West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes

April 2007

Minutes of the March meeting

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

held on Thursday 8th March 2007 in

The Village Hall at 8.00p.m.

1. Present: Miss Richardson - Chairperson, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Berry, B. Glover, R. Drew, Mrs. Cann together with seven members of the public.

2. Apologies: Mr. Grief and Mrs. Moir - Borough Councillor.

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held 8th February 2007 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: The footpath from Hilgay Road to Brooks Lane is still awaiting attention. The West Dereham Road / Church Road junction is still under construction.

5. Planning: None

6. Payments: Norfolk R.C.C. annual sub. £15.00 - proposed Mrs. Fisher and seconded Mrs. Cairn pass for payment.

7. Correspondence: Request for donation and volunteers was received from the Samaritans : Norfolk R.C.C. Signpost: W.N.B.C. Your Council - all noted. West Norfolk V.C.A. - Food Fortnight event will take place from 27th Oct. to 10th Nov.2007 - clerk to prepare notice and place in Notice Board - anyone wishing to get involved should telephone Gill Daniels on 01553 679438.

8. Any Other Business: C.G.M. Ltd employees have to be examined in hedge cutting to obtain their Certificates and a request has been made for permission to use Brooks Lane hedge for this examination - permission was granted. A complaint has been received about people walking on the allotments instead of the designated footpath. Rose Cottage, Church Road was flooded on the night of 2nd / 3rd March due to excessive rain and a dyke having been cleared out further upstream and the arisings not being removed from the dyke. Rubbish has again been dumped in Lime Kiln Road (bed stead plus other debris) and Church Road ('fridge plus bottles plus debris) - clerk to contact Borough Council. The Dyke to the rear of the telephone box in Station Road is in need of cleaning out as it is causing flooding to Oak Lodge, Station Road. The grassed triangle at the Hilgay Road / Station Road junction is vanishing as is the grassed area opposite the Old Chequers - can these be kerbed or similar to ensure they are not lost. The clerk is to write to Mr. Eastgate requesting an update on his negotiations with various departments, adjacent Authorities and Glazewing Ltd. There is again deep water in The Row on the corner near Fiddlers Roof Station Road - outside Abbey View there is now another pot hole almost one yard square in the area which was resurfaced recently. There are also numerous pot holes and broken road edges in West Dereham Road, Station Road, Church Road and Hilgay Road - clerk to contact the County Council.

The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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