War Memorial Gary Trouton


November 2006

The minutes of the October meeting of Stoke Ferry Residents' Association

Meeting held on 4 October 2006

1. Welcome: the Chairman (Joyce Hull) welcomed those present: Daphne Clements, Carol Hunter, John Preston, Ellen Spain, Debroy Summers, Val Summers, Helaine Wyett (Secretary)

2. Apologies: none.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting (21/8/06) agreed as a correct record (proposed DC, seconded ES).

4. Matters Arising

It was confirmed that the Parish Council was asked for permission to put up posters advertising the Festival and that these were removed as soon as possible after the event.

DS read letters of thanks received from the Environment Agency and a representative of the Classic Caravans.

5. Finance report

JH circulated copies of Income and Expenses accounts resulting from the Festival, with thanks to ES for typing them. It was noted that grants totalling £6920 had been received and additional income from the Festival amounted to £1083.90. Expenses to date were £6023.53 but there were outstanding expenses known amounting to approximately £150. It was agreed that, from the surplus, £1000 should be 'ring-fenced' for next year's Festival. Any other money could be used for the benefit of Stoke Ferry residents. JH agreed to contact Nfk Rural Community Council to find out if they required actual receipts or copies with regard to proof of matched funding. It was noted that no sponsorship money had been received from Grampian but it was acknowledged that they had provided the field for car parking and had been generally supportive. No money had, as yet, been received from the Harvest Fayre funds although a sum of money had been agreed.

JH was congratulated on her hard work and she, in turn, thanks Committee members for their work and support.

It was noted that two new members had joined the SFRA and that there were now approximately 30 paid up members. However, it was noted that many former members understood that renewal took place at the AGM.

Discussion took place on the aims of the Association and the Secretary agreed to contact Ray Thompson (the former secretary) to confirm the details of the Constitution. It was agreed that this might be reviewed. Further it was questioned what were the benefits of membership. It was agreed that a newsletter should be issued to members once or twice a year: DC/DS/ES offered to help prepare and circulate.

6. Dates for next Festival

JH reported that the West Norfolk Music Festival was proposed for the week commencing Friday 14 September and had asked that the Stoke Ferry Festival conclude. It was agreed that it would take place on 22/23 September 2007.

7. Any Other Business

Discussion took place on communication regarding meetings. DS/ES agreed to inform all concerned about forthcoming meetings. It was noted that the Festival sub-committee was keen to continue and minutes of their formal meetings would be circulated to SFRA committee.

It was agreed that a concert be held on Thursday 7 December with Singers Inspired and an appropriate supporting act from the West Norfolk Music group. KHH had kindly agreed to the use of the church, with a small input towards cost of heating. Expenses and income to be shared. Mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls to be provided. Also piper and hot chestnuts outside the church. It was agreed that ticket price could not be agreed upon as cost of WNMS artist(s) as yet unknown.

It was agreed that Steve Bartrum of The Millers be involved in planning forthcoming events as he was in a position to provide various facilities. DS to enquire if toilets might be available for the above concert.

JP reported that, due to pressure of work, he would be resigning from the Parish Council and would be absent from SFRA meetings, but would continue to be actively involved in events.

8. Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 1 November, 7.30pm,

Andromeda Lodge.

AGM: Tuesday 12 December 7.30pm. Mulled wine and mince pies to be available. (DS to enquire availability of church).

The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Helaine Wyett

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