Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Stoke Ferry parish Council

January 2007

Minutes of the November Meeting of Stoke Ferry parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 November 2006

Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mrs T Mann, Mr M Precey, Mrs M Leamon, Mr D Summers, Mrs R Mendoza, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 11 members of the public.

Apologies: Were received from Borough Councillor T Manley, County Councillor T White, Mr M Mycock and PC Jackson

Minutes of the last Meeting: Mrs T Mann proposed the Minutes be adopted seconded by Mr M Precey

Matters Arising:

a) A new "No Motorised Vehicles Sign" for the Common had been ordered and received - this is now to be fixed in place by Bonnett's.

b) The Culvert Bridge Road - No further information from Highways or CC White.

Bus Stops - the signs for these posts are still awaited, the post at the bus shelter is still approximately 2ft from the edge of the kerb. No further information received from CC White.

c) Footpath from Wretton Road to Buckenham Drive - Cllr Manley has reported that the footpath belongs to Freebridge Housing Association, but the open space between properties 11-12 Buckenham Drive still belongs to the Borough Council.

d) The Common - collection of rubbish - a site meeting took place between Mr Summers, Mrs Mendoza and Mr Brandford the Waste & Recycling Manager, when it was agreed that a "previously owned bin" would be provided and secured to a concrete base. The Clerk to chase up who is to provide the concrete base and when will the bin be in situe and collections started.

e) Phone Box - Now repaired once again - BT asked if the top could be treated with Vendulene but they were not in favour of this.

f) The Hill ownership - in abeyance until next meeting

g) Oak Road leading to Border Road sign - still waiting update. The Clerk to chase up the appropriate department.

h) Seat Lynn Road/Bradfield Place - Price lists were studied, before making a decision the Clerk to obtain a quotation from Bonnett's using the existing "ends" that are in store. If this was favourable to be accepted, if not the Phoenix seat from Glasdon to be ordered.

i) Dog Fouling - still a major problem. A supply of "no dog fouling" notices have been received, the Chairman distributed these to Councillors to be placed appropriately around the Village. The Assistant Enforcement Officer, BCKL&WN would try to visit the village to monitor the situation. He did intimate that the best way to deal with the problem is for a prosecution to take place. A further notice to be placed in The Pump and on the Notice Board asking residents to be vigilant.

j) Village Hall - Wells Homes have now removed the old petrol pumps which was mainly due to Mrs Holton's liaison with Wells Homes following her accident.

k) Drains Wretton Road - there still appears to be a problem - the Clerk to request an update from Highways

l) CCTV Camera at the Hill - a member of the public has offered to supply a camera, Grampians have agreed to pay the electricity costs involved - hopefully this will be sorted out soon. . It was pointed out that if a camera were installed an appropriate notice would be required stating one was in use.

m) High Street Barriers - following agreement at the last meeting to replace like with like, the Chairman had received letters from the residents in this area stating they would prefer the Oak Bollards. The Chairman put to the meeting that these should have horizontal metal bars between them to prevent motorbikes etc going on to the footpath. The Chairman asked the councillors to vote on four options 1) like with like, 2) oak bollards only, 3) oak bollards with metal inserts, 4) nothing at all. The majority vote was for option 3. Highways to be informed of this decision. It was also agreed to ask if the barrier by Grampians buildings on Lynn Road could be replaced in the same manner.

n) Cars Parking in Whittington Road and Car on the Common overnight. There had been no comment from the police in respect of cars parking without lights. When the Common had been visited by the police patrol they had not seen anyone sleeping in a car. The Clerk to inform the police that there are still people sleeping in a car on the Common, they have been seen there very early in the morning between 6.30am - 8.00am.

o) Drains Boughton Road - these still appear to be blocked/not coping with water. The Clerk to contact Highways again.

p) Kerbs Buckenham Drive - no update received from CC White. The Clerk to contact Highways asking the current position regarding this matter.

q) Cemetery Grass Cutting - a meeting was held with Mr Glover of CGM, the Chairman, Mr Mycock and the Clerk to discuss complaints and grass cutting in general. Mr Glover will monitor the situation and the Chairman agreed to appoint a parish council representative to meet the operatives on grass cutting days. Mr Precey agreed to take on this role.

q) Articulated Lorries in Boughton Road - it was reported there seemed to be fewer attempting to find the wood yard along this route. The situation to be monitored.

r) Dogs in Playing Fields - Currently there is only one sign "no dogs allowed", it was suggested that there should be on on each entrance to the playing fields. This to be discussed at the next meeting of the Playing Field Committee.

s) Metal Post in Wretton Road - the Chairman inspected this - it should apparently have a 30mph disk which has been removed. The Clerk to ask Highways to have this replaced.

t) Quad bikes - the police had not seen any unlicensed quad bikes on their visits to the village.


