Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes

January 2008

Minutes of the December meeting of SFPC


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 5 December 2007

1. Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr M Mycock, Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 11 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Were received from Borough Councillor C Sampson, County Councillor T White, Cllr M Precey, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch and PCSO Bunting.

3. Minutes of Last Meeting: Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed that the Minutes be accepted seconded by Cllr Mrs Mann.

4. Matters Arising:

a) The Common - the Fido Dog Waste Bin was now in place, the Borough Council have been notified.

b) Dirt Track School Lane to Wretton - potholes have now been filled in.

c) Highways Issues - Speed Limits in village - Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams is arranging to meet Mr Graham Simpson, Highways, with a view to arranging a public consultation for a 30mph speed limit in School Lane, also to have a SAM (Vehicle Activated Sign) in various areas of the village.

d) Lark Road Sign - now in place.

e) Motorbikes - there do not seem to have been any problems since last meeting.

f) Wells Homes Lynn Road Site - a letter had been received from Wells Homes advising they were in discussions with planning consultants with regard to the site and possible reconstruction of a new village hall with parking facility. They are also in contact with a demolition company in respect of the burnt out building hoping to tidy it up before Christmas. It was also reported that the hoarding had been blown down in the high winds. The Clerk to report this, also to ask if the building is being taken down and the rubble cleared away.

g) Footpath leading from Boughton Road to by-pass - Cllr Mycock reported it looked tidier.

h) Sycamore House Oxborough Road - local residents are still experiencing abuse, verbal abuse, swearing and general problems and asked the Parish Council to take further action on their behalf to get this ongoing problem sorted out. At a recent LAG meeting Shelagh Hutson of NCC advised a local petition could be organised and sent to OFSTED and the owners. The Clerk to write to Glen Watkins of Environmental Health to enquire what are the next steps to be taken in this matter and to arrange a meeting with himself, Cllr Summers and Cllr Mrs Mann.

i) Litter Bin at Corner Shop - now in place

j) Grass Verge Opposite School - it would appear to be in a better condition at the moment.

k) Drainage Works at School/Wretton Road - the school do not appear to have any specific problems at the moment. A response had been received from Highways informing the PC that they will be looking at the problem of rainwater not draining away. The Clerk to chase up in a couple of weeks.

l) Furlong House Furlong Road - new entrance - Development Services are investigating and will report back in due course. The Clerk to ask for a list of individual email addresses in respect of Stoke Ferry Planning issues.

m) CAG Meetings - no one was able to attend the meeting on 4 December. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 29 January 2008 at Middleton Village Hall at 7.00pm. The Clerk to issue all councillors with a list of their telephone numbers.

n) The Hill - the Chairman had not received any report from Cllr Nicholas-Letch, therefore nothing to report. The Clerk to write to JNL to find out if his report is ready for submission to the Chairman.

o) The Cemetery - the Clerk to enquire of Cllr Nicholas-Letch if work has commenced in the Cemetery and if not when is it due to commence.

p) Speeding - Following the questionnaire sent to the Western Area Road Policing Department a speed check was carried out in the Village but no one was caught speeding during their surveillance. Cllr Summers reported speeding still continues. Cllr Mycock reported cars are still parking without lights at night on the 60mph stretch of Bridge Road.

q) Planning Applications - Cllr Mycock referred to the application for The Hollow (approved by PC), making the point of councillors being inconsistent with comments, the original application for the site was for eco-friendly properties, the one in question, although subsequently withdrawn, was not eco-friendly properties.

r) Wretton Road Numbering - the Clerk had written to BCKLWN requesting funding for this, once approved letters would be forwarded to individual householders. To date no application had been received to give a name to the lane next to the school, ie Cuckoo Lane.

s) Grassed areas in Buckenham drive have been reseeded. The potholes near Grampians entrance have not yet been repaired, the area has been marked by Highways and will be done when the major works are carried out.

t) Buckenham Drive Hammerhead - the request to Highways to have this area widened to improve parking has been turned down.

u) Parking at the Blue Bell - still seems a problem with drivers parking part way on the footpath. The Clerk to request PCSO Bunting to continue to monitor this area also a letter to be sent to the Licensee asking for a polite note to be put up in the bar asking drivers to either use the car park and not to park on the footpath.

v) Oxborough Road Footpath - a response had been received from David Mills (Footpaths Adviser) advising that this area is farmland, the farmer has a right to use it, cattle particularly with calves can be aggressive, there is also a certain amount of churning up in the winter.

w) Code of Conduct - Apart from further input in regard to planning applications those present did not feel there were any further improvements necessary. It was agreed by 3 votes to 2 that approval be given to further Planning Training for Councillors, depending on cost.

x) LAG Meetings - Cllr Summers will attend the meeting on Friday 14 December.

5. The Playing Fields - Grass Cutting

In the absence of Cllr Precey and no quotation for grass cutting presented to the meeting, the Clerk to write to at least two contractors requesting a quotation for this work for the 2008 season.

