West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the September meeting of W Derham PC

November 2008

The Parish Clerk reports on the Septmeber meeting of West Dereham Parish Council




Present: Mrs Claire Cann - Chair

Ms Alison Richardson - Vice-Chair

Mrs Doreen Berry

Mr Russell Drew

Mr Barry Glover

Mr Paddy Murfitt

In Attendance: Ms Lindsay Goward - Clerk

Cllr Rockcliffe

29 members of the public

1. Apologies

Mr Malcolm Grief

2. Declaration of Interests

There was no declaration of interests for this meeting.

3. Signing of the Minutes of 12th June and the Approval of Minutes of the 10th July Meeting

The minutes of the 12th June were signed with the corrections agreed on the 10th of July.

The minutes of the 10th July were agreed with the following corrections.

4ix) To add: - Glazewing were thanked for removing the can bank.

7iii) Change the PC felt to 'the PC is not able to merge the cricket club accounts'.

Minutes will be signed at the next meeting.

4. Matters Arising

i) Footpaths

AR held a meeting with the Borough Council Footpaths Officer on the 22nd July 2008. Various matters/questions raised at the PC meetings were discussed.

  1. The BC has a duty to ensure that the public are able to pass and re-pass over any right of way. Due to budget constraints, in practice, that means the paths are cut (which is seen as maintenance) 3 times a year (usually in the growing season). If the PC wish them to be cut more the cost will have to be borne by the PC. We could ask the person who cuts for the BC for a quote or ask another contractor. It is necessary to ensure that any other contractor holds public liability insurance of £5 million.

  2. Paths that cross farmland. Headland paths should not be disturbed. Cross field paths can be ploughed but should be re-instated. The BC is aware of the problem between Ryston Road and Crimplesham and is following this up.

  3. The overgrown state of the path that runs to the side of the allotments/grass field parallel with Station Road is not actually the definitive route. This runs along the rear of the houses. This being the case the only route that can actually be cut by the BC is the definitive route. The path cannot be diverted except by the land owner applying direct to the BC. The process was begun by a previous owner but never followed through. There is a cost involved in the process.

  4. Sign replacements and erection at the Village Hall and beside the Chequers is in hand.

  5. Slippery bridges on footpath near Abbey are in hand.

  6. Footpath from Village Hall to the Old School. This was cut after the last PC meeting as a result of an e-mail AR had sent before the meeting. It was cut by Highways and research is being done to see if this will be an on-going contract as it is felt that there may well be an ongoing liability here. However if this is not going to be the case the PC could apply for this footpath to be adopted. To achieve acquired rights we would need to prove that the path has been used over a minimum of 20 years. AR has requested a copy of the relevant forms from the BC legal department.

  7. AR is trying to obtain a copy of the actual definitive map of footpaths.

The Clerk has obtained a copy of the private cutting contact. This contract agreed in 2002 is up for renewal next year. PM felt that all footpaths in the village should be improved and that if necessary we should pay extra. It was agreed that this issue should be considered in more detail at a future meeting and considered with the renewal of the private cutting contract. The only footpath paid for is the one from the Row to the Village Hall; it was felt this had been maintained historically for the school children. It was agreed that AR, CC and the clerk would meet to map out who owns what and who cuts what paths.

ii) Allotments

The actions from the Allotment meeting of 28th June were considered and agreed. The BC has informed the Clerk that we are able to change the allotment size and offer smaller allotments. It was agreed by the PC that if necessary half size allotments and third size allotments would be offered at half the cost. A half sized allotment has already been offered to a new village resident. It was agreed that Denver School would be offered a plot and that we would advertise the plots in surrounding villages.

The footpath in front of the allotment is an adopted right of way but is cut by Richard French.

The neighbouring tall fir trees are shading some plots and RF has agreed to speak initially to the householders about reducing their height. If this is not successful it was agreed the parish clerk would contact the BC for advice.

Action: Parish Clerk to write to Denver School and to advertise allotments in consultation with Richard French (Allotment Liaison)

iii) Directional Signs to Glazewing

These are now in place as a result of AR writing to Highways. It is not normal procedure but on this occasion Highways agreed to help. They were unable to put the company name and so have used 'Waste Management Centre'. The additional sign at the old school are now also in place. It was noted that there are actually only four signs in place with only one on the A134 not the two requested. Several residents have expressed concern about the size of the sign opposite the old school as the PC had expected a small sign on the existing signpost. It was agreed that we would request a smaller sign.

