War Memorial Gary Trouton


January 2009

The Editor looks back on 2008 and wishes all our readers a Happy 2009.

Hello again,

Well, another year passed and what do we have to show for it? Our country in debt, our workers without work and our police weighed down with bureaucracy. How much worse can it get? Lots it seems! Interest rates could reach zero hitting every saver in the country, mortgages could be foreclosed, houses repossessed and our giant wealth creating machine, the car industry, placed in liquidation. Welcome to the 21st century.

But all is not doom and gloom. At last there seems to be a glimmer of light at the end of the long tunnel leading to our troops in Iraq. The Prime Minister has promised that they will be withdrawn by June 2009; that is all but a few hundred who will remain to provide training assistance to the Iraqi forces. Of course keeping even a handful of our troops in that God forsaken place is wrong but at least the decision will allow the government to put off a Special Inquiry into the whole Iraq war - for ever if necessary. Do they have something to hide?

But here in the Wissey Valley, life continues at its leisurely pace. We have the odd road closure while water mains are repaired and one or two mad Harry's who insist that speed limits are for everyone but them. But in general, the natives are friendly and helpful and local amenities continue to function despite the "credit crunch". Long may this state remain.

Elsewhere in this Pump you will see what tremendous success the Stoke Ferry Stompers have had raising funds for charity. Almost £4000 this year alone. The Forget-me-not Club has managed to gain lottery funding, the Playing Field Committee has made sure that these amenities have gone from strength to strength and The Village Hall remains a thriving activity thanks to the very hard work of their diligent committee. Well done everyone; take a well deserved end of year bow.

This month we welcome two new contributors; Sophie Paulding with advice on herbal medicine and The Dreamcatcher with a modern day Fairy Story. Both promise to continue providing items over the coming months. Things a really looking up.

That only leaves me to wish all our readers, contributors, advertisers and production team, a very Happy New Year. I look forward to your continued support in 2009.

Ray Thompson

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