War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry PC Minutes - March

May 2006

March Minuted from Stoke ferry PC


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 March 2006

Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mr Mycock, Mrs T Man, Mr M Precey, Mr J Preston, Miss S Weedon, Mr D Summers, Mr T White, Mrs M Leamon, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), PC Dave Jackson and 15 members of the public.

Apologies: Were received from Councillor T Manley

Declaration of Interest None

The Chairman started the meeting with any questions or problems relating to police issues. Mr Summers reported that traffic was still speeding through the village along Bridge Road. Traffic at Swaffham were aware of this problem and it was being monitored. It was reported that a mini-motorbike had been travelling up and down Oak Road at 2.am, it had also been seen in Fairfield Road and Manor Road, what is the law with regard to these machines. PC Jackson stated they must be taxed and insured and the riders must wear helmets. He would look into this problem.

A member of the public raised the question of bicycles being ridden on the footpaths. PC Jackson said it was felt that young children and elderly people should be allowed to ride on footpaths for safety reasons, but children ten years and over plus adults should not be doing so, perhaps the school could remind the older children not to ride on the footpaths.

PC Jackson advised the meeting that he was now the Police Liaison Officer as PC Paul Smith had moved on to another area.

Minutes of the last Meeting: Mr Precey proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mrs Mann.

Matters Arising:

a) Bus Shelter - Repairs now completed.

b) Great Mans Way - The Countryside Access Development Officer has agreed that a new "Public Right of Way Sign" is to be erected at the start of the footpath, also a route plan will be displayed for a short time. There was considerable discussion on the matter of access, the owners of the properties adjacent to the footpath attended the meeting and kindly answered questions put to them but as there is a court case pending and it was felt that the discussion could not continue further until the outcome of the case was known. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Countryside Access Development Officer to ask how we stand regarding access to the Charity Land and to confirm the exact route, the letter to be copied to County Councillor White.

c) Lighting - The cost of extra lighting in the village would be approximately £1000 per unit, the Parish Council could not afford such expense on its current precept.

d) The All Motorised Vehicles Prohibited sign for the Common has been received. Mr Precey and Mr Ferrie to visit the area to install the sign in an appropriate position.

e) Caravans: Meadow View Bridge Road - Application for Certificate of Lawful Development submitted and is pending. Cherry Tree Farm Bridge Road - Application submitted and refused. Waiting contact from owner re what it is currently being used for/new inspection will be appropriate. Oxborough Road a further visit to site will be undertaken.

Village Plan

The Clerk informed the meeting that funding for a Stoke Ferry Village Plan had been approved. The next step is to arrange a public meeting and appoint a Steering Committee. Janice Howell of Norfolk Rural Community Council will attend the meeting and give a presentation. It was suggested to arrange this for one evening during week commencing 22 May 2006.

Village Liaison Committee Meeting

This was attended by Mr Ferrie and Mrs Mann - there had been no complaints about the factory since the last meeting. The volume was down by 20% allowing more time for hygiene and maintenance. A question was raised regarding comments on the IPPC applications from the doctor, Favor Parker had not received any response. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Dr Rees asking why there has been no response or comment from him. Minutes will be circulated in the Diplomatic Bag.


Withdrawal of planning application for construction of 3 dwellings at Sandralan Lynn Road

Payments for Approval:

James Bradfield School - £11.60 Hire of Room - March 2006

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance March/April

BCKL&WN - £34.90 - Cemetery Rates 2006/2007

Ron Challis - £540.00 - Repairs to Bus Shelter

IRS Ltd - £73.79 - New Sign for Common

Mrs M Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs T Mann


Age Concern West Norfolk advising of services that can be offered to local people - Decorating, Gardening and Handyperson Project.

PC Paul Smith advising he is no longer Liaison Officer for Stoke Ferry

Mr & Mrs D Kelly regarding access issues at Great Mans Way

Councillors Other Business:

a) Mr White referred to the condition of Bridge Road by the Culvert where it appears the ground under the tarmac has been washed away,. The Clerk to write to Highways.

b) A phone call had been received from Mr Hesketh-Harvey regarding a new bus stop which was to be erected outside his house, he felt the road was too narrow at this point. After considerable discussion it was agreed to write to NCC Planning and Transportation Department requesting that the bus stop should be sited near the village sign/small garden.

Public Other Business

a) A point was raised about the width of footpaths, particularly from Bridge Road to the centre of the village, that they were not wide enough for disabled persons in wheelchairs to get around without having to go on the road which is dangerous.

b) Cars parking outside the Village Hall was raised again.

c) The footpath in Bridge Road to the roundabout has only been repaired for part of its length.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 10 May 2006 commencing at 7.00pm, followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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