Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council

August 2006

Minutes of the June meeting of the Stoke ferry Parish Council


Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 21 June 2006

1. Those Attending: Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Mr J Preston, Mr M Precey, Mr M Mycock, County Councillor T White, Borough Councillor T Manley, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) 8 members of the public.

2.Apologies: Were received from Mrs M Leaman, Mr D Summers, Mr M Ferrie (Chairman) and PC Jackson

Mrs T Mann (Vice Chair) chaired the meeting.

3.Declaration of Interest: None

4.Minutes of the last Meeting: County Councillor T White proposed the Minutes be adopted seconded by Mr M Precey.

5.Matters Arising:

a)The "No Motorised Vehicles Sign" which had been erected on the Common had been pulled out and was missing. This was eventually found and now needs re-fixing in place. Mr Mycock and County Councillor White kindly agreed to sort this out.

b)Caravans - nothing further heard from Planning since last meeting, Clerk to make contact before next meeting.

c) Village Liaison Meeting - following the last meeting various letters had been sent requesting feedback in relation to the data sheets sent to Dr Rees - the Parish Council have now been advised to make contact with the Environment Agency in Huntingdon. The Clerk to write to them.

d) Bridge Road - County Councillor White had met with Highways and informed the meeting that a Bridge Engineer will be inspecting the Culvert. The footpath between the Bridge and Whittington would be levelled. This work would be carried out as and when funding was available. With regard to widening footpaths for easier access for wheelchairs, unfortunately this would not be possible because of the already narrow roads. The dyke by the school was to be lowered.

Buckenham Drive - work to lower the kerbs has been programmed.

e)Disabled Bus Stops - these were now in place apart from one. County Councillor White queried the fact the metal posts had been placed in the middle of the footpaths making it impossible for wheelchairs and buggies to get past, also pedestrians could knock into them. County Councillor White to look at the positioning of these posts. Letter to be sent to Planning and Transportation.

Mr Ferrie and Mr Summers joined the meeting

f)Village Hall - The Clerk had spoken to the builders and was informed that work to clear the site was to be started shortly, specialist asbestos clearance to take place. No decisions yet on the type and style of buildings, still in consultation with various bodies.

g) Village Plan - Following the public meeting on 24 May a Steering Committee had been set up, who would report to the Parish Council from time to time on progress.

h)Footpath between Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive - the condition of this had been reported but nothing done yet, a reminder to be sent.

i) Mr Mycock informed the meeting that it was an offence to drive more than 15' on to the Common from the roadway.

j) The Common - still problems with cars and mini motorbikes driving round and round churning up the grass and generally causing a nuisance. Public should report any occurrence to the police with registration numbers if possible.

k) The Common - non collection of rubbish. The Clerk had been in touch with the Service Team and also the Head of Waste and Recycling. The problem seems to be that the current bin is chained to a post, the key now not available, and the collection team will not just pick up black bags they must be able to physically pick up the rubbish bin. Councillor Manley to look into this problem.

l) Naming of Roads - The Clerk had been in touch with Property Services, road naming is normally decided between Borough Planning and Developer and then in conjunction with postal services, there is a legal requirement for this to be done. Parish Councils can deal with naming and numbering roads, an information pack was circulated to Councillors. It was agreed that the Clerk should look into this further.

m)Layout for meeting - it was decided that for this meeting the Councillors would turn to face the public when the meeting was opened up for public comments. As from the next meeting the layout will be changed.

6.Adoption of Annual Accounts:

The Statement of Assurance and Financial Regulations and Financial Risk Assessment were understood and agreed. Mr Precey proposed adoption of the accounts seconded by Mr Ferrie.

7.Notice Board:

Since the last meeting the notice board had once again been vandalised, this had been reported to the police. The Councillors had been circulated a number of quotations for varying types of notice boards, but felt they were all far too expensive. The Clerk was requested to obtain further quotations, possible suggestion were Len Giles, Bonnetts and Weylands Prison.


Mr Mycock reported a large building being erected at a bungalow in Bridge Road for which a planning application had not been received. The Clerk to contact Planning regarding this.