6. Planning Applications

Dealt with under Matters Arising

7. Clothing Bank

Cllr Mrs Mendoza had spoken to the Headmaster at the School, they would be interested in having this at the school, the only concern was when the school gates were locked during holidays. The Clerk to pass on the school details to the Borough Council.

8. Stoke Ferry Parish Plan

Now that everyone had had a chance of reading the Parish Plan the Chairman asked the councillors for their approval so that it may be adopted - the vote in favour was 4-1, therefore adopted. The Clerk to write to the BCKL&WN asking for their approval/adoption.

The date agreed for an Open Meeting to discuss the way forward and appoint a Parish Plan Action Group Committee is Wednesday 13 March 2008 in the Community Centre commencing at 7.30pm. Notices to be put in The Pump, Lynn News, and around the village.

The Clerk had received a request from West Norfolk Partnership for the Stoke Ferry PP to be posted on their website, it could then also be put on the Stoke Ferry website. A Quotation has therefore been obtained in the sum of £50 from the printers of the PP, which covers putting it on a website, email it and/or have copy disks made. It was agreed that this should be done.

9. Budget

The Clerk asked if there were any major projects to be included in the Budget for 2008. Cllr Mrs Mann put forward a donation for the Playing Fields towards their continuing expenses for insurance, repairs etc. Cllr Mrs Mann proposed £750 seconded by Cllr Summers. This was duly approved. There were no further projects named.

10. Housing Strategy Consultation with Parish Councils

A questionnaire had been circulated to councillors regarding future housing needs/strategy, it was agreed it would be beneficial for a representative of the Borough Council to attend a future meeting. The Clerk to arrange this.

11. Clerks Hours/Contract

In view of the increase in the volume of work required the Clerk has requested an increase in hours to accommodate this. The Chairman asked councillors if they were in favour of an increase in hours, this was unanimously approved. He then suggested an increase from 4 hours to 6 hours per week. Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams proposed this be accepted seconded by Cllr Summers. This increase to be implemented with immediate effect. The Clerk's contract will be amended accordingly and submitted for signature at the next meeting.

12. Planning:

Approved by Parish

Construction of bungalow and garage at land West of Jafrene Wretton Road

Withdrawal of Application - construction of 2 two storey dwellings at Plots 3 & 4 The Hollow Furlong Road

13. Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to Anglian Water - £20.16 - half year water rates for Cemetery

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy £39.40 - Lighting October

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance November/December

James Bradfield School - £12.15 - Hire of Hall June

Mrs C Hardy - £407.99 - 1/4 salary to end November

Mrs C Hardy - £99.34 - 1/4 expenses to end November

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mycock

Statement of Account as at 13 November 2007 - Total Receipts from 1 April £10,737.12, Payments £6,497.55, Balance in Bank £4,239.57.

14. Correspondence:

RG Maintenance Services Ltd - offering services for grass cutting for 2008 season.

Mrs Sylvia Bond - requesting permission to plant tree in Cemetery in memory of her late husband - the Clerk to ask her to liaise with Cllr Nicholas-Letch to agree a suitable position.

Norfolk Accident Rescue Service - requesting support in providing defibrillators for their crews - a £20 donation was proposed by Cllr Mycock, seconded by Cllr Summers

NCAP&TC - have been approached by a Parish Council considering turning off street lights asking our views, it was unanimously agreed Stoke Ferry would not be doing so.

15.Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams raised the question of Post Office closures and felt as much support as possible should be given to keep the SF office open. She will research to see what else can be done, the Parish Plan has been forwarded to the appropriate department.

Cllr Mrs Mann reported the "dumped" conifers in the lay-by along Lynn Road - to be reported to Highways with copy to Wretton PC.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza reported cars parking on the footpath outside the Village Hall. A letter to be sent to the VH Committee asking if they could put a polite notice on their notice board reminding car drivers this is an offence and not to park on the footpath.

The Clerk asked if the two meetings following the January meeting could be at five week intervals to enable all accounts to be settled prior to the end of the financial year, this was agreed, the meetings would therefore be Wednesday 20 February and Wednesday 25 March 2008.

16. Public Other Business:

The notice for the Parish Plan Open Meeting will be put in the Lynn News and Speak Up.

Garden of Remembrance - as plans are being considered to enlarge this area, is this expense being included in the Budget.

There is no Weight Limit sign at the College Road end of Wretton Road. Highways to be asked to provide one.

The Hill - why is this matter considered to be private and confidential - it is an open space with access to various properties. The Clerk to write to Cllr Nicholas-Letch asking him to report to the Chairman, which he agreed to do two meetings ago.

The Playing Fields Committee are spending £1500 on new equipment for the very young which will be fenced off.

Why did CGM relinquish the contract for next year, in the absence of Cllr Precey it was felt they were not happy with several cuts being cancelled. The Clerk to check with Cllr Precey to see if there should be any credit due to the PC.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 16 January 2008 commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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