Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

April 2009

Minutes of the meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 February 2009


Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr M Precey, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 15 Members of the public. Nikki Patton, Housing Enabling Officer, BCKLWN

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Borough Councillor C Sampson, County Councillor T White and SNT Watlington

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming Nikki Patton the Housing Enabling Officer from the Borough Council of King's Lynn, who came to highlight affordable housing need in the village. The borough had received enquiries relating to two sites in Stoke Ferry classed as exception sites outside the village boundary, there would be no more than 15 dwellings on any site. The chairman asked if the sites could be named, they were Lynn Road and off Bradfield Place/Fairfield Road. A query was raised in relation to a parcel of land at the rear of Border Road and Oak Road which had apparently been designated for affordable housing, Nikki did not know anything about this. Affordable housing would be constructed in close liaison with a Housing Association, there are currently 9 housing associations operating within the borough. At present this is in the very early stages of consultation, further meetings/consultations would take place when further information is available. Nikki very kindly answered many questions from those present. The chairman thanked Nikki for attending the meeting.

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs T Mann.

Matters Arising:

a) Buckenham Drive - the Highways Engineer had reported that a new gully will not be installed until the new financial year 2009/2010, possibly in April.

b) Potholes Bridge Road - these works have been programmed for the next financial year, but the situation will be monitored.

c) Overgrown Hedges Boughton Road - these have now been cut back.

d) Kebab Shop - Jack Daniels the Enforcement Officer will continue to monitor the situation. The Clerk to enquire whether the company are duty bound to provide a suitable "rubbish bin" outside the shop during opening times.

e) Parking Lynn Road - the Clerk had again spoken to Peter Riches, Traffic Manager at Swaffham and was informed the situation was still being monitored but when his warden visited the area no obstruction problems were apparent. It was reported to the meeting that another bus had to turn back and take a different route, leaving passengers stranded. The Clerk to write again and copy the letter to our MP and Borough and County Councillors.

f) Footpath Oxborough Road - the Highways Engineer reported that the repair to the footpaths had been programmed for the next financial year 2009/2010 but did state that they would not be increasing the width of the path. Cllrs Precey and Fielder were not happy with this and wish to arrange a site meeting with Highways.

g) Dog Fouling - there has been no improvement despite "dog fouling" notices all round the village, in fact the problem seems to be worse. Any names of offenders and addresses, if known, to be given to the Clerk. The Clerk will contact the Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officer again.

h) Flashing 30mph Sign Wretton Road - this has now been repaired

The Cemetery:

The Clerk had been asked to enquire if any funding was available for remedial works/repairs in cemeteries, unfortunately there is not, if there are living relatives it is their responsibility to maintain graves/memorials in a safe condition, any very old graves/memorials it is the responsibility of the parish council. Therefore in future years a sum will need to be included in the Budget for such works. In future the Clerk will need to request contact details for relatives of the deceased who would be responsible for the upkeep of the graves. Cllr Nicholas-Letch is compiling a list of the old graves/memorials for publication in various local publications before any works can be commenced. A small sum was included in the budget for 2009/2010, it is also hoped to raise some money ourselves.

Safe Storage of Papers

The Clerk had investigated if it was a requirement for parish council papers to be kept in fire-proof cabinets, ideally they should be, some papers are required to be kept for several years. The Clerk to investigate prices of such cabinets to be discussed at the next meeting.


As there are now seven people requesting allotments on the list, assuming all are still interested, it was agreed that a site meeting would be held with the majority of parish councillors on Tuesday 24 February at 12 noon to look at the available land. The Clerk to write again to the part owner of the privately rented allotments.

Parish Emergency Plan:

Cllr Mrs Mann advised that a meeting had taken place with representatives from the Borough Council, a form had to be completed, once perused by the borough they will identify any relevant issues that need to be taken on board.

Village Liaison Committee

Cllr Mrs Mann reported that only 1 complaint had been received, an alarm going off but was soon rectified. There had also been a problem with lorries backing up along Furlong Road/Furlong Drove, which has also been sorted out.

Stoke Ferry Action Plan:

Cllr Mrs Mann informed the meeting that she had recently joined the Action Group and following the recent Liaison Meeting when the Millers Arms and Dukes Head had been discussed, the Action Group are hoping to have a meeting with Vion to discuss the possibility of leasing these properties with a view to using them for a Youth Centre plus various other ideas for village use.

