War Memorial Gary Trouton


February 2007

Minutes of the Stoke Ferry Residents' Assoiation 2006 AGM

Annual General Meeting held on 13 December 2006

Present: approximately 15 members of the public.

In addition Committee members (Joyce Hull - Chairperson, Debroy Summers - Deputy Chairman, Ray Thompson, Daphne Clements and Helaine Wyett -Secretary

1. The Chairman welcomed all present.

2. Chairman's report.

She thanked the Committee for their help and support throughout the year and listed events that had taken place: the Auction of Promises in January with some of the proceeds going to the charity West Norfolk Music for the Disabled, and other sums to the Village Hall and Playing Field Committees; a concert featuring Pink Flawed in May and the Stoke Ferry Festival over the weekend of 16-17 September. Many thanks expressed relating to this, especially Grampian Foods for the use of their field for parking, the Cadets who directed visitors, Gerald King for litter-collecting and Steve Bartrum at The Millers who provided his field and toilets free of charge. SFRA's patron, Julian Clary, had supplied a copy of his book as a raffle prize (won by Ray Thompson). Finally, a concert with Singers Inspired, the community choir from Downham Market had sung for approximately 80 people on 7 December in Stoke Ferry church, kindly provided for the occasion by Kit Hesketh-Harvey. This was much enjoyed by all attending. On the same day, prior to the concert, a farmers' market had been held in the Village hall, run by Tony of the local mini-brewery. It is hoped to hold another in the near future.

She noted the dates of the Festival 2007 - over the weekend of 22/23 September. The week prior to this would be the West Norfolk Music Festival.

3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 12 December 2005.

These had been circulated. There were no amendments or comments. Acceptance was proposed by Ray Thompson, seconded Debroy Summers, all agreed.

4 Freebridge Housing Association

The Chairman reported that she had invited Rita O'Donnell to attend to speak on Freenbridge. Unfortunately she was able to do so but had asked that anyone who wished to discuss any matter concerning the Housing Association should contact her through the Residents' Assn and she would arrange a suitable time for this. Ray Thompson would report this in the Village Pump. He reviewed the background to the Freebridge taking over the housing stock of KL&WNBC. It was noted that no tenants of the Housing Assn were present.

5. Election of Committee

It was noted that the following wished to resign from the Committee: Ellen Spain and John Preston. All others willing to stand for the coming year, ie those present plus Val Summers and Carol Hunter. No other nominations were received.

6. Election of Officers

Chairperson: Ray Thompson proposed that Joyce Hull continue. Seconded Daphne Clements. All agreed.

Events Co-ordinator (new post): Debroy Summers was proposed by Ray Thompson. Daphne Clements seconded, all agreed.

Secretary: Joyce Hull proposed that Helaine Wyett continue. Seconded Debroy Summers, all agreed.

Treasurer: Daphne Clements proposed that Joyce Hull continue. Seconded Ray Thompson. All agreed.

Deputy Chairman: Ray Thompson was proposed by Joyce Hull, seconded Daphne Clements, all agreed.

7 Membership Subscriptions

It was noted that membership subscriptions of £1 should now be paid. Those who had paid earlier in the year (during the Festival) would not need to pay again until the 2007 AGM.

8 Any Other Business

Ray Thompson noted that half the proceeds from the Auction of Promises had been earmarked for the printing of the Village Design Statement. This was now with the Borough Council awaiting confirmation of approval. It was intended that this document by issued to all future developers in the hope they would adhere to the proposals. The Village Plan would incorporate much of the information of the VDS but the Parish Council were being provided with funds for printing of this.

Debroy Summers highlighted intended events for the coming year, including the return of the Pink Flawed group, Singers Inspired and other concerts featuring, for example, the King's Lynn Band.

There was no other business so the meeting was closed at 7.55pm to be followed by mulled wine and refreshments.

Helaine Wyett

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