Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes (November)

January 2005

Minutes from Wereham PC

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

held on Thursday 25th November 2004 in the

Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.

1. Present: E. Drew - Chairman, M. Grief, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Cairn, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Fisher, B. Glover together with 6 members of the public.

2. Apologies: None

3. Minutes: It was proposed by B. Glover and seconded by Mrs. Cairn that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th October 2004 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: The Allotment hedge has been cut but the untenanted Allotments still need to be cleared. The rabbit fencing along the allotment side of the new footpath has been abandoned for the time being. The DECEMBER MEETING date has been changed due to the Village Hall not being available. THE DECEMBER MEETING WILL NOW BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 15th IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE AT 8.OOp.m.

5. Planning: Glazewing Ltd. Steel Frame Building /Extension for scrap car de-pollution - recommend approval.

6. Payments: Royal British Legion £34.50: West Dereham Plant Ltd £105.75: West Norfolk M.E. Support £10.00 - Proposed Mrs. Cann seconded M. Grief - pass for payment.

7. Correspondence: Norfolk Matters: Signpost: Code of Conduct: - all noted. Alfred McAlpine Street Lighting Maintenance contract not to be renewed but Pearce and Kemp Ltd to be asked for a written quotation and contract. Audit Commission confirmed our reserve balances were high and they needed an explanation before 'signing off' the accounts.

8. Any Other Business: The Chairman confirmed that Norfolk County Council are expecting the have the West Dereham roadworks completed by 3rd December 2004. Mrs. Cann notified the meeting that there will be a midnight Mass at St. Andrews Church on the 24th December 2004 starting at 11.OOp.m. The Chairman is to ask Norfolk County Council if is possible to have erected a Hump Backed bridge sign near the Garage in Church Road. Station Road is beginning to break up again, Lime Kiln Road has some bad areas and Bath Road is in a very bad state on the bends. The Cemetery is to be extended and the Chairman and B. Glover are going to inspect to ascertain how much more land is required and what needs to be done to it. A parishioner saw a vehicle stop and dump a quantity of wood in Lime Kiln Road and he reported same to the Police together with the vehicle registration number.

The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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