Planning Training:

Cllr Mrs Mendoza plus three other councillors had attended these meetings, she informed the meeting they were not strictly planning training but to demonstrate the e-consultation hub rather than hard copies of planning applications being distributed. Parish Councillors are welcome to visit the borough council offices to see what is happening with this or they would be prepared to give a presentation. It was agreed that a presentation should be arranged.


Approved by the Borough

Extension and alterations to dwelling and replacement garage at Ivy Farm Cottage, 86 Wretton Road

Proposed floodlights to illuminate football pitch at Playing Fields Buckenham Drive

Approved by Parish

Change of use from agricultural land to storage and distribution of timber at Stoke Ferry Timber Ltd Boughton Road. This was passed to BC Sampson regarding possible referral to the DCB.

Norfolk County Council - Replacement of 2 No Mobile Classrooms & 1No Mobile Toilet Unit with single storey side extension at James Bradfield School Wretton Road

DCB Committee

Variation of Condition 11 of Planning Permission to permit a scheme for the provision and implementation of contamination investigation to be undertaken in a phased manner at land in Lynn Road. This was deferred to a meeting in March, the Planning Committee to further consider this condition and let the Clerk have their comments for onward transmission to the Planning Department.

Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy - £39.40 - Lighting - December

MHB Services x 2 - £128.76 - Lighting Maintenance January/March

James Bradfield School - £12.63- Hire of Hall January

Mrs C Hardy - £255.00 - Salary for January 2009

Mrs C Hardy - £13.07 - Expenses for January 2009

BCKLWN - £31.99 - Collection of Dog Waste October/December 2008

Statement of Account as at 19 January 2009 (Bank Statement) - Total Receipts - £10,465.39, less Payments to date £7909.73, plus un-presented cheques £349.02. Balance in Bank £2904.68.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon


P R Bowers - Request for additional inscription on memorial - Also Margaret Bonnett (Madge) yr of birth - 2009 - approved

Emerson & Son - Request for additional inscription on memorial - Anna Belej Born in the Ukrane 1918 died 2008 Rest in Peace - approved

NALC - Training Sessions for Chairmanship and Engagement

BCKLWN - Advising of new three-in-one waste collection vehicle

NALC - Initial Training for Clerks and Councillors

NALC - Local Government Review change of date for Boundary Committee to give advice to the Secretary of State now Wednesday 15 July 2009.

Norfolk Accident Rescue Service requesting donation. No donation but put letter on notice board so that individuals may make donation if they so desire.

NALC - Informing of two Summit Meetings - Our New Rural Economy and Localist Green Agenda

Mr Ray Thompson - recent Village Liaison Meeting/invitation of PCSO's to attend. The Clerk to write advising that the Parish Council did not invite the PCSO's to attend.

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Mendoza mentioned the condition of the road near the village shop - this again will be programmed for 2009/2010 financial year.

The condition of School Lane - the section opposite the waterworks road is covered in mud from the recent sugar beat harvest. The remainder of the lane is breaking up with many deep potholes. The Clerk to write to Mr Garrett regarding the mud and to Highways regarding the potholes.

Public Other Business

It was pointed out that part of the Cemetery is not consecrated.

Food waste once again being thrown on the grassed area behind bungalows in Border Road and Fairfield Road. A notice to be put in The Pump

A complaint relating to the car park at Boughton Drs Surgery was made, but the Chairman advised that as it is not in our parish there is not much we could do, also advising speak to the Practice Manager.

Petrol allowances for parish councillors was raised, should they not be claimed more regularly than nine months, also the rate paid, these are taken from recommendation of The National Joint Council for Local Government . It was agreed the Clerk will create an expenses form for this purpose to be signed by the Chairman.

The parish council should approach Wretton PC with a view to getting a 30mph speed limit implemented for the whole length of Wretton Road right through to Wretton. Also this road should be gritted during icy weather. The Clerk will take this on board and also write to Highways.

The footpath from School Lane Wretton Road is in a bad state of repair and is not sufficiently wide for parents with buggies walking their children to school. Highways to be approached again.

The condition of the recently repaired Lynn Road was raised - the Clerk informed the meeting that Highways were aware of this and were contacting the contractors

Street Lights in Furlong Road by Post Office and Gods Old House Lynn Road not working

A pothole has appeared in Wretton Road just past the fish shop going towards High Street

Part of the footpath near the hammerhead at the top end of Buckenham Drive in bad state of repair/uneven

A query was made as to whether the new fence/footpath being erected on land near The Moorings/Old Wood Yard is in the correct place. The Clerk to investigate

Loose chickens reported in the Cemetery, presumably escaped from neighbouring property.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 25 March 2009 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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