Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council meeting Minutes

April 2008

Minutes of the February meeting


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 20 February 2008

Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Councillor J Nicholas Letch, and Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 7 members of the public.

Apologies: Were received from County Councillor T White, Cllr M Mycock

Minutes of Last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed that the Minutes be accepted seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza.

Matters Arising:

a) Highways Issues - Speed Limit's the pedestrian warning sign along School Lane was still not in place, Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams' to chase up.

b) Litter Bin at Corner Shop - is now being emptied regularly.

c) Drainage Works Wretton Road - Highways informed the Clerk that jetting had been carried out but further works are programmed to remove all the silt from the pipes. The Clerk to chase this up.

d) CAG Meeting - Tuesday 29 January 2008 at Middleton Village Hall - Cllr Summers was unable to attend. The next meeting being Wednesday 26 March at Marham Village Hall.

e) The Hill - nothing to report, matter now closed.

Councillor Mrs T Mann joined the meeting at 7.35pm

f) The Cemetery/Garden of Remembrance - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the meeting that work would be commencing on Monday 3 March. The first priority will be to enlarge the Garden of Remembrance as only one space is available. The size of the plots to be marked out will be 30" square allowing for memorial stones of no more than 24" square. The three repaired seats will be securely fixed in appropriate positions. A letter of apology to be sent to Thomas Bonnett informing them the seats will now be put in place by the probation service under the direction of Cllr Nicholas-Letch.

g) Speeding - PCSO Bunting advised he would investigate whether the speed check recently undertaken was a one off or will be an ongoing operation. No definitive response received the Clerk to chase up this matter.

h) Wretton Road Numbering - The Clerk informed the meeting that consultation letters had been delivered to all properties with a request for comments to be received by 29 February. Following this a report will be prepared for the next meeting. Cllr Mrs Mann raised the matter of other roads in the village may wish to be renumbered to avoid confusion, if so they should contact the Clerk.

i) Buckenham Drive - the road had now been resurfaced, the kerbs lowered but the footpaths are still to be tarmacced. The general consensus was the surface did not look very satisfactory. Potholes at the entrance to Buckenham Drive still to be repaired. Borough Cllr Sampson had been unable to make contact with the contractors/highways despite many attempts relating to the Hammerhead being widened. The Clerk to arrange a site meeting as soon as possible with interested parties.

j) LAG Meetings - Cllr Mrs Mendoza had attended the meeting on Friday 8 February, Oxborough Road was mentioned. The next meeting will be on Friday 7 March.

k) Clothing Bank at School - Cllr Mrs Mendoza informed the meeting this should be finalised shortly, a suitable position to be organised.

m) Care Home - Glenn Watkins Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator from the Borough Council has had meetings with all bodies concerned who have accepted his proposed idea for a formal signed protocol.

n) New Bus Stops - these are now in place but still awaiting the sign to be put in place. Cllr Summers informed the meeting they are now in use but some drivers do not seem aware of this. The Clerk to investigate

o) Pot Holes Lynn Road - are programmed to be done in next few weeks.

p) CCTV Camera - a new camera is to be put in place shortly, arrangements will then be made for the footage to be viewed on a regular basis.

q) Food Scraps - still being thrown on the grassed area, the Chairman asked that residents see if they can identify who is doing this.

r) Footpath Boughton Road - following investigation the Clerk informed the meeting that there are no rights registered upon this path.

s) Wretton Road Footpath - Highways are to inspect, the Clerk to chase up

t) Post Box Buckenham Drive - Royal Mail have made arrangements for this to be painted and a new plate to be installed.

u) Memorial Tree - an area has been agreed in the Cemetery, the tree has now been planted.


Refusal of Planning Permission

Conversion, part demolition and extensions of existing store/workshop to dwelling at Eggetts Workshop Adjacent Maltese House Lynn Road

Grant of Planning Permission

Construction of two dwellings and cartshed garaging at Plots 3 and 4 The Hollow

Change of use from storage barn to dwelling including alterations (renewal) at Home Farm, Wretton Road

Construction of dwelling and retrospective consent for double garage at 1 The Hollow

Parish Consultation

Construction of dwelling at Land SE of Maltese House Lynn Road

Withdrawal of Application

Construction of dwelling and detached studio/garage at Plot 2 The Hollow

Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy £39.40 - Lighting January

MHB Services Ltd x 2 - £65.78 each - Lighting Maintenance January/February, February/March

James Bradfield School - £12.15 - Hire of Hall - January

BCKLWN - £23.89 - Collection of Dog Waste The Common

Mrs C Hardy - £611.99 - Salary 1/4 to end February

Mrs C Hardy - 71.56 - Expenses 1/4 to end February

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza

Statement of Account as at 31 December 2007 - Total Receipts from 1 April £10,806.51, Payments £7,366.10, Balance in Bank £3,440.41.

Cllr Mrs Mann asked when the cheque for the Playing Fields would be released, the Clerk informed the meeting it would not be until the new financial year. It was agreed that a post dated cheque for £750 be presented to the next meeting for signature - to be dated 1 April 2008.


Audit Commission - advising appointment of Mazars LLP as auditors for next five year period.

Development Services BCKLWN - advising of improved communication with Parish Councils and improve the procedures in which complaints are dealt with.

H Brett & Son - request for additional inscription on memorial stone - approved

Norfolk Police Authority - press release advising of their budget for 2008/09

Councillors Other Business:

The Chairman reminded the meeting of the Open Parish Plan Meeting on 5 March in the Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Cllr Summers reported a potentially dangerous gap in the fencing/hedge along Furlong Road going towards Boughton Road, something more substantial to be put there.

Public Other Business

Now there are several new bus stops in the village could a bus timetable be printed in The Pump. The Clerk to investigate.

Wretton Road numbering - not everyone in agreement. The Clerk advised there was a comment sheet with every letter delivered.

Glass Bank - rubbish and boxes had been left alongside. The Clerk has put a note in the Pump asking everyone to take boxes etc home to put in their recycling bin. Also a lot of broke glass around the area.

The Hill - see earlier minute

A security light on a property in Furlong Drove is dazzling drivers as they drive towards Lynn Road, to be looked at to see if can be slightly repositioned.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 26 March 2008 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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