Action: AR to contact Highways about the additional sign and requesting that they put a smaller sign at the Old School.

iv) Playing Fields

AR held a meeting with a representative of the BC. The matter was discussed in

some depth and it was recommended that the PC forward a counter proposal for the rent increase. As there is scant evidence in this case, and the area is not big enough to raise income (e.g. from match fees), and taking into account the money that the PC has previously and is currently spending on maintaining the area, standard practice is to base our proposal on the RPI. The rent was set in 1978 as £25 (although we have actually been paying £5 including this year) this equates to £100 per annum in present figures. AR suggested that we offer £50 for the first year, £75 in the second year, increasing to £100 in the third year. It was suggested that we should offer this but minus the cost of cutting or we would pay the above amounts if the BC took over the maintenance. It was agreed that this area is well used by local children.

AR proposed that she will negotiate with the BC based on the above figures. CC seconded this

Action: AR to contact the BC to negotiate rent increase.

v) Cemetery Water

The cemetery water is now connected and the tap in place. A security box has been put round tap (paid for by the Millennium Trustees). It was suggested that a combination lock should be put on to prevent water waste and vandalism. The laying on of the water was one of the village suggestions as to how the Millennium monies should be spent to benefit the village.

(Adjourn: It was suggested by a member of the public that the box should not be locked as this would be inconvenient but we could have a push down tap. It was felt by RD that these are not available for outside taps.)

There was some concern that water would be wasted and water bills would be large.

It was agreed that we should leave the box unlocked as a trial until the first water bill.

vi) Website

We have details of Project Involve (which is part of the East Anglia Regional Assembly) and a private company which works with Society of Local Council Clerks. The PC missed the Project Involve training courses held last year and we are waiting for this year's timetable. CC brought the PC and public attention to a company which has produced software which produce parish maps. It was suggested that PC may want to work together to buy the licenses and it may be something the PC want to consider when they have a website.

5. Glazewing

i. Sale of Glazewing

CC reported that on 1/8/08 it was announced that Jon and Simon Miles had brought Glazewing and the press had stated that the Miles brothers planned to expand the metal recycling business, introduce new services and new revenue lines. A lot of public concern has been expressed to the PC about the expansion and whether the sale will affect the new access road.

The PC has received two letters regarding this matter one from Chris Young, Kwmbayah, Hilgay Road, regarding the environmental impact and whether it would be possible to reopen the old railway lines for the metals which are exported from the docks. Another letter has been received from Cyril and Ruth Marsters, Quercus, Hilgay Road; they expressed concern that when the new access road is built that the Station Road entrance at Glazewing is closed to prevent traffic still blighting Station Road. Mr and Mrs Marsters asked that the PC ensure that the closure of this entrance is part of any planning application for the new access or for new developments.

(Adjourned: - Peter Burgess from Glazewing Ltd asked to address the PC and public. He said that since the last meeting he now had new employers and he understands the concerns of local residents. He said that Jon and Simon Miles were committed to expanding Glazewing to make the name a dominant force in recycling but they were not insensitive to the commitment that has been made to Station Road. He stated that much effort is going on to develop the access road. He said the new owners have reinforced with drivers the voluntary 20 mile an hour speed limit and have employed a private contractor to sweep Station and College Roads. He said that the Miles brothers have agreed to attend a PC meeting to outline their plans. He also stated that the company exports not from Kings Lynn but from Wisbech docks.

A member of the public asked whether we actually are going to get a road or whether it was just an empty promise. Mr Burgess said he was assured that something would happen. A member of the public asked whether the land has now been purchased and where the road will be. Mr B was unable to comment. A member of the public reminded Mr B that the planning company had assured Christopher Fraser MP that the plans would be available for public inspection by the 8th November, would they now be ready. Mr Burgess said he felt this was now unlikely. A member of the public asked whether the rumour he had heard that the previous owner had retained some of the land proposed for the new road. Mr B said he could not comment. He was asked whether the dump tyres could be removed and that they should stop people taking the tyres away. Mr B said that they were not responsible for the actions of private traders leaving their premises. PM asked whether it is true that people scrapping cars receive a larger payment if they remove the tyres. Mr B confirmed this.)

