War Memorial Gary Trouton

Price Comparison

October 2008

A comparison of fod prices from 1971 to 2008

Dear Editor,

Clearing out cupboards recently I came across my old grocery order book from just after decimalisation came in. With the help of the Stoke Ferry corner shop I was able to price the goods today, some 37 years later. Some prices may vary slightly as they are weighed in grams. I thought your readers might like to see how process have crept up since 1971.

All Saints Place, Wretton

Item 1971 2008

2 lb Stork Margarine 24p £1.57

1/4 lb ham 11p £2.04 / Kg

Steak & Kidney pie 19p £1.55

Fly spray 12 1/2 p £1.99

Fish fingers 29p £0.99

Large tin spaghetti 6 1/2 p £0.49

1/2 lb farmhouse butter 14p £1.09

1/2 lb cheese 14p £1.76 / Kg

1 lb lard 9p £0.90

1 1/2 lb sausages 29p £3.18

Cornflakes 14p £1.39

6 lb sugar 25 1/2 p £1.09 / Kg

Small tin baked beans 4p £0.59

Small tin processed peas 4p £0.26

Large Rice Crispies 13p £2.29

Giant Daz (offer) 17 1/2 p £2.99

Raspberry jam 14p £0.99

1 doz eggs 17p £1.98

Jar coffee 15p £2.59p

1 lb Lyons tea 38p £2.70

SR Flour 13p £0.49

Small evap milk 4p £0.49

Toilet roll 6 1/2 p ££0.99 / 2

Wheatabix 14 1/2 p £1.35

Large salad cream 14p £1.59

Drum salt 6p £0.59

Large porridge oats 7 1/2 p £1.49

Sardines 10p £0.79

Orange squash 12 1/2 p £1.09

Lemon squash 12 1/2 p £1.09

Large tin peaches 18p £0.89

Tin chicken soup 7 1/2 p £0.69

Small tin carrots 5p £0.38

Cream crackers 7p £0.38

R Watson,

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