Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Council Meeting

July 2007

Here are the minutes of the 2007 Wereham Annual Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Council Meeting held following the

Parish Meeting in the Village Hall on the 8th May 2007.

1. Present: R. Lankfer, G. Gott, C. Humphries, P. Markwell together with 5 members of the public.

2. Apologies: D. Pickston. Mr. Sampson the newly elected Borough Council confirmed that he had not actually been 'sworn in' so would not be attending this meeting but indicated that he would attend as many meetings as possible in the future

3. Election of Chairman: The clerk asked for nominations for Chairman - G. Gott proposed and P. Markwell seconded that R. Lankfer be asked to continue - there being no other nominations R. Lankfer was duly elected.

4. Election of Vice Chairman: R. Lankfer asked for nominations for Vice chairman -R. Lankfer proposed and G. Gott seconded P. Markwell be Vice Chairman - there being no other nominations - P. Markwell was duly elected.

5. Minutes: It was proposed by G. Gott and seconded by C. Humphries that the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2007 be signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising: It was confirmed that the Gas Cylinder fence hedging is to be carried out in the Autumn, It was also agreed that the two seats on the Playing Field should be repaired with metal and not wooden slats - the quotation for this work is £150.00 plus V.A.T. and the clerk was instructed to put the work in hand. The N.C.A.P. & T Councils wrote following receipt from the Parish Council of the Village Hall Conveyance setting out the Parish Councils position with regards to the Village Hall.

7. Planning: None.

8. Payments: W.N.B.C. £37.48 - proposed G. Gott and seconded P. Markwell pass for payment. Cornhill Insurance - clerk to obtain in writing confirmation that if the play equipment is excluded no other section of the Policy is affected.

9. Adoption of Accounts: It was proposed by P. Markwell and seconded by C. Humphries that the Accounts be adopted as presented.

10. Appointment of R.F.O. It was proposed by G. Gott and seconded by P. Markwell that the Clerk be duly appointed.

11. Review of Burial Fees: All fees are to be increased by £5.00 as from 1st June 2007.

12. Payment of Electricity Account: It was proposed by C. Humphries and seconded by G. Gott that the account be settled as now by monthly direct debit.

13. Correspondence: A letter was received from W. Dennis reference cutting his hedge in Skinners Lane back to the historic line - agreed. Audit Commission informed that Alun Williams will be the Parish Council Auditor. N.C.C. Re-cycling Centres - introductory session meeting for latest system to be held on 9/6/07 in Downham Market. A Crime number has been received for the Litter Bin vandalised on the Playing Field - CR 19827/07/0. Cornhill Insurance and Norfolk Playing Field Assoc. both sent names of various firms who inspect play equipment - clerk to contact Wicksteads. Mrs. Bliss agreed to endeavour to obtain a quote from W.R. Chapman to re-site the play equipment goal post and pass same tithe Parish Council. Wereham Wildlife Woodland wrote reference any Parish Council land which they could use for tree planting - it was agreed that a red Chestnut could be planted where a tree had been removed from the green area around the pond. It was suggested that British Sugar may be able to assist with land but that the Parish Council did not own any land.

14. Any Other Business: The Chairman thanked the retired Parish Councillors for their help and co-operation during their years of service and the clerk was instructed to write and thank them individually.

The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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