It was suggested by CC that as there is a great deal of concern around Glazewing we should invite the MP to chair the proposed meeting on 8th November irrespective as to whether the road plans are completed. It was agreed that the Miles Brothers and all people who attended the meeting in May should be invited.

Action: Parish Clerk arrange meeting for 8th November (if C. Fraser MP available) and invite the Miles Brothers, John Eastgate (NCC), Cllrs Rockliffe and Manley, Police and Environmental Health.

6. New Local Government Structure in Norfolk- To agree a response

CC stated at the last meeting the PC had agreed to oppose the Boundary Committee's preferred structure of an all Norfolk plus Lowestoft unitary structure. CC pointed out that both the Borough Councils and the County Council views on the proposed new structure are displayed on the notice board in the hall and she urged members of the public to send in their comments by the 25th September. CC has attended a number of meetings re this issue and provided councillors with a written summary of the latest one on 4th August at which the Boundary Committee emphasised that the status quo is not an option. The final proposals will be released on the 31st December and then councils and the public will have 4 weeks to oppose the proposal directly with the Secretary of State. Clerk gave details of two meetings being organised by the BCKL&WNon this issue on the 15th October and the 7th January, CC agreed she would attend.

Action: CC will write to Boundary Committee to oppose the all unitary authority proposals.

7. Proposed Removal of Station Road Public Phone Box.

The Parish Clerk confirmed that as agreed at the last meeting she has written to oppose the removal of the phone box, however the phone box remains under threat. BT has now developed an adopt or sponsor a Kiosk scheme. The sponsored scheme is £500 per year (this is for a working box) and the adoption scheme is to retain the box without a working phone, it was thought this was £300 but it was unclear whether this was per year. There was a suggestion the PC should hold phone cards for residents to purchase for use in the phone boxes. The sponsored scheme was considered to be a too high financial commitment but the adopted scheme could be considered if it was a one off payment.

Action: Parish Clerk to get more details before the next meeting.

8. Finance and Payments

i) Payment:

£411.25 for the installation of the Allotment gates to A J Farnham.

Proposed for payment: RD seconded PM

ii) Bank Accounts:

Bank has yet to action the changing of addresses and signatories on accounts.

Action: Parish Clerk to follow up.

iii) A donation was requested by Macmillan Cancer Support. The PC agreed not to assist as the policy is only to support local charities.

9. Correspondence

i) Green Paper Proposals on Policing

CC provided councillors with a summary of the police green paper. Norfolk Police Authority had sent a questionnaire to PCs. Copies of the green paper are available on www.police.homeoffice.gov.uk/police-reform/policegp.

Action: CC to respond to questionnaire

ii) West Norfolk Standards Committee Minutes and mailing

The standard committee, who oversee local and parish standards, minutes were circulated and PC members informed they need parish council representatives on the committee.

iii) BCKL&WN Civic Awards

The PC noted that they have forms to nominate people for the mayor's civic awards.

iv) Minutes and magazine from the NCAPTC: circulated to PC members

v) Minutes of West Norfolk Sports Council: noted

vi) Agenda and Minutes for BCKL&WN 25 September: noted

vii) Norfolk Matters, NCC magazine: distributed to PC members

viii) Invite to Norfolk Annual Emergency preparedness Study Day 7 October: No takers

ix) Hazardous Household Waste Amnesty Days- details can be found on ww.norfolk.gov.uk/hazardouswaste.

x) Grit Bins: Have received a letter requesting details of parishes' grit bins, there are none.

xi) Letter from Wendy Bradman NCC Children's services: regarding support for parents and the arrangements for children moving up to secondary school in 2009. Action: Poster to be displayed on notice boards.

xii) Letter from Norfolk Constabulary in response to our letter requesting speed traps.

The police are unable to arrange police speed traps within the village as it is not a high accident area. However the clerk has spoken to a local PC who has said there is a scheme where police community support officers will train local residents to use a speed gun and can loan a gun out.