Conversion of redundant agricultural barn to dwelling and erection of shed at Barn Oxborough Road - approved by Parish Side and rear extension to dwelling at Acacia House Wretton Road - approved by Parish and Grant of Planning Permission received

Continued siting of mobile classroom for pre-school use at Stoke Ferry & District Community Centre Wretton Road - approved by Parish and Grant of Planning Permission received

Grant of Outline Planning Permission - construction of 3 dwellings following demolition of existing garage at Sandralan Lynn Road

Planning Application - Acknowledgement of Withdrawal - construction of 3 detached bungalows at land South West of Cullens Cottage and Kelwood Boughton Road

Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 2/89/2925/F: removal of agricultural restriction Boughton Farm House Boughton Road - approved by Parish

Conservatory extension to dwelling at Wyn Bury Bridge Road -approved by Parish

Construction of two detached bungalows at land adjoining Cullens Cottage Boughton Road - 50% approval 50% refusal by Parish

Grant of Outline Planning Permission - construction of dwelling at 25 Bradfield Place

Only just received and plans being circulated to Councillors:

Alterations and extension to dwelling at Marllyn Lynn Road

Construction of 3 dwellings and a double garage for the Tower Mill at land north of The Tower Mill Boughton Road

9.Payments for Approval:

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance May/June

Shaw & Sons Ltd - £14.69 - Supply of Internment Notices

MHB Services Ltd - 65.78 - Lighting Maintenance June/July

Mrs C Hardy - £396.24 - 1/4 Salary to end May

Mrs C Hardy - £41.70 - 1/4 Expenses to end May

Mr M Precey proposed approval for payment seconded by Mr M Ferrie


Victim Support Norfolk - requesting donation for their cause. It was agreed the Parish Council unable to make a donation.

Norfolk Constabulary - Advising dates and times for visits to the village of the Mobile Police Office, these have been placed on the Notice Board, the Post Office and in the Village Pump. It was also pointed out that the Post Office was a Police Information Point.

e-on Energy - advising that as from 1 June 2006 the new annual charge for street lighting would be £532.84.

BCKL&WN Building Control Service - regarding street numbering in Wretton Road where there are two sets of 1-8 on either side of the road. The Clerk to respond with the suggestion that one side of the road should have the addition of "A" following the number. Using house names is confusing for everyone.

11.Councillors Other Business:

a) County Councillor White raised the question of the Garden of Remembrance at the Cemetery, it was agreed that Mr Mycock and himself will visit the site and draw up a plan to be submitted to the next meeting.

b) Councillor Manley had been unable to attend many meetings during the last year, but hoped he would now be in a position to be more available.

c) The question was raised as to whether Wells Homes should have planning permission to demolish buildings etc on the site near the village hall. Councillor Manley to look into this.

d) Mr Mycock pointed out the trees near Favor Parker depot in Furlong Drove were growing over the footpath. The Clerk to write to Highways.

e) Mr Mycock also mentioned hedges from properties in Boughton Road were growing over the footpath. The Clerk to write to the owners of these properties.

f) County Councillor White mentioned trees on the by-pass from Furlong Drove were in the sight line of lorry drivers cabs and need cutting back. Also the road surface at the end of Furlong Drove very bad. The Clerk to write to Highways.

g)Mr Preston on behalf of the Stoke Ferry Residents Association invited the members of the Council to the Stoke Ferry Festival on 17 September, it would be an ideal opportunity for residents to meet with Parish Councillors. He also made a request for a donation towards the costs of the Festival. This to be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.

12Public Other Business

a) The request made at the last meeting for the layout of the room to enable members of the public to hear the Councillors rather than looking at their backs had not been carried out. It was agreed that as from then next meeting in August this would be done.

b) The road signs for Bradfield Place and Boughton Road have been taken down and need replacing. The Clerk to contact Borough.

c) Because of continuing problems the question was raised as to who is responsible for the Common - the Parish Council have taken on responsibility. Residents living in River Drove have been particularly troubled by youngsters in cars with loud music playing, mini motorbikes tearing up and down the roadway. Also vehicles churning up the Common. As this is a police matter, residents should report all incidences to the police. The Clerk will also remind them of the continuing problems.

d) The lay-by at Shop in Lynn Road was raised - as the Vice-Chair would have to declare an interest in this matter it will be added to the Agenda for the next meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm

13.Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 2 August 2006 commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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