Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry PC Minutes

February 2009

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 7 January 2009

Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mrs Mendoza, Cllr Nicholas-Letch, Cllr Fiedler, Cllr Mrs Leamon, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), PCSO's Stefan Bunting and Sara Green, 9 Members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr M Precey and County Councillor T White

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming the two PCSO's stating that any police matters would be dealt with first. The meeting was informed that Stoke Ferry had been declared a priority area following the last CAG meeting because of the misuse of motorised vehicles. Marham and West Winch were also problem areas. The next CAG meeting will be held in the Stoke Ferry Village Hall on Friday 23 January 2009 commencing at 7.00pm. The Chairman asked if anyone had any problems to report - Cllr Summers mentioned HGV's missing the entrance to Grampians in Furlong Drove and reversing, this is being looked into, the police will be attending the next Village Liaison Meeting. The theft of heating oil was raised, the meeting was advised there are some measures available, alarms fitted to tanks and a device to measure the level of oil and how quickly it is reducing. There were no further issues and the Chairman thanked the PCSO's for attending the meeting.

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Nicholas-Letch raised a point relating to planning in relation to the request for a letter to be sent to the Planning Department, he asked who felt it should be sent to the Environment Department and the MP. Cllr Lansdell-Williams informed the meeting she suggested it should be sent to the Environment Department and Cllr Mann to the MP. Cllr Nicholas-Letch now accepted as fair and accurate the minute as recorded. Cllr Mann proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Summers.

Matters Arising:

a) Buckenham Drive - the Highways Engineer will programme for a further drain to be installed near the property numbered 42. No work had been carried out to a drain cover following the drain cleaning, the Clerk to report this again.

b) Footpath alongside Playing Fields - the hedge has now been cut.

c) Allotments - A letter had been received from Mr C Stocking requesting that if the PC do rescind his rental contract for the piece of land at the rear of The Cemetery he would like to be considered for an allotment or if at any time in the future the PC decide to sell this piece of land he would like to buy same. This was noted. Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting he had inspected this area and felt that access could possibly be a problem which currently would be along a track at the side of a farmers field. He felt that access could possibly be made available through the Cemetery, consideration would obviously have to be given should a funeral be taking place. There is already water available in The Cemetery an extension pipe would be required. Cllr Lansdell-Williams informed the meeting she did at one time have an allotment on the private area of land and access was allowed along this track. It was agreed that this would be discussed further when there are six applications for allotments.

d) Parish Emergency Plan - Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting his interest relating to this would be that he could assist with emergency numbers through the voluntary organisation Raynet. Cllr Mann informed the meeting that no date has yet been arranged for a meeting with the Borough representatives, she will arrange this as soon as possible.

e) Light on Dukes Head - This has now been repaired.

f) Minutes Lynn News - the headline suggested by the PC was used, it was agreed to continue suggesting a headline.

g) Potholes Bridge Road - these works have been programmed but not done as yet. The Clerk to ask Highways when the work might be carried out.

h) Overgrown Hedge Boughton Road - Cllr Nicholas-Letch has visited the area and informed the meeting that it was difficult to tell who owns the particular area in question. It was agreed by parish councillors that the Clerk to write to the occupiers of both properties with boundaries along this stretch of raod asking if they would arrange to cut the shrubs etc back.

i) Kebab Shop - the Clerk has spoken to Jack Daniels the Enforcement Officer who was going to visit to the shop but she has not been able to make contact to find out the current situation. The Clerk to continue to chase up the matter, also to check what if any signs are available to be displayed in the shop. It was reported that there is still no rubbish bin outside the shop during opening times.

j) Stoke Ferry Action Plan - unfortunately Mr Fletcher was unable to attend this meeting. The Clerk informed the meeting there was nothing further to report at the moment.

k) Parking Lynn Road - the Clerk reported she had been in contact with the Traffic Manager at Norfolk Constabulary Swaffham regarding the problems. He was still investigating the matter and was not in a position to report back. It appears to be mostly trade vehicles causing the problems, the building works should soon be completed which would improve the situation. It was agreed to monitor the position once these works are completed.

l) Planning - the Chairman apologised for holding on to a recent planning application.

m) Risk Assessment The Cemetery - Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting that this had taken much longer than he had anticipated, he would pass round his report to all councillors. He outlined the position stating he had colour coded the graves by condition, green (71) in reasonable condition, amber (39) would eventually need some attention, red (22) which are considered dangerous. The reason these are considered dangerous is because of settlement taking place over the years, some are crumbling, they need filling in then gravel on top, which would cost approximately £50 per plot. Cllr Nicholas-Letch will let the Clerk know which are the dangerous plots to try to make contact with owners. Cllr Nicholas-Letch felt that maybe a fund raising event could be arranged to help with financing all the work required, the Clerk also to enquire if there is any funding available for this type of work. It was agreed that a notice will be placed on the Cemetery Notice Board and in The Pump alerting visitors to these dangerous plots, they will be marked with a wooden stake at each corner. Cllr Nicholas-Letch also reported that the gate has been broken and was being repaired at no cost, then would be replaced.

8.20pm Borough Councillor Sampson joined the meeting

n) Footpath Oxborough Road - Cllr Precey and Cllr Fiedler had visited the areas concerned and had prepared a report indicating what they felt needed to be done. It was agreed this report should be forwarded to the Highways Engineer with a view to arranging a meeting to discuss the matter further.

