War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes

May 2008

Minutes of the march meeting of SFPC


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 26 March 2008

1. Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Councillor J Nicholas Letch, Cllr M Mycock, Borough Councillor Colin Sampson and Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 8 members of the public.

2. Apologies: No apologies were received

3.Minutes of Last Meeting: Cllr M Precey proposed that the Minutes be accepted seconded by Cllr Mrs T Mann.

4. Matters Arising:

a) Speed Limit in School Lane - pedestrian warning sign has been ordered, will be put in place as soon as received. "Slow" markings on the road still to be done. Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams will monitor the position.

b) Drainage Works Wretton Road - Highways report that works have been carried out and completed.

c) The Cemetery/Garden of Remembrance - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the meeting work has commenced, new chain fencing has been erected around the extended garden of remembrance. Approval for the purchase of "diamonds" in which to set the fence posts was sought, a raffle will be held to raise the £24 required. This was agreed. The seats have now been fixed in appropriate positions.

d) Speeding - no definitive response received from PCSO Bunting as to current position.

e) Buckenham Drive - the road and footpaths now completed. The surface was beginning to churn up in places. Rainwater laying in gutters in several areas, particularly near 9-13 and 48-52. The area near footpath alongside Grampians the surface not very satisfactory because of tree roots. A site meeting has been arranged between the PC, Borough Cllr Sampson and representatives from BCKLWN on 4 April to discuss the above, also parking for bungalows 1-4 opposite the fish shop. The Chairman thanked Cllr Sampson for his help in arranging this meeting.

f) LAG Meeting - Cllr Summers attended the meeting on Friday 7 March.

g) Clothing Bank at School - Cllr Mrs Mendoza will raise the issue of the clothing bank at the next Governors meeting.

h) Care Home - the PC waiting for a copy of the signed Protocol document once signed by all parties.

i) New Bus Stops - the signs have been ordered and will be put in place when received. All bus companies have been informed of these new stops. New bus timetables will be sent after 1 April when changes take place. The Editor of The Pump will put copy in next edition

j) Pot Holes Lynn Road - even though these are programmed to be done it was felt Highways should be asked to bring forward this work as the holes are becoming deeper, particularly between Bonnett's and the Garage.

k) CCTV Camera - a new camera is to be ordered and fitted, arrangements will then be made for the footage to be viewed on a regular basis.

l) Post Box Buckenham Drive - new plate in place but still to be painted.

m) Gap in wall Furlong Road - now improved with shrubs being planted

n) Glass Bank - the problem reported at last meeting of broken glass in the area seems to have improved.

o) Security Light Furlong Road - the detector has been moved slightly.

Wretton Road Renumbering:

It was unanimously agreed that the renumbering of Wretton Road should go ahead. The Clerk will ensure that the resident whose property would be No. 13 is happy with this if not 11A will be used. The change will take effect 28 days following the date of the letter to all residents.

Review of Burial Fees:

Cllr Mycock suggested the height of headstones should be no more than 2ft, Cllr Nicholas-Letch will investigate what the average size is. Cllr Mrs Mann proposed that the age for minors should be increased from 12 to 16yrs, this was agreed. Cllr Mycock proposed a 10% increase across the board. This was unanimously carried.

5. Planning:

Approved by Parish

Extension and alterations to hairdressers shop and creation of first floor residential accommodation - Nibbs Unisex Salon Buckenham Drive

Conservation Area Application - demolition of existing facade at Nibbs Unisex Salon Buckenham Drive

Change of use of workshop to dwelling at Development West of Maltese House Lynn Road

New Applications

Construction of dwelling at land north of Rose Cottage Furlong Road (also known as The Hunny Pot)

Erection of dwelling and detached studio & playroom at 2 The Hollow

Construction of driveway access at Mon Ami Wretton Road

Withdrawal of Application

Construction of dwelling at Land SE of Maltese House Lynn Road

6. Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy £39.40 - Lighting February

James Bradfield School x 3 - £36.45 - Hire of Hall - February & March

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance February/March

Audit Commission - £141.00 - 2007 Audit

Mr & Mrs S Phelps - £30.00 - Redemption of two Burial Plots

Thomas B Bonnett - £176.25 - Fixing 3 seats in Cemetery

Post Dated Cheques:

BCKLWN - £47.44 - Cemetery Rates 2008/2009

Stoke Ferry Playing Fields - £750.00 - Donation

Cllr Mrs Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr M Precey

Statement of Account as at 20 February 2008 - Total Receipts from 1 April £11,011.70, Payments £8,256.65, Balance in Bank £2,767.20. One unpresented cheque £12.15.

7. Correspondence:

Norfolk Rural Community Council - annual subscription membership - no action

SCOPE - requesting donation - no action

Ordnance Survey - renewal of paper map copying licence - not required

8. Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams queried the nature of the housing talk at the next meeting - the Clerk informed the meeting it was relating to affordable housing in the Borough

Cllr Mrs Mann referred to the schedule of future meetings - 30 July - neither herself or the Chairman would be available - it was agreed that this meeting be brought forward one week to 23 July 2008.

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported a light not working at junction of High Street and Wretton Road

The Chairman thought the Parish Plan Meeting held earlier in March had been very useful, disappointing not many people attended, but many helpful pointers for carrying the Action Plan forward.

Borough Councillor Sampson referred to the missing weight limit sign - discussion to take place with Wretton PC as to best place for sighting - Cllr Summers to take this on.

Cllr Sampson gave a brief outline of the ongoing discussions relating to the Unitary Status of Norfolk, there will be a meeting at 6.00pm on 9 April at King's Lynn Town Hall to discuss this matter - it would be beneficial for Stoke Ferry PC to be represented. It was agreed that Cllrs Mann, Summers and Nicholas-Letch plus the Clerk will attend.

9. Public Other Business

Wretton Road renumbering - why is it being carried out. The Chairman and Cllr Mrs Mann explained that many residents are experiencing problems relating to the double numbering of some properties. Also the question of several different post codes for Wretton Road, this will be raised with Royal Mail. Nothing been done yet about condition of footpath.

Cars parking on High Street opposite the Bus Shelter very near to the corner making area very dangerous, also across the dropped kerb causing problems for wheelchair users and children's' buggies. Cllr Summers to enquire if it is illegal to park across a dropped kerb next time the Mobile Police Office is in the village.

Does the PC have any jurisdiction as to when building works commence once planning permission is given. The Clerk informed the meeting works have to commence within three years of permission.

Police presence in village - it appears that police motorcyclists are dropped off in other villages to carry out speed checks but not Stoke Ferry.

Cars parking on footpath opposite the Kebab Shop.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.52pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting commencing at 7.15pm and the Annual Parish Council Meeting commencing at 7.30pm on Wednesday 7 May 2008.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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