Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

February 2006

Minutes of the West Dereham PC's monthly meeting

held on Thursday

13th January 2006 in the Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.

1. Present: Miss Richardson - Chairperson, Mrs. Cann, Mrs. Berry and 4 members of the public.

2. Apologies: M. Grief, Mrs. Fisher and B. Glover.

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the minutes of the ~ December 2005 meeting be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: It was agreed that as no definite decisions/arrangements have yet been made regarding a seat in memory of E. Drew the Parish Council would wait a while before doing anything. The County Council wrote and confirmed the working hours of Glazewing and amount of money which had been spent on Station Road. The Can Bank has been repaired, emptied and replaced. Water ponding in Basil Road - works have been planned and hopefully will commence next week. Speed checks -the Police have confirmed that checks will be made in the Ryston Road,/The Row! Lime Kiln Road areas and the results notified to the Parish Council.

5. Planning Applications: T. Jackson, Woodstock Farm, Wereham - continued use of touring caravan site and construction of Toilet Block.

M.D. Consents Division - Rebuild of overhead 33Kv line Downham Market to Wereham. Both applications are recommenced for approval.

6. Planning Decisions: I.M. Cable - Four Jays, Hilgay Road - sub division of dwelling to form two dwellings approved.

B.S.C. Wissington - Screening, Blending, Storage and Packaging of Topsoil -approved.

7. Payments: C.G.M. £696.56 : Norfolk Rural Community Council £15.00 - proposed by Mrs. Cairn and seconded Mrs. Berry - pass for payment.

8. Correspondence: Signpost: Mr. J. Lewis requesting consideration when grass cutting tender is due : N.C.C. Bridleway No. 13 (Part) Diversion Order 2005 Bridleway Dedication Agreement : Norfolk Matters - all noted. Letter from Mr. Butler of Downham Market asking if there are any vacant Allotments and if he could be considered.

9. Actions: None

10. Charity Donations: As Mrs. Fisher raised this matter and was unable to attend the meeting for health reasons it was agreed to defer discussions until the next meeting.

11. Any Other Business: Pot Holes - each side of the Old School on Church Road, opposite the Old Chapel in Station road and in Lime Kiln Road. Large lorries have eroded the verges on both sides of the road in the Row near Horseshoe Farm and on the old Chapel corner causing muddy verges and pot holes. There are various pot holes in Station Road and the surface is cracking in places - the clerk is to contact the County Council regarding all the Highway matters. It was reported that Glazewing lorry drivers are now blowing their vehicle horns and shaking fists at local residents who do not move out of! off the road when they are travelling along same. After a lengthy discussion regarding Station Road it was agreed that a Road Action Group should be formed and backed by the Parish Council.

Meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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