed her planning permission had been given in 1988 for the storage of materials within the site. A new case has been opened regarding the storage of hazardous materials.

Litter Pick:

The Chairman reported a good turn out on the day, 12 people with a further two joining later on, she thanked everyone who turned out for the good work, about 8/9 bags were filled with rubbish, despite the rain. The Borough Council supplied the reflective coats, bags, gloves and pickers and collected them all the following day. It is proposed to arrange another Litter Pick later in the year.

Buckenham Drive:

A meeting will be held with Highways on the 1 July to discuss the hammerhead, surfaces of road and footpaths, drainage, height of kerbs, hammerhead and parking facilities for properties 1-4.

Land Sub-Committee:

At the recent meeting it was agreed everyone would take on a task, ie to speak to people in the village, put a note in The Pump to try and establish if there are any areas it is believed are the responsibility of the parish council to maintain. The question of the village boundaries was raised - it has been established proposal were made in 2001 for minor alterations but these have still not been approved. With regard to The Common and attempt is being made to meet or speak to the current Lord of the Manor. Still a lot more research to be undertaken, Cllr Nicholas-Letch thanked the Clerk for the research she had done so far.

Internal Audit:

The Clerk reported this had taken place, everything in order. One comment was made that our balance was rather low at the end of the financial year, we should attempt to have at least half the precept left. Notice of Audit had been received, accounts can be inspected at any reasonable time by prior appointment between 20 July and 14 August.


Despite several letters and phone calls no response has been received from the current owners of the allotment land in Furlong Drove. The Chairman has made some enquiries of the Borough Council who may have a small piece of land available, they will be sending her a map showing all their land in the village. A suggestion has been made to investigate a compulsory purchase order for land, approval would have to be obtained from NALC, a loan could be obtained at fairly reasonable rates, the BC legal costs would have to be borne by the PC. It was suggested application could be made for a Lottery Grant. There is a slight possibility a small area of land may be available from a developer.

LAG Meetings:

Cllr Mrs Mendoza reported on the last meeting attended, Anti-social Behaviour signs had been erected in the area of Border Road and Oak Road and the village is a high priority until July with possible daily visits from PCSO's. Downham Market TC are forming a Youth Council but there did not seem to be much enthusiasm from the local youth. A register is to be set up listing fair traders offering fair prices for work. CAG meetings to be better advertised in future currently not very well attended. The next one is to be held in Middleton Village Hall on 28 July at 7.00pm, the next LAG meeting is on 10 July. It has just been reported that Norfolk is the safest county in the England.

Public Footpaths:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch referred to the unsatisfactory state of the footpath from School Lane going towards Wretton, although this has been cut it is still covered in weeds and not useable by pedestrians with buggies or wheelchairs etc. It is on the list of future works for an entirely new path but intermediate works urgently need to be carried out. This will be mentioned at the meeting with Highways next week.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch raised the ongoing problem with dog fouling, particularly in the area of Fairfield Road/Bradfield Place. Notices are constantly being placed in The Pump, one is permanently on the PC Notice Board. Unless residents are prepared to report instances to the Dog Warden at the time, there is not much else the Parish Council can do.

20mph Speed Limits:

The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council should vigorously push for this limit in Buckenham Drive, because of many children and elderly people in the area and the stretch of road outside the School. This was unanimously carried.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked that the stretch of Furlong Road leading to Boughton Road should be included in this request. The Chairman felt that if too many areas are asked for there was the possibility that none would be agreed to. A suggestion was made that this stretch be classified "Access Only" with an appropriate sign installed. After considerable discussion it was agreed that this will be looked at again in the future as it was not felt to be a high priority at the moment.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch stated although he suggested this limit it was only agreed to push for the School and Buckenham Drive. The Chairman said if this is successful then will go on to other areas.

Co-option of Parish Councillor:

A letter of application for the post of Parish Councillor had been received from Mr Nathan Porter. The Chairman asked for a proposer and a seconder. Cllr Summers proposed and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza that Mr Porter be co-opted to the parish council. This was unanimously approved.


Approved by the Borough

Construction of new dwelling and garage at land North West of Lavender Cottage, Lynn Road

Extension to dwelling 41 Wretton Road

Approved by Parish

Erection of dwelling with garage and workshop at 6 The Hollow

Referred to Development Control Board

Change of use of agricultural building and yard to storage and distribution of timber Stoke Ferry Timber Boughton Road

Accounts for Approval

e-on - Direct Debit - £39.40 - Lighting May

MHB Services £64.38 - Lighting Maintenance June/July

IRS Ltd - £23.80 - Bottle Bank Sign

Mr John Cross - £15.00 - Internal Audit/Expenses

Mr D Summers - £4.90 - Expenses - Petrol

Mrs C Hardy - £523.52 - Salary for May/June 2009

Mrs C Hardy - £38.60 - Expenses for May/June 2009

James Bradfield School - £12.90 - Hire of Hall/May

Statement of Account as at 8 June 2009 - Total Receipts - £11448.36, Less Payments to Date 2308.87 Balance in Bank as at 8 June (Bank Statement) £9139.49.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Precey


H Brett & Son request for additional inscription on memorial - A Dear Husband Stephen James Flack etc - approved

H Brett & Son request for additional inscription on memorial - Miriam Kenny etc - approved

The Forum Trust Norwich - five unique event spaces for rent at reasonable prices

Electoral Registration - No election requested to co-opt councillor as soon as possible

Councillors Other Business:

The Chairman had been contacted by the Playing Field Committee to arrange a meeting to show the plans for the new Changing Room Facility. This has been arranged for Monday 13 July.

Cllr Precey reported that motorbikes and cars were driving across the footpath from Manor Road/Fairfield Road to Oak Road and the grassed area in Oak Road, asking if it would be feasible to have a staggered gate/barrier installed. It was agreed that Cllr Precey and Cllr Mrs Mendoza would approach the Police to discuss the matter and report back to the next meeting.

Cllr Summers reported person(s) camping on the field with children, the other side of the river towards the end of Bridge Road. The Clerk to report to the police.

Public Other Business

It was reported that there was once again glass on the Common. This had been cleared during the litter pick but Cllr Nicholas-Letch agreed to have a look and clear any glass.

It was reported that Chapman's Field footpath had not been reinstated. The Clerk to report this to the appropriate department.

Speed limits - no one adheres to speed limits.

Speed sign opposite school, part of the numbers not showing, this has been reported, will be chased up.

A resident from Buckenham Drive thanked the Parish Council for all they were attempting to do for the area.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 5 August 2009 commencing at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk

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