River Wissey Lovell Fuller


June 2009

Ray seeks some help to keep the Village Pump going.

Hello again,

First may I thank everyone who sent me their best wishes for a speedy recovery after my TIA reported last month. I am really very touched by the concern expressed. Unfortunately, however, there was no volunteers to act as my shadow to guarantee the future of The Pump. I'm sure there must be someone out there who could publish The Pump in an emergency.

On the subject of support to the Pump we are fast approaching the end of our Financial Year. We are currently planning to hold the AGM in October at which time we will need some recruits to the committee as a matter of some urgency. We are currently running without an Advertising Manager and Jane Beazley, our Treasurer, has only agreed to extend her tenure for the one year now coming to its close. So, as a minimum, we need a new Advertising Manager and Treasurer in place by October and ideally, another couple of Committee members. So please, if you feel you could help to ensure the continued success of your magazine, do offer your services to ensure we can continue. As always, committee members must live within the six villages listed on our front cover.

Well, what a couple of weeks we have just experienced? The scandal of the MP expenses, the forced retirement of the Speaker of The House of Commons and the widely applauded U-Turn by the Government on the right of Ghurkhas to live in England. It really seems that people power can change some of the less acceptable political decisions. So now you have the chance to have your say in the County and European elections. Do make sure you take up the offer and give your vote to those potential councillors who you think will improve our local quality of life.

Those who prefer reading The Pump on line, via www.stokeferry.com, will note that the May edition is not yet available on the web. There has been a problem with the website server which is currently being investigated by our webmaster.

For the football supporters, this month sees the final rounds of premier league games with the relegation heartache, the European Cup Final and the FA Cup Final on 30th May. We will then have to turn our attention to cricket and the mouth watering prospect of the Ashes. For others, there will of course be the Wimbledon Championships, complete with a new roof for the Centre Court. Here's hoping for a great summer both in terms of the weather and the sporting achievements.

Ray Thompson

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