Planning Application Procedures:

Cllr Mann suggested that perhaps to help with the short time limit available to consider planning applications a sub-committee should be formed of five councillors, with the remaining four being copied the relevant information, if they had any specific comments to make they would contact a member of the sub-committee. The planning application would then be returned to the Clerk in the normal manner. The Chairman asked the views of the councillors - JNL any queries could be discussed over the phone, JF felt he had not been a councillor long enough to give an informed comment, SLW a good idea, MF likes the idea but everyone should still have their say, RM, DS and ML agreed with sub-committee. It was agreed that a sub-committee should be formed, the Chairman asked who would like to be on this committee. The following were appointed to the Planning Sub-Committee - The Chairman, Cllr Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mann, Cllr Nicholas-Letch and Cllr Summers. The Clerk will circulate planning applications to these five councillors for their comments. This will come into force when the next planning application is received.

LAG Meetings:

It was agreed that Cllrs Summers and Mendoza will continue to attend these meetings as it was felt beneficial to the parish.

Stoke Ferry Action Plan:

See earlier minute under matters arising (j).

Budget 2009/2010

The Clerk had prepared the budget for consideration, the Chairman asked if anyone had any comments or amendments they wished to be made. Cllr Nicholas-Letch had asked for £300 to be included for the Cemetery, but now felt that should be increased because of the works required. Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed increasing the sum to £600 seconded by Cllr Leamon. There were no further amendments requested. The Chairman asked for a proposal for the 2009/2010 precept. Cllr Fiedler proposed £9,500 seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch.

Dates of Meetings 2009:

The meeting that had been scheduled for 1 April will now be brought forward to Wednesday 25 March to take account of the end of the financial year.


Approved by the Borough

Grant of Planning Permission - varying of condition 2 to allow for contamination investigation to be undertaken in a phased manner at Geoff Allen Timber Merchant Bridge Road

Approved by Parish

Proposed floodlights to illuminate football pitch at Playing Fields Buckenham Drive

Refused by Parish

Variation of Condition 11 of Planning Permission to permit a scheme for the provision and implementation of contamination investigation to be undertaken in a phased manner at land in Lynn Road.

A request had been received from the Planning Department for the PC to change their decision, following discussion it was agreed by all councillors that their original decision should stand. Cllrs Nicholas-Letch and Lansdell-Williams (if available) will attend the Planning Meeting when this application will be considered. Borough Councillor Sampson said he may also be able to attend on the PC's behalf.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting that he felt an administrative error had been made relating to the application for the Varying of Condition 2 of permission 05/02590/F to allow for contamination investigation to be undertaken in a phased manner at the Geoff Allen Wood Yard Site in Bridge Road. This error took place because the circulation sheet accompanying this application had not been fully completed by councillors. He proposed that a letter should be forwarded to the Planning Department to correct the record, ie 2 refused, 2 approved, 4 made no comment. It was therefore agreed that a letter be sent setting out the correct information/apologising for the error.

Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy - £39.40 - Lighting - November

MHB Services - £64.38 - Lighting Maintenance December/January

Mr D Summers - £64.53 - Expenses (petrol) for attending meetings - May-November 2008

Mrs C Hardy - £255.00 - Salary for December 2008

Mrs C Hardy - £29.64 - Expenses for December 2008

Statement of Account as at 11 December 2008 (Bank Statement) - Total Receipts - £10,432.39, less Payments to date £7456.78, plus un-presented cheques £217.71. Balance in Bank £3193.32.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Summers

Cllr Mann queried whether it was useful for attendance at LAG Meetings, it was agreed it is beneficial to the parish not only to be seen at these meetings but also contact with other parishes. BC Sampson said it was a small price to pay for the benefits gained.


BCKLWN - Notification of House Name Change - Ferrymans Cottages to be known as Woollie 1 Oxborough Road

Emerson & Son - request for memorial inscribed "In loving memory of Bryan Smith at Rest" - approved

BCKLWN - Local Government Re-organisation change of date of meeting from 7 January to Tuesday 17 February 2009 - Cllr Nicholas-Letch to attend.

BCKLWN Tourism Department - Free advertising for local events can be put on West Norfolk Visitor website

Norfolk Police Authority - Meeting 29 January to discuss budget for 2009/2010.

Christopher Fraser MP - enclosing correspondence from Planning & Transportation re speed limits outside schools

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Ferrie - a point had been raised in the Freedom of Information document relating to safe storage of papers particularly old records. BC Sampson informed the meeting that papers should be kept for 7 years, old records can possibly be lodged with Norfolk Records Office. Papers should ideally be stored in a fireproof filing cabinet, the problem being where this cabinet should or could be kept. The Clerk to ask for advice from NALC. Further consideration to be given to this matter at a later date.

Dog Fouling - there have been many complaints made to the Clerk recently about the condition of the footpaths around the village where people are not clearing up after their dogs. It was felt there would be no point in placing dog waste bins around the village, if people are not clearing up now they are not likely to in future. The Clerk to contact the Dog Control Officer asking him to visit the village.

Cllr Ferrie informed the meeting that he will be standing down as Chairman as from the AGM, this will give plenty of time for everyone to consider who they would like to nominate as Chairman and Vice-Chair.

Public Other Business

The flashing speed light opposite the school in Wretton Road does not appear to be working. The Clerk to check who is responsible for the repair of this sign.

Footpaths particularly Buckenham Drive, Border Road, Oak Road are very dangerous during these icy conditions because of the smooth surface they are very slippery and dangerous for pedestrians. The Clerk to contact Highways with a view to making the surfaces safer and also consider these areas for gritting in future.

The speed sign will be mentioned at the next Village Liaison Meeting

Petrol Tanks at Lynn Road site - these will be dealt with as part of the remediation scheme.

A query was made as to whether the Emergency Plan was in consultation with the Borough Council, it was confirmed this was so.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.52pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 18 February 2009 commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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