War Memorial Gary Trouton


March 2007

Minutes of the Janaury meeting of Stoke Ferry Residents' Association

Meeting held on 26 January 2007

1. Welcome: the Chairman (Joyce Hull) welcomed those present: Daphne Clements, Debroy Summers, Ray Thompson, Helaine Wyett (Secretary)

Apologies: Carol Hunter, John Preston, Val Summers. John had written suggesting a misunderstanding had taken place and that he had not resigned from the Committee. He had indicated that he would continue to be an active member on the sub-committee and preferred not to attend regular committee meetings.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting (1/11/06) agreed as a correct record (proposed JH, seconded DC).

3. Matters Arising

The following were noted:

- Ellen had been unable to get a photographer from the Lynn News to attend the Festival.

- The Mayor and Mayoress had been unable to attend due to other commitments. It was noted that invitations should be issued many months in advance as their diaries filled up rapidly.

- Debroy reported that the insurance company could not quote for insurance for the forthcoming Festival as it was outside the current year's policy. However, he would seek a quotation from an alternative, hopefully cheaper source.

- Joyce reported that Kathy McBride had not, as yet, arranged for photoshoot with the U14 football team in their SFRA sponsored kit.

4. Chairs

Debroy had found 100+ chairs on Ebay for £205. It was agreed that purchase should go ahead IF the majority were not plastic patio-type chairs, deemed to be too susceptible to breaking. He would collect from Chipping Norton. He had arranged for storage in a lean-to, to be constructed at the back of the church with the agreement of Kit. He would continue to search for tables.

5. Finance report

Joyce reported that £2441.43 was held in the bank, with £338.52 petty cash. A cheque for £10 had been received from the Inland Waterways Assn relating to their attendance at the Festival.

6. Any Other Business

Joyce read the letter from John Preston regarding (i) his non-resignation; (ii) a draft bid for Festival 2007 events funding from KL&WNBC he and William Alderson had prepared and (iii) a draft Equal Opportunities Policy statement.

Regarding the latter, it was agreed that it would be difficult to comply with the last two paragraphs relating to disabilities and the statement was accepted with the following amendments:

Stoke Ferry Residents Association

Equal Opportunities Policy

The Association does not discriminate on grounds of race, sex, disability, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation, either in its recruitment of members, or in its selection of committee members.

The Association seeks to include representatives of all parts of the community in its governing body, especially those who feel less competent on grounds of their age, education, or disability.

The Association seems to benefit the local community by means which will encourage social integration, especially of the old, the young and those disadvantaged by problems of disability or education including:

* Actively organising its own events so as to encourage the disadvantaged to take part and benefit

* Supporting local groups that promote these aims.

The Association will endeavour to use premises that are suitable for those who are disabled.

The Association will encourage compliance with the Disabilities Discrimination Act."

A letter had been received from Kit Hesketh-Harvey in which he thanked the Association for the fire extinguishers and their commitment to paying for annual servicing. He confirmed the arrangement regarding storage of chairs (see above). Regarding church venue hire charges, he wished to waive these for events perceived to be of cultural benefit to the community, with remuneration requested for electricity/water usage. Charges would be applicable for any commercial event.

Debroy reported that -

- the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) were happy to advertise the Festival during its National Festival in August.

- the Classic Campers Club would be meeting at Stoke Ferry at Easter and were happy to make a donation to the SFRA.

It was confirmed that no SFRA money would go to any other organisation involved in the Festival.

The Secretary agreed to write to Steve Randall regarding the money understood to have been earmarked for the SFRA Festival from Harvest Fayre funds.

Debroy agreed to investigate purchase of signs for the Festival.

It was agreed that another Farmers' market should be supported, to take place - ideally on a Saturday at the end of March/beginning of April (the latter preferable). Debroy reported that Kit had no objection to the church being used and it was agreed that Mally Reeve should be contacted regarding the use of the Village Hall as well.

8. Date and time of next meeting: Friday 9 March, 7.30pm, Andromeda Lodge.

Helaine Wyett

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