West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of West Dereham Annual PC Mtg

June 2006

West Dereham elects their leaders for the next year.

Minutes of the West Dereham Annual Parish Council Meeting held following the Parish Meeting in the Village Hall in 11th May 2006.

1. Present: Miss Richardson - Chairperson, Mrs. Fisher, B. Glover, M. Grief, Mrs. Cann, Mrs. Berry, R. Drew together with 4 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Mrs. D. Moir - Borough Councillor.

3. Election of Chairman: The Clerk asked for nominations and Miss Richardson was proposed by M. Grief and seconded by B. Glover, there were no other nominations and Miss Richardson was duly elected.

4. Election of Vice Chairman: The Chairperson asked for nominations and Mrs. Fisher was proposed by M. Grief and seconded by B. Glover, there being no other nominations Mrs. Fisher was duly elected.

5. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th April 2006 be signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising: Miss Richardson reported that as there were 116 pages in the DEFRA Guide it was better to request a copy than to down load from the Internet - this has been done. Mr. French has agreed to be the Parish Council Allotments Liaison Officer. The clerk confirmed that she had been told by the County Council that Station Road was going to be surface dressed this year and that repairs and remedials would be carried out prior to the Surface Dressing.

7. Planning: None

8. Payments: None

9. Adoption of Accounts: These were adopted as presented as proposed by Mrs. Fisher and seconded by M. Grief.

10. Appointment of R.F.O: It was proposed by Mrs. Berry and seconded by R. Drew that the Clerk be the Responsible Financial Officer - agreed.

11 Review of Burial Fees: It was agreed that all fees would be increased by £5. 00 as proposed by Mrs. Berry and seconded by M. Grief- agreed.

12 Review of Insurances: These are to remain as they are for this year.

13. Correspondence: St. Andrews Church - letter of thanks for the donation. Norfolk County Association of Parish & Town Councils - meeting to be held 15th June 2006 at Swaffham at a cost of £15.00 per head - Mrs. Fisher to attend and Parish Council to pay her fee. W.N.B.C. - National Planning Considerations- document to be passed around Councillors who will digest, initial and pass on. Norfolk Police - amalgamation with Suffolk and Cambridgeshire - Mrs. Cairn has the document. N.C.C. Mobile Library timetable. Tapping House Hospice - request for donation -noted.

14. Any Other Business: The Cemetery Gates need repainting and Mr. French is to be asked if he would carry out the task. Fast Track tractors are exceeding the speed limit in the Village along Lime Kiln Road and Church Road.

The meeting closed at 7.48p.m.

Parish Clerk

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