Action: Clerk to contact PCSOs at Downham to get details of scheme.

xii) Playing Field Magazine and Norfolk Rural Community Council Magazine-passed to AR.

10. Planning

i) British Sugar Wissington

PM reported that the application relates to the use of land for conditioning and drying of topsoil which is then sold. This is soil which is a by product of washing the beet. The factory already has several fields for this and this an extension of the existing area. Some concern was expressed that the run off would contain chemicals, and the scheme would increase traffic and smell. PM reported that he was fairly certain that they would be no increase in smell and traffic as result of this planning permission.

Action: Clerk to respond to planners that conditional upon that there are no environmental issues PC prepared to accept plan.

ii) Agricultural Store Shed

PM reported this is a small building behind a house and saw no reason for the PC to object or comment. All agreed.

iii) Retention of viewing platform at Glazewing

PM reported that there were two applications contained within this application, the retrospective application for the viewing platform and a variation in the height of waste storage. Whilst PM saw no real problem with platform he did have some concern with the increase of storage height from 4.5m to 6.5m. This would double the tonnage stored and would be visible from parts of the village. CC pointed out she was unhappy in principle with retrospective planning permission and felt that a company of this size should have been aware of planning permission rules or should take advice. RD felt that the company already exceeded the current height limits and the reason for increase storage was to hold metal until price increased. PC felt that there was a concern if the storage was visible and that the increase may have health and safety implications.


A member of the public said that the platform was not acceptable and should be challenged as she felt since the platform has been built there has been an increase in large high sided trailers. It was also stated that the PC should refuse the application as it had been agreed at a previous meeting by NCC that no planning permission should be granted until the access road was in place. Cllr Rockcliffe said that he has seen the structure and did not think it was a problem and felt if anything would enhance health and safety for the village by ensuring loads are safe.)

The PC voted and agreed to agree to the platform but to express concern about it being retrospective but the PC would object to the increase in storage. Concern was expressed that if storage is over agreed height whether other planning agreements are not being enforced. It was suggested that the PC should contact the planning enforcement officer.

Action: The parish clerk to send comments on the plans agreeing to the platform with reservations about the retrospective nature of the applications. To comment that the PC are unhappy with the increase in storage height on the grounds of the visual impact on the village.

11. AOB

i) Agreed minutes need to again be distributed to Pump.

Clerk to action

ii) AR has been asked when village sign will be replaced. CC said that she would complete and arranged for re-installation as soon as possible.

Action: CC to arrange replacing of sign.

iii) Mrs Haines has been in contact with PM she lives on Hilgay Road on a sharp bend and has concerns as there is a telegraph pole and often cars have to go on to verge.

Action: Clerk to write to Highways at NCC.

iii) Concern was raised about the amount of dumped materials (tyres and washing machine) on Lime Kiln Road.

Action: Clerk to contact NCC for removal

11. Date of Next Meeting.

9th October 8pm (with coffee and Tea at 7.30 pm) in the Village Hall.

The public was invited by the Chair to raise issues:

i.) Potholes: St Andrews and Lime Kiln Road, corner of Basil Road and Station Road.

ii) Station Road- Many areas breaking up and with potholes. A member of the public said they had contacted the Pothole helpline and was told that the road was beyond pothole repair and needed to be referred for another budget.

Action: Parish Clerk to contact highways

iii.) A member of the public said the bus timetable on the junction of Hilgay Road and Station Road had broken off.

Action: Parish Clerk to contact Bus Company.

Meeting closed at 21.55

Chairman: Date:





1. Apologies

2. Declaration of Interests

3.Signing of the Minutes of the 12th July and the Approval and Signing of Minutes of 18th September

4. Matters Arising - review of 12th June action points

i) Footpaths

ii) Allotments

iii) Directional Traffic Signs to Glazewing

iv) Proposed rent increase for play area:

v) Removal of pay phone box

vi) Speed checks in Village

vii) Village Sign

viii) Potholes

ix) Bus timetable

5. Glazewing

i) Access Road- Progress update

ii) Proposed Glazewing public meeting to confirm arrangements

6. Finance and Payments

i) Bank account arrangements

7. Correspondence

8. Planning

i) Planning design statement

9. AOB

10. Date of Next Meeting.

Public Forum


Parish Clerk Date:

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