Following the meeting with CGM the Chairman had requested a quotation for a one off tidy up of the Cemetery, this is in the sum of £365.00 plus VAT. It was unanimously agreed this be accepted.


Planning application for Demolition of existing buildings on site at land at Lynn Road - approved by PC

Planning application for construction of mixed housing development consisting of eight 3, 4 and 5 bed dwellings of two and three storey construction at land in Lynn Road. Approved by PC subject to parking for the village hall being taken into consideration.

Grant of Planning Permission - 3 dwellings and double garage for the Tower Mill Boughton Road

Refusal of Planning Permission - dwelling following demolition of existing barn at The Old Granary High Street

Stoke Ferry Parish Plan Update/Questionnaire Prize Draw:

Mr Precey informed the meeting that 451 Questionnaires had been delivered, 277 returned making a 61% response which was very pleasing. All the information had now been entered onto a database, it will then be translated into a readable format for the final publication which will hopefully be ready by the early part of 2007. The Chairman thanked the members of the Steering Committee, consisting of Mrs Holton (Chair), Mr Precey, Mrs Cross, Mr Summers, Mrs Hull, Mrs Clements, Mr Bodle, Mrs Hardy and Mr Thompson (now resigned) for all the hard work they had undertaken in this massive project.

The Draw then took place - the winner of the £25 was D E Flannigan of Oxborough Road

Payments for Approval:

James Bradfield School - £11.90 - Hire of Hall October

Royal British Legion - £25.00 - Donation/Wreath

Mrs C Hardy - £396.24 - 1/4 Salary to end November 2006

Mrs C Hardy - £52.09 - 1/4 Expenses to end November 2006

D E Flannigan - £25.00 - Stoke Ferry Parish Plan Questionnaire Prize Draw Winner

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance November/December

James Bradfield School - £11.90 - Hire of Hall November

Mrs Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs Mendoza


BCKL&WN Returning Officer - no election had been called for, the PC to fill the vacancy as soon as possible by co-option.

Western Area Mobile Police Office - Dates for the visit of the Mobile Police Van for January - June 2007

BCKL&WN Environmental Health & Housing - copy of Application for Grant of a Premises Licence for the Village Hall

BCKL&WN Building Control Service - Change of name of property Sivet Firs Wretton Road to Bramley End.

Councillors Other Business:

Mrs Leamon reported that the collapsed drain on land between 11-12 Buckenham Drive still not been repaired. The Clerk to contact the Borough again.

Fairfield Road - cars driving over the grass verges churning up all the grass. The Clerk to contact Freebridge Housing

Mr Precey - asked if there could be additional bus stops in the village, in particular by the Bluebell Lynn Road, near the School Wretton Road and along Bridge Road. The Clerk to make enquiries to find out whether this is a possibility or not.

Post Boxes - could more post boxes be provided in the village, ie near the School Wretton Road and Bridge Road particularly with the new development to take place on the old wood yard. The Clerk to write to the Post Office.

Mr Summers - parking at village hall when the new development takes place will be dangerous, the Clerk to write to the Planning Department to point out the problems in this area asking them to take this into consideration when considering the current planning application.

Mr Ferrie - Remembrance Sunday, there was only himself and his daughter plus one other person to lay the wreath at the War Memorial, he felt that next year more should be made of this day in the village. At the appropriate time a note be put in The Pump.

Budget - the Clerk asked Councillors if there was any project or expenditure they would like considered for inclusion in the budget which would be prepared for the next meeting in January. Mrs Mann put forward a proposal for a sum to be included for the Playing Fields towards the very high public liability insurance they have to pay. The chairman was not in favour of this being permanently in the budget, the Clerk will therefore prepare to sets of figures for consideration giving a comparison of the precept that would be required.

Public Other Business:

When Wells Homes removed the old Petrol Pumps did they remove the tanks at the same time. The Clerk to write to Wells Homes asking for clarification on this matter.

Furlong Road parking - this has arisen on several occasions - there is not much that can be done, the police are not in favour of double yellow lines, it is a matter for drivers to park/drive responsibly on this or any other road in the village.

If the PC are not satisfied with the current grass cutting contract why not contact local people, or those having to carry out community service work.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.09pm

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10 January 2007 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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