West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West dereham PC Minutes

May 2006

Minutes of the April Meeting of West Dereham PC

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council held on Thursday

13th April 2006 at 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall.

1. Present: Miss Richardson - Chairperson, B. Glover, M. Grief, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cairn, Mrs. Fisher together with 9 members of the public.

2. Apologies: None

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2006 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: Allotments - there is a new tenant - Mr. Whing. Co-option of Councillor: The application in front of the Parish Council was from Russell Drew and it was unanimously agreed that he be co-opted. Planning Application: B.S.C. plc - Screening & Bagging Plant and Sugar Storage Unit - Mrs. Cairn had requested additional information and had written her objections to the Parish Council - the letter was read, the matter discussed and a vote was taken

- it was recommended for approval.

5.Planning Decision: Community Centre - Change of use to residential dwelling -refused.

6. Payments: Cornhill Ins. £404.60 : T.B. Bonnett £102.37 : R.C. French £37.54 : J.W. Allan £470.00 - proposed by Mrs. Cairn, seconded by M. Grief- pass for payment.

7. Correspondence: N.C.C. Road Closure - 30th April to ~ May - part Station Road -for resurfacing and passing place construction - clerk to ascertain where the passing place is planned. Defra - Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 - Miss Richardson is going to download the Guide. Age Concern - help with names of reliable workmen is available - notice to be placed in Notice Board. N.C.C.Bridleway No. 13 (Part) Diversion Order 2005 - noted. Norfolk Rural Community Council - Invitation to Chairperson to attend the Annual Garden Party.

Actions: None

8. Any Other Business: After a discussion it was agreed that a donation of~100.00 be made to the P.C.C. Clerk to ask the County Council what works are planned for Station Road from Stocks Bridge to the old Chequers and Abbey Lodge to Abbey View. A report has been received about mud on Lime Kiln and Bath Roads - it is hoped that the farmers in question will soon either put out Mud on Road Notices, finish the work or clean up their mud. Mr. French is to be asked if he would be Allotments Liaison Officer on behalf of the Council. Mrs. Cairn volunteered to paint the new Village Sign to match the original as soon as the weather warms up.A Parishioner requested that the chairs be arranged differently at Parish Council meetings - this was agreed. A complaint was made about filled skips on a lorry and a trailer advancing towards Glazewing's yard. Again the Transport Manager - Mr. Burgess - reiterated that it would be appreciated if complaints could be notified to the Company at the time of the incident and that ALL complaints are taken seriously.

The meeting closed at 9.05p.m.

Parish Clerk

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